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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in humans (3)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Dolphins


The dream environment seemed like a kind of lock or tank, an enclosed space between land and ocean. Locks are used to step levels of water up or down, and between dams, depending on the direction of travel. I felt like I was swimming upstream but felt that this was necessary to reach my destination. At a distance, a small minke whale was watching the waves rising and falling around me.

Someone else was there with me--a man who appeared to be both intrigued and frightened. He was gripping a grid work with clenched fingers. It was as if he was expeirencing more than one dimension or timeline and feared letting go.


Each dream may be seen from different viewpoints or levels of consciousness. This dream suggests you are ready and in process of stepping up into a new level of consciousness, on the edge of change in different life areas. In the dream itself, you may have have felt trapped at the boundary between the Dream Zone (land) and Astral (ocean). In waking life, something holds you back, keeps you where you are.  You attempt to turn your back on it. Remember to see things in perspective like the optimistic, playful dolphin. If you do not face obstacles, then you are still allowing something external to control you or cause you to feel less than you are.

The dreamer is literally "beside himself," torn bewteen aspects of his fragmented psyche. Ever hear the phrase, "Should I stay or should I go?" Who is asking this question? Part of the dreamer is open to new experiences, other realms and contact with the unforeseen. Another part of him is clutching the grid work of ordinary consciousness in fear, not wanting to let it be altered, resisting shedding some aspects of his own identity.  Humans are often so addicted to physical reality.  Still, it is often by encountering humans that we’ll often find contact with a nonphysical being and change can be terrifying. The prospect of big change exists outside of time and space as we know them, and it seems alien to us.

Dolphins echo higher vibrational consciousness, very far in advance of most humans.  Unfamiliar vibrations may feel alien, as we imagine a dolphin and whale consciousness would feel. Dreams sometimes present alien consciousnesses in the more familiar forms of creatures. Dolphins and whales are associated with playfulness and good humour, as well as highlight natural optimism we sometimes lose touch with.

Just as dolphins and whales come in various sizes, so do guides we may encounter during our dream travels.  Size of a dream creature may reflect the degree of evolution of their consciousness. Level of consciousness determines how and what we tune into.  A minke whale-sized consciousness suggests you are in the company of a very advanced  (spiritually-developed) guide.

We offer Dream Consultations that guide dreamers through single and multiple dreams to better understand their journey.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.  Contact us for details.


Step outside that comfort zone

Notice as we move into an age of accepting multidimensional nature, we shift away from doing to to focus on being. Its natural to move though multiple careers, to blaze trails, create multiple pathways, nourish many perspectives. Having an open mind accelerates conscious expansion. Allow different views to flow, learn languages, travel and explore. As we venture into the unknown, see beyond the status quo, we plant seeds, inspire others to expand horizons.
This notion of time invites us to zoom out and see the arc of time, to discover that a true rainbow is actually a circle. We are invited to expand our sense of wonder, explore states, forms and formelss states more consciously. Different understandings of time suggest humans have lived far longer than the current average lifespan. Records of ancient Summarian kings attest to them living thousands of years. In the Bible, Mathesula is said to have lived over 900 years. We even hear stories of immortals who exist in remote places and different ways of functioning through space time. Limited beliefs of life and death can shift into awareness of eternal streams of consciousness.



Seth & 3 ways to lift the wool from over your eyes

Seth was the trance personality of Jane Roberts.  Together, they wrote many books. This classic source material reveals what is happening inside yourself.  Seth teaches we can discern that apparent physical facts stem from a deeper realm of creativity.

Spiritual awakenings, whether silent and subtle or dramatic and noticable, are deeply personal.  Seth explains that while awake and asleep, we are each expeiencing a spiritual transformation, even if we are unaware.  Each phase is unique and life-changing. 

1) Humans create their personal reality through conscious beliefs.  You are not as familiar with your thoughts as you think.  What appears to exist physically exists first in thought and feeling.  If you encounter obstacles, then its up to you to discover reasons behind them.  Simply take steps to explore the unlimited inner dimensions of the mind.       

2) Humans are not at the mercy of their subconscious.    If you don't appreciate your experience, then change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations.  Only when you refuse to take responsibility do you feel at the mercy of events. If you sense having control, this couldn't be further from the truth.  You persevere in your present course for reasons that used to make sense. Your job is to reframe present significance.

3) Humans are not forced to think in any particular way You are what you think about.  You have the will and inclination to move beyond the apparent barriers of your created experience.  Atoms, cells and every other part of you is aware.  All deep aspirations and unconscious motives surface for evaluation and judgment of the conscious mind.  You must find ways of adapting to your conditions.