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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in healing (39)


What does the medicine man say?

Analysis of dream submitted by Anonymous in Eastern Canada

Dream- A medicine man with colored skin wore a wooden mask and tribal clothes. He hopped barefoot along a series of flat, round stepping stones with a dance to share a message. The stones were set in a line. Then, three clones appeared and veered off in different directions on separate stepping stones. I was unsure if they were dreamweavers (spirit beings sending messages in mental imagery), if this was a glimpse into a past life, or if I was exploring fantasy. One medicine man was more transparent.  He removed his mask and beckoned me to follow.

Predominant Emotions- fear, doubt, courage, love, trust.

Intepretation- Spirit send mesages in dreams. If you sense higher presence, you have good reason. Spirit take whatever form suits their purpose. No symbol is coincidental. They choose imagery, sound and sensations to resonate with deep consiousness. Telepathy is used. Energy vibrates in directions that are not always linear. How you sense energy relates to your level of awareness and attunement to other beings.

Some dream images offer a glimpse into a past life. You can read into metaphors. They evoke things outside immediate beliefs and experience and may alientate you. This said, the main purpose of dreams is to offer guidance for your life now.

The medicine man is known as an emblem for spiritual healing and supernatural power. Shamanism is often relegated to the fringes. Alternative practices, although effective, deviate from widespread cultural beliefs. This raises to the surface reasons for discomfort, fear, approval and negative energy you prefer to ignore or repress. As the result, a series of healing paths are opening to you. While you may hesitate at the crossroads, your soul already knows nothing ever happens unrequested.

Past life dreams aim to bring unhealed feelings to more conscious awareness. These feelings are more important than details of events. If you made certain choices that did not serve you, then you are being given opportunity to request a change in direction to complete unfinished business, that is, another chance to complete a task. You gained a lesson in wisdom.

Masks often portray how you believe other people see you.  They are known to hide one's true self. Its possible you fear others learning your true thoughts, feelings and idenity. To remove a mask is to be willing to love and accept your true self.  Nothing in reality has changed except a decision to heal.


Why bother with astral projection?

Many human beings ask about astral projection. This is where consciousness and astral body separate together from the physical body and enter the astral plane. This one of two planes in the fifth dimension where dreams unfold. As you raise awareness,you begin to realize that many variations and paths are possible for astral travellers. Why does it matter?

Parts of your being inter-communicate through channels of consciousness. During dreams, messages from the brain and psyche are sent to the physical body. Insight travels through the silver, ethereal cord that connects the physical body. It reels the astral in for the awake state until its severed permanently at death. Practical techniques can be learned to induce these experiences. Why bother learning more?

1) Elucidate reasons for obstacles. In the physical world, you perceive events related to thoughts and feelings. They vibrate unconsciously. The dreaming part of you accesses larger areas of consciousness than your awake state. To ask and write questions before going to sleep initiates a process. Astral projection help sretrieve embeded solutions.

"the solution is not clear to the [conscious] ego, this does not necessarily mean the solution was not found. There will be cases where it is not only unnecessary but undesirable that the ego be familiar with the solution... [which] may not appear in the way it expects. The conscious self may not even recognize it has been given a solution, and yet may act upon it. "

-Seth, Dreams and Projections in Consciousness

2) Receive teachings. Very deep areas of the subconscious mind instuct and guide one through astral dimensions. The conscious desire to expand, investigate and heal enables one to connect with beings of different capacities on the astral plane. One may learn from them. Conditions of the physical body and range of senses grow from the state of subtler energy bodies. The deliberate intent to receive guidance is powerful.

3) Experience verifiable knowledge. Many people hold themselves back because of fear. Practical astral projection experience provides insight into knowing. This takes you beyond conditioned beliefs. A being can gain insight into immortality, misconceptions about life, death and dying.  The benefits of astral extend beyond the limits of human senses and intellect. Shatter a dense barrier of ignorance. Dramatic expansion of your core faculties comes when you are ready.


4 ways to explore your connections with energy

Every person has untapped capacity to better grasp their relationship to energy. What if the essence of your being is pure energy? You illuminate physical existence in matter.  During this life, you personify energy to create an identity.  How you think, feel and act show you evolve to master energy.  How about that?

Beyond this instant, you have many opportunities to connect with other energy forms.  All you require is the energy to do so. Nothing is ever lost. As you transcend the limits of what you think you know now, you create new kinds of interactions.  Consider four ways to explore your connections with energy;

1) Be open to the unconventional. If you believe the power of healing is mysterious enough, then you may choose not to measure or limit the framework of your journey. You may decide your own healing process is not dependent on anything so much as your commitment to grow, adapt and learn.

2) Expand your understanding of love. Feelings are the source of your energy.  They make it possible for you to live as you do.  Genuine love is self-renewing. It involves inner changes and the will to extend oneself rather than sacrifice.  As you love, you grow. You build trust, faith and creative self-discipline.  You realize experiences of suffering can be highly colorful and full of depth while they help you attune to love.

3) Invest energy in spiritual development. As you get-to-know yourself, you learn to contol your thoughts and actions.  You discern intrinsic value of equanimity, experience the peace of being even-tempered and forge your path to inner harmony.

4) Believe the continuence is real.  Vibrations you sense are not the beginning or the end.  They come through you but not from you.  They have their own thoughts.  They introduce you to the immortality of soul and the nature of spiritual existence.  As you evolve, teachers seem to appear.  Their energy has always existed.  You come to perceive it.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” -Aristotle


Jumpstart your greatest healing potential

People hear stories about witch doctors, modern physicians, shamans and holistic healers, but seldom realize we all have an inclination toward specific types of healing. We develop and explore healing options consciously and unconsciously, at our own pace.

You guessted it! We all have healing talents and are more receptive to certain kinds of healing practices. Yet, many people don't realize this or take steps to apply this to perceived states of well-being. Where might you fit in? A good starting point is to recognize your innate strengths in a sense or in combinations of senses. What will you do after you identify yours?

1) Are you an avid listener? People with a knack for healing through words are to whom you'll most likely confide. Ever find yourself suddenly opening up to a friend, relative or, even random strangers in passing? This would imply you're drawn to their healing energy and feel comfortable sharing private feelings and intimate parts of yourself.  Maybe you're also an exceptional talker? Certain healers help others by listening, speaking and sensing vibration. Its all in tone, word choice and establishing a human conection. When these healers don't apply their talents, they tend to block their energy flow, and may experience headaches. Tools such as Tibetan Singing bowls are effective.  Cells vibrate and hear.

2) Are you sensitive to touch? You may be the sort of person who naturally hugs or kisses people you meet because its automatic. Being touchy-feely is just who you are. You may also intuit when people establish boundaries in their personal space. Its a question of knowing who likes to be touched and feeling comfortable talking about the power of touch. These people work with the skin, seek to soothe muscles, and sense benefits of applying gentle pressure or massage. Head, neck and shoulder tension can build up in muscles if you fail to use touch-healing abilities.

3) Are you aware of energy & auras? Some individuals have no need for physical touch to help others heal. If you sense energy fluctuations as you bring your hands close to the physical body, this implies you have potential as an "auric" healer. You can grasp how to unclog and channel energy flow. If you under-utilize innate auric abilities, you may sense energy build-up, tension or arthritis in arms and hands.

4) Are you the type to visualize? You may retain and share the most detail through your visual senses. This doesn't assume you simply look at people and heal ailments on the spot. However, you may visualize the source of someone's health problem and help alleviate pain and suffering, even when the person isn't nearby. You may use your mind to intend problems to be cured. You can imagine all the steps a person would experience internally during a physical or emotional process of recovery. At the same time, visual healers resist focusing on long-term outcomes. To send a message of healing through love, telepathy and positive visualisation, is the goal.

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