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Entries in healing (39)


What if you are not what you think?

Consider what you think and feel has being.  What it you conclude you could not possibly be what you think self to be? How does this kind of revelation transform your perception and your life?  What if everyone is right as they are? Things break down to reveal who you are.

Let's say harmony heals all divisions or sense of separation.  The clearer you understand that on the level of mind you understand self in negative terms only, the faster you reconnect with what it means to exist as a limitless being. Heart and spirit remind you what matters.

You cannot be separated from who you are by governments, religions, money, labels, and external anything.  The biggest power is not what you think. Perception evolves according to circumstances.  Every step of awareness is how you choose to Transform your life.


What to do for personal well-being?

Reflect on the turning points concerning healing in your life.  How does that make you feel? What do you appreciate about being a seeker and a finder of remedies and solutions? Do you choose to have, be or, quest for things you perceive to lack?

Some people sense personal well-being begins as a state of mind.  Other people sense this is heart (or intuition) based, or even stems from something from outside of themselves.  Consider the components that contribute to your energy level.  Notice the shifts.  What do you make of this? You may sense varied levels of evolution or remembering. These subtle nuances are how you Transform your life.


Shift your vantage point

You may forget that you experience the world through your own senses. Yet, you are conditioned to reach out into the world, to embark on physical journeys, in order to obtain or experience what you want.  Part of you feels unsatisfied. Its why you are here.

This is the stage of your journey which invites you to shift your focus.  You move from what is unfolding or could be unfolding in the physical world, to remember and recognize who you already are.  Choose to be that.  All the  fear, doubt, judgment opposition and complexity exists in the mind.  Let it go.  You decide on what level of awareness to live, whether you decide to connect with soul.

It all comes back to the base vibration within.  You may wish to heal illness, move beyond issues that no longer matter.  You manage to keep focus on what is beyond the distractions. You prepare to realize the solution to every problem you ever see.  As you recognize what truly takes place, you are the observer within, sense the misdirected action and core beauty.  Choose to Transform your Life.


How to help someone you cherish

Part of you is connected to everyone so someone else's hardship may seem like yours.  How often have you felt you would like to help someone out of their misery? Can you recall when you have wished to alleviate someone's pain? Maybe you dream of eliminating their obstacles or heartache.  As you begin to align yourself, you realize loving them means allowing them to forge their own path.  Every person exists to climb his or her own mountains, and sometimes people decide to slip and fall.  They may or may not get up.

You may be a parent who hopes to save your child from making the same mistakes you perceive you did.  You may be a spouse who would like your partner's life to be easier than it seems at the office.  You may be a teacher who witnesses bullying and would like to fight your student's battles.  You may be  a health care worker who would like to minimize or alleviate a patient's suffering.  You may be a child caring for a sick parent or relative and hope for healing when the person does not wish to recover.  How to help them?

Right at this moment, you begin to realize the soul understands whatever you perceive is an extension of your own pain. You have worry, fear, doubt, grief that you might be holding onto. As you do, you project reasons to experience these feelings in the physical world.  Other people's experiences are what give them insight into themselves, into life. It is not up to you to live anyone else's life.

As you choose to help yourself, you are helping everyone around you.  You are not meant to control other people, to judge what is best for them.  You are invited to love them as they are, to love yourself as you are. Consciously choose to let go.  Align with self-acceptance.  You know deep within, that everything is well. Express love.  Your choices help you Transform Your life.


Remember what you need

As you increase your level of awareness, you begin to discern the fullness and beauty of life.  You also experience revelations about what you need. Its possible to let go of situations, to detach from relationships that you outgrow.

Everyone and everything is in a state of evolution.  Part of the process involves remembering how to attune to the true self, to accept unconditionally the conscious creator you are.  You also sense you are opening up and releasing barriers that block access to the spiritual self.  Choosing to feel and be pure love is part of the renewal process.

What if you begin to sense new kinds of energy acessible to you?  What if your paradigms and self-view are shifting? What if sensing unlimited abundance is part of recognizing endless cosmic energy that already flows through you?  Cosmic Synchronicity is not only a healing force and cosmic stimulus. There's oh, so much more.