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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in emotion (51)


5 Ways to guide the right thing

The soul is part of you that constantly communicates using energy vibation.  This helps shift layers of your attention back to the truth. This meaningful process enriches the real you.

As you go about making choices today, keep 5 things in mind in order to guide you to the right thing at a give moment;

1) To conquer fear and doubt shifts you to love everything.  

2) To nurture faith is to strengthen and enrich soul energy.

3) Learn to feel with your mind and think with the heart.

4) To share experiences empowers others and listens to self.

5)  Trust intuition and unleash more wisdom than you realize.


7 Ways to make core adjustments

Human conditioning encourages you to continue living as you do without question.  Every person can evolve to recognize certain perceptions and behaviours would benefit from changes. Consider 7 ways to make core adjustments;

1) Tackle what you fear. Discomfort and restlessness reveal things that you deny or avoid. When you repress something, it gradually surfaces to reveal itself. As you come to identify the source of your fear, you are empowered to the truth as it is, that fear is all in the mind.

2) Recognize value in extremes. Emotional tailspins suggest you are not dealing with key lessons you incarnate in the physical to learn. To sense intense energy is no accident. It invites you to be more honest.  Anger is always misplaced and urges you shift focus back to love. Extremes point out you misunderstand who you are and why you exist now. Making hasty judgments about senses or emotion expands your insight into the power of fluctuating energy.

3) Re-interpret inner storms. When the mind is quiet and conditioned reactions subside, its easier to make sense of turbulence. Physical choices do not control you and neither does a passing environment. Perceived mistakes and reasons for resentment pave the way for deeper healing. Its an opportunity to review where you are and grasp intrinsic value.

4) Detect ego patterns. Assumptions about ego are misleading. Its not necessary to change who you are in relation to what you experience, only to dissolve negative reactions. One can evolve to discern absolute soul ego reflected through misplaced human ego, grow to act more maturely.

5) Reconnect with soul. As you meditate and take other steps to reach your inner self, you consciously link layers of the mind that are fragmented to delude you. An absence of mental discipline permits the mind to drift and dissociate.

6) Align energy and intuition. This helps one grasp how a soul pre-selects the person with whom to associate in a given incarnation. Despite this, soul does not exert absolute control over the body and must adapt to the personality and internalized conflicts of the body.

7) Tailor how you use energy. To reach a productive phase of contact with soul means you recognize options for energy expression. You shape the direction and intensity of vibration.  How you respond to negativity, whether or not you flinch at difficult conditions that present, determines how much energy remains to be used for other purposes.


4 Ways to move beyond addiction

Addictions are extreme behaviors that arise in a person who believes he is incomplete. People develop compulsive habits for different reasons. Each person is on a healing journey.  If you dream of being anywhere other than where you are, you refuse to believe healing and redemption are available now.

People consume too much of things when they are under the illusion they do not have enough. They over-indulge in activities as they do not consciously feel satisfaction. They behave in ways which they believe compensate for deep-seated fear and perceived lack and yet, a sense of restlessess lingers.

To move beyond unhealthy behavior, a person must evolve to recognize extremes. As you choose to explore reasons why you permit extremes to arise, you also have freedom to explore feelings that perpetuate and dissolve them. The path to wholeness invites you to recognize different sides of yourself;

1) Address the physical level. Based on gender, unless you are a hermaphrodite, you are male or female or what appears to be half of a whole. You are attracted to whatever you sense is missing. Sexual intimacy is one way human beings seek to fill a perceived gap. For many people, this a short-lived experience because the sense of union does not last. A return to oneness raises the issue of energy polarity and why opposites attract.  Certain kinds of love are addictive yet they do no serve you.

2) Examine the emotional level. Addictions arise based on the unconscious refusal to face and work through pain and related issues.  Whatever you are using or doing to an extreme evokes discomfort precisely because it draws your attention to what bothers you underneath all that.  You surpass the threshold where your chosen distraction is no longer effective.  The pain source is more pronounced.  As you move beyond ego substitutes for needs, another part of you awakens.

3) Review the psychological level.  To identify with the mind is to falsely identify with an external sense of self.  In other words, you may create an identity based on your social position, material items, money in your possession, physical appearance, perceived approval and conditioned beliefs.  To deny ego is not the same as choosing to understand why it exists.  As you stop focusing on self, you dissolve reasons for fear.  To consciously empty the mind is to stop resisting what is.  An effective trigger for change is to completely accept others and yourself. Turning off the judge takes you beyond ego. That is, the inner critic and will to punish, dissolves.

4) Explore spiritual connections.  The non-material, non-physical reminds you of the power of presence.  This draws attention to the reality of timelessness.  As you learn to live in the present, you sense unmanifest reality. Part of you yearns for an end to duality.  This is experienced through connecting with everything.  You consciously remove veils of illusion and form to sense pure love.  Suddenly, energy aligns.  You feel it.


5 Ways to recapture the essence of magic

Magic is a topic that evokes all kinds of emotions. Human beings are often at a loss for words to express the power and influence of this concept on their everyday lives. Consider these five ways to recapture the essence of magic now;

1) Magic reflects hindsight. One view invites you to reflect on the evolution of perceived triumphs of modern Science.  Post the seventeenth century, the umbrella of Science absorbed much of what was assumed to be mystical. Magic has become a synonymn for areas of 'imprecise' Science not fully grasped, like astrology, parapsychology, quantum and metaphysics.

2) Magic demystifies nature. Another view suggests magic translates into correspondences among natural phenomena. These include universal laws like polarities, cause and effect, and degrees of energy vibration. Certain mathematical, spatial and multisensual analyses are purported to help control nature. Such unchanging principles help to explain what you are and why you exist. Learning to align and harmonize actions reveals natural abilities you have always had yet, choose to forget.

3) Magic invites confrontation. Another view prompts you to revisit unexplained concepts and the psychology of misunderstanding. Some people prey upon fears, gullibility, and preconditioned beliefs of others. Ask yourself why you would believe or disregard certain happenings that appear to contradict your own conditioning. What prompts you to reduce something that evokes discomfort in you to logical inquiry?

4) Magic explains supernatural miracles. Another view is raises awareness of human abilities to read energy vibration, to employ psychokinesis, telekinesis, and to dialogue with spirit who have passed over. What if your own view of an extraordinary event in the physical world does not surpass all known human or natural powers? What is presumed to be linked to a supernatural cause is a common or normal thing for beings who have reconnected with their inner selves.

5) Magic awakens you to masks of ego. Another view is that magic brings to light the possibility of experiences that contradict and reinforce ego. That is, magic offers a platform to launch fragmented and distorted thinking about illusions through black magic. It also enables you to become more conscious of all your attributes. In the latter, you grow to rise above thought and in the former, you fall beneath it.


Move beyond the Matrix

Some people sense success is basically learning to accept whatever ideas arise in the mind, while recognizing you are a silent observer of what transpires.  Yet, what if the prospect of bending a spoon with the mind is an invitation to step back and recognize that everything is possible with a light heart?

Recall the character Neo in the film The Matrix.  As he begins to let go of doubt, limited view of his physical senses, he deconstructs his memories, and accepts all is possible.  Like Neo, we each become the vibrational equivalent of what we ask for in our world.  Its common to discover we didn't really want what our minds project. Though not everyone chooses to move beyond the Matrix.

How is it a human being can evolve to observe and experience directly without getting influenced by emotion,  and the ego desire to judge?  You may sense heat, pressure, tension and other perceptions, aren't necessarily controlled by your body or mind.  How does that shake your world?  You begin to sense motivation is not required to accept where you are and what you can do.

People are conditioned to focus on steps they think are required to succeed. Yet, who asks you to perform the tasks? Why do anything?  What drives you?  If suffering, fear and desire don't capture your full attention, then you come to observe and master the mind. To stop running backward and forward allows you to savor this moment. 

At a basic level, success is a kind of pure observation.  You needn't be directed or driven by thoughts.  You needn't grasp them intensely or shy away out of fear.  This mindfulness is not indifference. Yet, it means you move beyond ordinary attention.  You discover the nature and underlying motives of thoughts themselves. You unleash a child-like impulse to simply live and love for the joy of it.