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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in heart (91)


All paths offer truth

Whatever your chosen endeavours, love is communicating through everyone you meet and every unfolding situation.  They each reflect aspects of inner being.  Every experience is part of a broader, spiritual journey.  Whatever choices you make are the right ones for you at a given moment.  Notice your focus and how and why it changes. Notice opportunities to deepen insight, be more compassionate, forgiving and loving.  Recall I am you and you are me.

In silence, mental images of you vanish. The essence of being reveals itself in unconditional love that resonates energy through all that is. You need not say anything to know answers arise right on schedule. Their perfect timing and effortless flow is not grasped by the mind. Ego believes its identity is separate, calculated and forever threatened. Behind the illusion, all paths reveal one is always whole.


Allow light to speak through you

Everything of the universe is multi-dimensional.  Based on levels of awareness, wisdom, knowledge and truth reveal themselves. If you are not ready or willing to listen to the heart, you feel discomfort.  Degrees of truth emerge based on levels of fearlessness, or what you are willing to love and accept unconditionally into your scope. 

Words are vibrational patterns or sound. Emotions emit vibration. They arise based on mental perceptions of the past. Feelings arise in the moment and allow what is to express itself. Imagine being the consciousness of the sun or, that of a star.  Allow light to speak through you. Illusions and darkness serve the expansion of one creator. To pinch off unlimited knowing invites you to dig deep within. Allow truth to shatter the paradigm of duality.


Master your fear

Awakening to self-mastery reveals you are that which observes and has no form.  You are the unmoving seer. Everything unfolds in front of you, emanates from you. The mind decides on its focus of attention and invites you to partake in perceiveable experiences. You are not in the box but can choose to pretend that you are. From this perspective, you explore love and fear and are invited to master fear to see things as they are. Everything flows through the heart.  As you engage in introspection, you find courage to allow emotions to flow so you remember to see them as they are.  In essence, the self invites itself to recognize itself.  Let go of the unreal.


Life is perfect

The vision of a perfect universe resonates deep within. Notice whether you resist it. Timeless beauty flows through you. The love you feel points toward it. Every moment, you are moving forward into uncharted waters, and  realms that are temporarily outside your scope of conscious awareness. You are invited to peel off layers of thought to see what remains. As you observe the mind from beyond it, the heart reveals what it knows. You are letting go of all that stands in the way of unconditional acceptance.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”  -Antoine de Saint- Exupery


You are only heart

As awakening and revelations about immortality continue, you begin to feel the origin of everything is the heart.  You are a living library.  The heart is not only the source of unconditional love, it is the centre of all knowing.  Even from the earliest point in human conception, everything physical you see as you emerges from the heart. 

As it all comes rushing back, you recall Spirit used to reside inside the heart before ego developed and humanity focused on living through the mind.  The tip of the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart. This is why when you forget things and actually say, "it's on the tip of the tongue.' This is so true. All of this is coming back.  Live in the heart.  A related vibration emerges from consciousness. We are actually flowing through every level of existence in the wink of an eye.