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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in dimensions (36)


Hear music of the soul

Right now, in the moment, you are ready for anything.  Come what may, you have to be ready.  Behind the scenes, you are the conductor of the whole orchestra.  You can read the music of the world around you and feel your own vibes.  Everything has unique sound vibrations. As much as you love your own music, you can also be inspired to thrive by appreciating good role models. 

Be aware every moment offers opportunities for new inspiration and breakthroughs in areas of your life. You may hold an idea or a vision, like a piece of sheet music in your hands.   Imagine you are conductor of Fantasia. Whatever you do or not is a masterpiece. Reflect on where the music of the wind is taking you, on where you would consciously like to blow in. Ponder who or what is to join you on this journey. The world within and around you is alive with energy and possibilities. How you live, where you go and how, is based on awareness of the music playing in your soul, based on which dimensions and alternatives you notice are open and available to you.


Open into the kaleidoscope

The deepest part of you knows the vibration of a given experience and how it resonates with inner being.  The mind interprets what it sees and thinks meaning into being. A simple stroll in the garden invites you to attune to every aspect of the experience or, be selective about what stands out.  The aromas of flowers may consume your focus.  Perhaps the ladybugs tickle tiny hairs and skin as they crawl up your leg. You may sense the presence of enchanted beings under toadstools or in more obvious places. When a kaleidoscope of butterflies appears and disppears in your scope of awareness, you glimpse openings in dimensions.  You allow and resist.


You are remembering

Right now, you are remembering more.  You are sifting through what you are not and awakening to what you are.  You recognize the witness because you know this is you.  The witness of mind tells you the mind is not you.  You are the light that shines its focus on perception of events.  The light intercepts and interprets glimpses of vibration.  You are the essence of being and non-being.  When you feel emotions or inclinations that seem out of character, you may sense an interdimensional bleedthrough of other aspects of yourself.  The essence of being is in more than one place now.  Dimensions are layered.  You are integrating past/future aspects of you.


See beyond the gap

Many people engage the physical senses and experience two dimensional worlds.  You may sense gaps between things but not physically see them and therefore deduce you are imagning it.  Yet, are you really?

Nobody can tell you what reality is.  You have to find courage to go and look for yourself.  One aligns with innerspace, hyperspace or other worlds based on a willingness to explore gaps in space or understanding. 

Rest assured, other dimensions extend to eternity. Many are holographic and multi-directional. The nature of layers of the inner and outer Matrix reveal themselves as one dematerializes the importance of ego. Choose to journey to that point inside self where you realize the real you is spirit rather than ego.  Be free.


Be aware of nothing

Many people are focused on events that unfold in the external world.  Imagine what occurs as you shift attention from the objects and events you perceive to grow more aware of the space itself.  What if nothing is more life-transforming than noticing this nothing behind the scenes?

Allow yourself to feel the space around you.  To concentrate on nothing triggers internal shifts in awareness.  To be conscious of the space behind your focus, you begin to be aware of the feeling of emptiness or no-mind. Notice the mind cannot hang onto what it cannot conceive.

As you remember how the invisible dimension feels, you begin to remember more.  You also recognize when the real you is unbalanced.  You become more aware of fear, core well-being and what distorts deeper seeing.  Love is. Healing is not required.  Knowing is Cosmic Synchronicity.