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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in eternity (3)


Allow Silence to guide you

Notice this is about shifting or giving attention away from "me" to immense sense of eternity, spaciousness, everylastingness which is always here. It is never absent from anything or anybody. It is not something that someone can give you. This awakeness within cannot be grasped by the mind or the form of the body. The point is what is occupying and moving through the HU-man body. You cannot get yourself out of the centre of being. Silence does this. Only in quiet can 'what is true in you' come to centre stage. The greatest obstacle are the "me"'s addictions- heroin, cocaine, alcohol, technology, trained to be addicted to approval, intensely addicted to approval, to seeking and being loved, to its ideas, its own thinking, opinions, for no particular reason. The mind pretends its something intelligent. We can give the mind things to do and soothe the ego. Love watches the withdrawl, the shifts from additction to addiction and knows no barriers.


What does it take to transform?

Every moment of your life is what you make of it.  The ego mind tells you to decide what to love, whom to love, when to love, under which conditions to love, how to love and what this really encompasses. The mind also says love transforms your life.  To begin with, you might say love and fear shape everything and nothing ...Yet why speak?

Take this opportunity to reflect on the books, people, choices and circumstances that invite you to step back and see the world from a new vantage point.  Notice what stands out.  Does anything in particular capture your attention at this moment and transform your life? What story or revelation would you like to share? Go on!

"I'm saying look, here they come, pay attention. Let your eyes transform what appears ordinary, commonplace, into what it is, a moment in time, an observed fragment of eternity. " - Philip Levine


See beyond the gap

Many people engage the physical senses and experience two dimensional worlds.  You may sense gaps between things but not physically see them and therefore deduce you are imagning it.  Yet, are you really?

Nobody can tell you what reality is.  You have to find courage to go and look for yourself.  One aligns with innerspace, hyperspace or other worlds based on a willingness to explore gaps in space or understanding. 

Rest assured, other dimensions extend to eternity. Many are holographic and multi-directional. The nature of layers of the inner and outer Matrix reveal themselves as one dematerializes the importance of ego. Choose to journey to that point inside self where you realize the real you is spirit rather than ego.  Be free.