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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in dimensions (36)


Everything is inside you

Many people temporarily forget that everything they require is inside them. This is where dreams are devised and from where plans to realize them are projected. You point things out to yourself directly through your visualized sensations. You imagine a whole range of emotions and manifest them into being as experience through different dimensions of reality. Why then, search outside at all?

Part of you resists believing, sensing or knowing that what you experience is contained within the mind.  This same part of you hesitates to accept that your karma or energy has anything to do with discomfort that is unfolding in your scope o awareness. You may empathize with another or, disregard his plight as being in any way related to you.  Could it concern self-love and forgiveness?

Even now, your own teachings emerge from the wisdom mind.  This is not a dream.  You feel what you seek through the palm of your hand.  As you go deeper into the nature of the mind, you discern answers.  You discover they unfold themselves without prompting as you are ready.  This is yet another stage in higher consciousness evolution.  It is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Be conscious beyond body-mind

Many humans reach a crossroads of self-awareness.  Are you going to stay focused on the mind, its linear thought and holographic projections or, open to realize you are infinite, eternal consciousness having an experience? The multi-dimensional self moves effortlessly into different realms of consciousness.  This perciver is not the thinker.

People are educated to ingest ideas. Why? Is it because they are ill-equipped to deal with facts directly?Why avoid abstractions?  The abstractions of time and thought are the root cause of fear.  Let go and liberate the soul. 

The point of perception you choose transforms everything from your mental focus to your state of being. Control systems of education, media, religion and social infrastructure condition people to live based on logical thinking and to focus on limited, mind-body perception. What if you choose to shift inward to paths of higher awareness?

You may forget different kinds of realities exist beyond the visible spectrum, beyond where you are taught to focus physical perception.  To be conscious beyond body-mind, you are willing to open to possibilities unseen, without points of reference.  In essence, you are ready to sense something in nothing: a new stage of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Reach for a new perspective

You may chuckle at the idea of connecting with other dimensions, different ways of seeing or states of being that do not resonate with your current views. How do you respond to the prospect of change?

Reaching for a new level of self-awareness and understanding invites you discern your self-created limitations.  It encourages you to step outside your comfort zone, to take responsibility for yourself.

At this moment, you contemplate some adjustment, a shift in opinion or life change with implications. Notice possible reasons why discomfort and resistance present.  Why do they reach out for you?

Nothing happens without purpose.  You are here for reassurance and guidance and what you feel is a friendly reminder.  Reconnect with your own unconditional state of freedom. Its the sacred grail of love.


The moment is now

The world you have come to sense as your own is not as it appears.  The moment is now to recognize beyond prevailing beliefs and convictions.  They are not you.  The present permits you to sense beyond the limits you create.

More important than what is when you are ready.  Reality is created by neuro chemical signals.  You may be convinced what you see, hear, touch, taste and small create determines reality.  Yet, it all comes down to energy you discern, perceive and interpret.  What are you in the process of now?

1) Gaining greater awareness of timeless reality.

2) Verifying an internal sense of immortality.

3) Sensing accelerated evolution & development.

4) Realizing mind is only part of what makes things real. 

5) Experiencing multiple dimensions more consciously.

6) Bending & breaking rules that shatter conditioning.

7) Obtaining personal answers through remembering.

8) Expanding self-respect, responsibility and acceptance.

9) Moving beyond believeving to experience knowing.

10) Choosing to free the mind of doubt, fear & disbelief.



Steady yourself for expansion

What you are feeling, is what your energy being requires for you to align with an evolutionary spiral.  When your mind is free, your ego is without attachment.  The nature of resistence is falling away.  Learn to surrender all questioning and trust your heart.  No effort is required to permit stillness to come in.

As you reconnect with the knowing of the ancients, you effortlessly connect with universal awareness.  You know what makes sense, where you need to be, and what you need to do.  You sense the body is a vehicle to new dimensions of existence. You recall your most precious commodities. This is more than the light essence of your physicality;

1) Everything you feel is building your inner strength.

2) All you sense reflects a consciousness of unity.

3) Sense the body vehicle is pure compassion & perfection.

4) Make choices that allow you to experience more light.

5) Accept love and permit it to transfigure what you think.

6) Notice inter-galactic doorways are open & beckoning.