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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic (33)


Recognize the hidden cosmic message

Notice rising above a "problem" expands perception into higher dimensions so one sees beyond it. Einstein echoes 'no problem can be solved at the same level of consciousnes that created it.' To feel into the big galactic picture requires we detach from 3D reality. If you accept the 3D pandemic narrative, or allow emotion, fear and ego to drive you, then you miss the nature of cosmic events leading to even bigger energetic transformations at-hand. ( Thus, the instigating of 3D "distractions.") Imagine this is not about ‘raising the vibration of the 3D’. This 3D reality may be viewed as a standing wave of Separation Consciousness within the Universal Torus. It’s the Unity Consciousness of the Soul that raises in vibration, just as Gaia is doing now. Each Soul chooses to surf certain streams of consciousness and exit the fun-nel on its own terms. Imagine the Earth is to be cleansed in a ball of fiery plasma. High vibrational life does not survive the 3D as it diverges. Souls choose to leave as streams of light emerging in varied directions. Through awareness, one sees an energetic web that streams of light flow out through or merge into. Its like a pulsating resonance of interweaving light (what some have called a “5D Crystalline Grid”) Plasma beings will indeed survive this shift in the lower densities and have the purpose to support the lower dimensional earth grid following the cleansing. The build-up of cosmic energies is echoed in the unravelling of the consensus construct of the Old Earth. At the perfect moment, we will experience what Jim Henson presents as a meatphor in the Dark Crystal- the Great Conjunction comes! This Event points to the convergence of the Galactic, Solar and Earth Pole Shift Cycles. Seeing from this point of view helps to reframe and to accept the energetic process within. Simply unravel and let go of fixed beliefs and ties to the Old 3D Paradigm. It's inviting alignment of 4 key centres of consciousness: your own soul, Gaia, the Solar Logos and the galactic core. Whether we are truly awake or not, these are all interrelated and moving together. At this stage, the physical world may assume a more wave-like quality. The fading of the magnetic field softens the qualities of the physical. (I see this as periodic undulating ground beneath my feet or blurring of vision to refocus on the energetic). This is a natural occurrence for those NOT in fear as the Earth’s Pole Shift draws nearer. The state of one's perception simply reflects a choice of direction to flow. So, stay in fear-based reality or shift into a higher vibrational existence. No more sitting on the fence. Then, it hits! I sense a building stream of plasma energy growing and splitting in the field. This is heavily reshaping landscape of 3D Earth as key cosmic cycles complete.  Moving beyond thought allows deep trust, surrender to True Nature.


Decode solar events

(Digital art by Tatiana Plahkova)
Notice solar events echo we are gathering and integrating more and more cosmic codes into our being. This awakens dormant senses, systems and upgrades our abilities to see more of what is unfolding from an expansive cosmic view. We are catching up with what part of us is already doing or being in higher energy states. Telepathy is coming online. Deja-vu is no longer about past and present. As we connect with more of True Self, we tune into our movements between timelines with deeper awareness. We shift from seeing dream recall in linear terms to expand into streams of energy. Everything is lining up. We see where things are heading before we get here. As we raise our frequency, we receive more information, see clearly what we are doing, flowing through and between dimensions. We can interface with trees, plants and flowers in Nature and suddenly sense we travel through them. We come to see ourselves as a bridge between worlds, a receiver adn transmitter of energetic information we use to expand. We say telportation, remote viewing, streams of consciousness, and see ourselves travelling along energetic grids. This is expanding our cosmic memory, altering how we view ourselves in this and other timelines, where we have lived and are living, which bodies we have held and what we see unfolding now. As we heighten our sensitivities, we notice what is beyond words. Each experience is equally important in the process or remembering True Being. As open Source within evolves, we always function based on level of consciousness. We never interact with anything we are not ready for. We can move through any dimension or timeline. The more light we hold in our body, the more the Truth reveals itself in our awareness. Each of us controls the pace of our own evolution and how closely we listen to intuition. 



Access Your Soul's Purpose

(Image: Lotus Flower of Life)

Notice tuning into heartfelt intuition accesses our ability to know things directly without analytic reasoning. This is the Soul path to connect with deeper divine knowing of who one is and why one exists. The more one trusts oneself, the more the universe gives one reason to trust. As one rises in frequency, it dawns the Soul has access to energetic impressions from all our past lives that are available within our causal body. Its like a metaphysical library of your soul's history. This is the Soul's wisdom. The process of learning to access this information is a fundamental spiritual journey to uncover your Soul's purpose. This is about inner work to understand self, your patterns and working through issues that have not yet been mastered as lessons in Love. As awareness grows, questions arising within guide you on a path of deeper knowing. This is about opening the inner eye to see differently, to seeing and embodying your intrinsic value. Uncover your role in the big picture.


The key to change your life

Notice from a cosmic view, Humanity exists to learn the power of creation and free will. From this view, everything in our physical midst has a frequency slower than the speed of light. Every human being has potenial to function consciously beyond the speed of light. This involves ability to travel metaphysically and know inter-dimensional worlds. Our frequency is mirrored in our reality. As we raise our frequency high enough, we see and interact with what exists beyond detection of physical senses. Those beings who think they are separate from Earth or weather, tend to blame adversity or cataclysms on external forces. To realize all is one consciousness is to realize we do everything to ourselves. This realisation triggers shifts in thought and energy. Taking responsibility means making taking action to reflect new level awareness. As Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see. Toxic thoughts create a toxic world. When we create victim consciousness, we also create victimizer or manipulator. Before collective reality can change (move into higher frequency of experience), we must see each of us is a victim of our own thoughts, a victim of ourselves in the mind. We get out of life the energy we put into it. The human field of negative, fearful, sabotaging energy creates certain experience. Our perception of events and possibilities reflects the energy of our thoughts and feelings. Imagine physical bodies of water reflect the state of our emotions. Are they pure and clean or polluted through your lens? Every moment of our lives, we are creating the thoughts and feelings that translate into our reality. We each affect climate, weather and other unfolding events on Earth. Consciousness affects everything. If we are self-loving, compassionate and peaceful, we create a parallel climate. Every moment, we create our reality with our thoughts and feelings. As we make the unconscious, conscious, we heal our patterns, accelerate our own evolution , activate the light body and strengthen interdimensional communication.


3 Steps to cosmic remembering

Notice 3 key steps cosmic remembering include;

1) a knowing or growing insight into the position of the Earth related to celestial bodies, star and star orientations

2) changing levels of light body activation and opening energy transmission channels (light language coming thru)

3) growing awareness of sacred geometry in relation to every stage of the widely recognized astrological calendar.

With perfect timing, dormant abilities switch on expand consciousness, enable access to interstellar gateways, to facilitate inter-dimensional interaction, to expand our senses & to experience deeper realities.