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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in heart (90)


Who are we to say?

Who are we to say we know what we are and why we are here? How often do people around you express they could not possibly know their purpose? When was the last time you felt entirely content with the nature of your perceived experiences? Why is that?

From this moment, let's say you consciously decide you are free from all care and concern. Consider the implications. Suddenly, nobody notices you and nothing disturbs you. What does this tell you about your state of mind and state of being? They are chosen.

The next revelation that unfolds concerns your sense of responsibility to your choices. You have the capacity to reach a state where nothing in your external environment fazes you.  You can also choose to be controlled by the mind, byt the drama and say its not you.

Every moment is part of your journey back to full and complete self-acceptance. Some people sense this triggers a series of revelations, a path of sensing stages of awakening.  To feel shifting energy perception is like beginning to grasp Cosmic Synchronicity with heart. 


Let go of the prison you imagine

Many people look into the mirror and assume they have reasons to feel guilt or other negativity.  They hear echos of what other people tell them they are and forget to listen to their inner voice. They lose themselves in the illusion of the game.  They forget how it feels to have complete awareness, to see through the fog.  Instead, they twist and distort who they are, and lose themselves in turmoil.

It is the moment to return to who you are.  You bring love and joy with you wherever you go.  All of this is felt as you choose to let go of the prison you imagine.  You may be searching for a purpose, and to do so, you live vicariously through the experiences of other people. Open yourself to discover everything you admire in others is within you.  Understanding comes from the heart.

As you open inside, you are receptive to harmony, balance and light.  As you choose to let go of beliefs and thoughts of what you are not, you recognize the meaning in all experiences.  They all empower you to attune to love.  No ideas fit into this space.  Relinquish all beliefs. Lose the self you adopted and remember to feel the flow of vibrations now. This is how to align and Transform Your Life.


Where do you go from here?

It is human conditioned nature to pinpoint a linear path, to orient the self using time and space and get bearings.  One perspective would say such action actually distracts you from present awareness.  Some people use the mind and others feel with the heart.

Consider how you respond as you realize that no words can describe it, no example or analogy can identify it.  To sense where you are is not deluded or hidden except by something within.  To sense the implications of no limits suggests where you are and how you truly feel does not fit into any category. Progressive revelations are all part of your growing awareness of true Cosmic Synchronicity


How do you get where you are going?

Humans are often conditioned to think, 'faster, better, cheaper.' That is, they are taught to seek short-cuts to their destinations, keeping those ends in -mind. Where you are headed is something the mind is determined to define, orient and steer. What if other perspectives beckon? The heart suggests you feel your way and disregard the logic. What if short-cuts to increased awareness do not exist?

Let's say your own experience is required to know what truly works. In other words, you only gain insight into who you are from making decisions and experiencing the consequences.   This includes the emotions that feel good and those which do not.  Each experience is meaningful for you have potential to gain from it.  You decide the what, when how and whey as well as when.

Another perspective is that getting somewhere is based on mind-focused, linear thinking.  The heart knows you are already a somebody as you are, where you are, and there is no need to go anywhere.  In this sense, the mind may tell you you are going nowhere fast.  Step away and reflect on the truly beautiful, loving soul are right now.  Revelations are part of Cosmic Synchronicity.


What if you have no expectations?

You are where you are to open the heart to what exists for you.  This is an opportunity to recognize everything is a reflection of who you think you are.  Some people sense what they experience is what they know themselves to be.  To know requires no thought or belief.  You choose to be fully empowered or to postpone that.

Ponder how your body is a filter, a conduit, that transmits energy into forms you discern in the physical.  You can sense when your attention is distracted from what feels balanced.  The invisible or unmanifested, grounds you. It often only grows apparent through discerning aspects of times and space.  Allow yourself to sense everything.

You may be in a situation where changes you perceive around you are distracting you from what you experience inside.  What if you are not seeing clearly when you look outside the self? What if alignment is only truly experienced as you remember what it feels like to feel beyond self-imposed limitation?

Remind self nothing happens to you.  Everything actually happens through you.  No person senses this exactly as you do in this moment.  It may invite you to debate reality and then release energy that no longer serves you. 

Ultimately, conflict does not exist unless you imagine it. To detach from all expectations changes everything.  Choosing consciously means focusing your attention on peace, love and joy. Life is pure Cosmic Synchronicity.