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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in human (19)


Secret of Inner Flowering

Notice the popular view is that evolution is a linear process, that humans evolved from apes, grew their brains, went from four- legged to two-legged creatures. Another view is no such evolution exists as mind understands it. The original DNA or vibrational signature echoes a different picture. In this light, we are always human beings. Evolution is a byproduct of human consciousness. This inner flowering happens as energies shift and purify. Inner journeys may be guided or stages may occur spontaneously. The will, deep trust and surrender guide evolution of consciousness. Humans evolve yet evolution happens. At each step, one finds oneself more blissful, peaceful, silent, even bubbling with joy. One is intuitively drawn to create ways to experience and share more joy. At the ultimate peak, only pure bliss exists. It is within reach of all. We are each responsible for the nature and pace of our own journey.


Captivated by the unknown

Notice in this moment, we never really know what we are in for. Human existence is meant to be challenging. The world can be a perilous place-full of sinkholes, tidal waves, the perfect storms. Yet, existence is also idyllic, beautiful, full of miracles, from the aurora borealis to sunrises and sunsets that take our breath away and bring it back. Its through riding the waves of turmoil, the unexpected highs and lows, the picking ourselves up off the floor or surfacing from the deepest chasm that stretches us, lead us to gasp in amazement. Its when things do not go to plan, when emotions overwhelm, when all seems lost, that our true character and path are revealed. There is bravery in admitting "I am not okay, that I struggle." Accepting this is about loving ourselves and deepening resilience. We can be tough, stoic, and still admit we do not know. Moment-by-moment, we each live a dream, whether we dangle freely, balance with grace or by the skin of our teeth. We hold on not simply for a thrill. We trust who we are, where all this is heading.


Awaken to deeper remembering

Notice we exist to awaken into full spiritual remembrance. We have opportunities to know different stages of Consciousness. Everything is reminding us that we are much more than we think. Tuning into inner knowing shifts our Present Consciousness. As we come to realize pure consciousness exists beyond time and space, through varied states of awareness, we explore aspects of self in our own reality Our Stored Consciousness holds all the experiences in every lifetime at any age and we can access these aspects of ourselves, ask them to come forward to share wisdom. We then travel through realms of our Alternate Consciousness, where key decisions created other versions of ourselves in alternate realities. We can interact and gain insight from alternate selves. Moving through our Parallel Consciousness, we are active in other bodies on Earth in other eras of Earth’s history. Each energetic exchange leaves all aspects of ourselves in a higher vibration. Interacting with our Interdimensional Consciousness, we experience the knowing of being in other life forms or dimensions again for exchange of energy and insight. As we embrace our Eternal Consciousness and pause to experience that transformational energy, it dawns we merge and are All That Is. Each HUman being is an awakening Avatar. Each of us is a creation and mirror of God. To know Source exists, is to know we are each droplets of Source with potential to activate and sustain optimal functioning.



Notice the forces of nature

Whatever you are experiencing in your life at this moment, it empowers you to notice the forces of Nature. That is, the energy that drives you, heat, light, electricity, electromagnetism, strong and weak forces, and gravity, all emerge from the mind of nature of the mind of the wider universe.  

As you step back, you can allow yourself to recognize that the Unified Field (of energy) is the consciousness of Nature and the material universe is the body of Nature. So, what does this reveal about yourself, how you view the world, your apparent problems or challenges? How does this help you?

Your thoughts and mind are simply a different manifestation of the same forces of Nature you call energy, light, electro-magnetism, gravity and others. Your body is a different manifestation of the same body you call the universe.

In other words, you are the thinker, the thought, the spoken and written word and the flesh that express every perception.  You are the creator of every situation you find yourself in and you create every encounter and condition to help yourself.  The key point for reflection is not what are you doing, but why are you doing it, which lessons are available to grow, and how is the wider universe benefitting from your experience? The big eureka moment is discovering you are the universe pretending to be human for a while.

 “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”- Nikola Tesla


9 Signs Human evolution is underway

It is increasingly clear that changes beyond human control are sweeping the planet.  Humans cannot control but can choose how to respond.  You can love (allow) or fear (resist).  That is, you can get comfortable or be uncomfortable (disagree) with it.

What is also increasingly clear is that how we are conditioned to believe things are done is no longer working.   Many practices are not only unsustainable, but they also guide us to the truth of the bigger picture.  On a deeper level, there is a collision of judgements, a breaking down and dissolving of our own self-created illusions.  Consider nine signs who we are as a species is revealing itself in the nature of human evolution (feel free to add your own observations and intuitions):  

1) Food sources are shifting- where and from whom we buy food is changing.  More people are reading labels, growing food, sourcing it from places that are compatible with what feels right in the heart.  This creates a shift of power from paying larger corporations to empowering smaller entities and oneself.

2) Eating habits are changing- what humans are eating is changing. More people are realizing they are conditioned to adopt beliefs that have created a system of industries and food raising practices that are not built on love and compassion.  The phrase 'you are what you eat' arises to help people be more conscious of what they are condoning and perpetuating. The result is more vegetarians, vegans and raw foodies. More people eliminating sugar, caffeine, wheat, dairy, and animal proteins from their diets because of developing allergies and/or being more aware of high vibrational food and favoring that.

3) Work ethic/ choices are changing- more people are feeling entrepreneurial, working part-time at home or viewing work in a new light.  More people are choosing to love what they do even if they are paid less or not at all.  What you do matters less than how you feel about it and while doing it. The result is a move to more cooperation and less ego-driven competition.

4) Weather patterns are disappearing - the illusion of predictable seasons and climates is falling away.  People are invited to recognize innate ability to adapt effectively to all that Mother Nature dishes out. The result: a move from complacency or reactive living to far more creative, pro-active existing.

5) Spiritual practices are taking off- growing global interest in spiritual practices such as yoga, pilates, meditation, ashram retreats, radio programs and other community activities is part of the planetary intelligence itself guiding the return to our higher consciousness, to remembering of our true divine nature.  The result is Self-understanding and peaceful interaction grow.

6) D.I.Y. attitude exploding- 'Do-it-yourself' is catching on like wildfire.  Increasing numbers of people are gaining confidence in their own abilities to not only do their own home renovations, but to also self-heal, to make home remedies, health products, to self-encourage and to act as their own reliable authority in varied circles. The result is people are referring less to external guidance, buying less and making more,  and depending less on traditional 'authorities' and trusting the heart/ intuition more.

7) Impulse building to do what is 'natural'- More people are coming to see through their own beliefs and to recognize what is natural.  This translates not into helping others not because they have to, but because they can.  The movement toward selflessness is growing. Its not just people taking time off work to go donate time and expertise to help clean up after natural disasters.  The result is a growing awakening to what feels natural, or what feels right and more people doing it.

8) Energy sources are shifting - As people grow more conscious of dirty and clean energy and natural alternatives to those which harm the environment, the increasing trend is toward more environmental choices of wind, solar, electric, other sources of power that benefit the greater good.  Free energy is something more people are aware of.  Humans are also realizing they are themselves energy sources or batteries that can be used.  The result is increasing interest in electric cars, flying vehicles and even more creative engineering that shatters myths and defies the imagination.  No limits!

9) Nature is calling  - more people are getting back to nature: camping, planting gardens, hugging trees simply feeling the urge to go to the ocean, to spend time in the mountains, valleys, forests to recharge. People hike, get their hands in the dirt.  As the unspeakable connection, people create homes in more natural settings. The result is a deeper recognition of the web of life, being one with water, the sun, wind and all creatures.