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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in judgment (19)


Love can heal anything

How often do you hear people say something is wrong in the world or in the lives of other people? How often do people discern opportunities to heal misunderstandings within themselves? Some human beings are not yet consciously aware of the nature of their misplaced beliefs. The power of expanding love can heal anything. Consider these points;

1) Judgment- Judging is the ego mind's reaction to soul telling you aspects of inner self require attention and healing. You unconsciously awaken to hidden fear. Love is many things you progressively discover through experience.  It offers grace, mercy and recognizes unacknowledged virtues of every soul.

2) Negativity- Being negative results from rather twisted conditioning. You unconsciously grow to model what you are shown. You may also be resisting mentally some inner truth or past experience you find difficult to grasp. Love offers feelings of warm attachment to uncover and soothe hidden wounds.

3) Indifference- When a person evolves not to care, to feel apathy, this can be the absence of emotion or conscious suppression of feelings.  It may result from denial of pain or choice not to feel. Love infuses feelings of appreciation and reason to develop different sensibilities.

4) Rejection- Refusal or denial of what is results from ingrained beliefs.  You rebuff what does not fit your comfort zone. This shapes conscious behaviour.  Reactions shift energy balance to imbalance. Love offers insight into experiences of unconditional acceptance and absolute compassion.

5) Guilt- Guilt implies you believe right and wrong exist and you believe you have done something wrong. Love offers complete understanding and forgiveness, as well as deeper insight into hidden intention for self-blaming.  The impulse to attribute fault emerges.  Self-love helps determine the why.

6) Hatred - Extreme aversions or hostilities draw attention to inner resistance. You may have one view of reality and refuse to accept other views. To develop negative energy about anyone who refuses to agree or appease your ego, is a habit that can be healed.  Justification and excuses for anger need to be dissolved. Love offers affectionate concern for all creatures and difference.  Love recognizes equality.

7) Anger- This suggests hidden grief and other unacknowledged feeings.  Anger takes form in bursts of displeasure or indignation. Yet, people rarely get angry for reasons they assume. Love offers kind reasssurance, goodwill and benevolence to encourage a person to look deeper for real reasons for anger and reactions to conditions.

8) Fear- Distress or perceived threats arise based on expectation. Love brings you back to the present, offers heightened awareness of the moment and reasons to dissolve unfounded apprehension.

9) Doubt- Distrust about uncertainty means you snese reasons to feel unsettled. Love offers reasons to reinforceunwavering faith, trust and enthusiasm.

10) Dissatisfaction- A sense of lack or void is grounded in the physical world and reminds you that you forgetvalue to be found in a spiritual perspective. Love offers what is truly needed to satisfy the needs of the soul.

11) Relationships- The state of your relationships results from an absence or presence of positive energy.  Love offers tools to help you uncover reasons for your feelings and the nature of your interactions. This provokes you to view your thoughts and behaviour differently.  It also empowers you to learn new things about your unconscious sense of commitment and intimacy.

12) Impatience- To be deluded by the notion of time is to give away inner power. Love offers reason totranscend illusionsof human perception. You learn toassert loyalty to timelessness. This shifts your energy focus to formless realms. What happens nextgoes beyondimagination.


5 Ways to respond to the inner mystic

When you have an experience you do not readily understand, you still have the power to decide how to respond.  Human beings forget that they hold profound, inner power.  This also means one can evolve to sense, acknowledge or expand energy vibration.  It extends from how you accept or reject yourself.

In essence, you are in charge of what is happening, how you choose to view a given occurrence. You unconsciously determine what serves your spiritual side and what does not.  You choose your principal focus and which emotions unfold.  To discern things does not mean you feel worthy or committed to the process.  How do you respond to the inner mystic?

1) Detect unfamiliar sensations.  This might lead you to hesitate, hold back from embracing and accepting for fear of being judged.  Such a reaction implies you have not yet detached fully from what does not matter.  All in good time.

2) Jump to conclusions.  To assume you know the depth and significance of all thoughts or visions that appear in mind, may be premature.  A process transpires to encourage you to shed beliefs and move into the realm of pure knowing.  A wise being recognizes the difference between higher truths and untruths.

3) Opt to be constrained by external forces.  You may simply deny anything is out of the ordinary.  You can decide you transcend perceived outer circumstances or, evolve further to recognize conditions are imagined to distract you from what lies beyond them. To shift mindset and energy vibration enables you to understand choices differently.

4) Assume no coincidences.  Such a mindset is a stage in learning to let go of conditioning absorbed in the physical realm.  As one evolves to sense every incident arises from the non-physical, higher realms, one begins to remove the veil.

5) Recognize channelled energy. To discern you channel energy confronts you with choices. You direct it to negative thoughts and behaviours or discipline the mind in other ways. This ability enables you to take responsibility for the nature of transformation in your life and perspective. Holding love as the deepest truth allows a person to let go of fear and see beyond time, space and human-imposed limits. Open dimensions.

"You are not a human being in search of a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being immersed in a human experience." –Teilhard de Chardin


10 Ways to make the most of now

1) Contemplate your conditions now and what led up to them.

2) Identify what it means to truly listen to your soul.

3) Note physical events evoke similar emotions until you learn.

4) Nurture forgiveness and remember what prompts it.

5) Replace perceived difficulty with a sense of joy and ease.

6) Pay attention to patterns: why accept or reject insight?

7) Discern meaning and lessons in every moment.

8) Recognize time is the only basis for physical existence.

9) Align thoughts, focus and energy with what matters.

10) Realize beliefs and judgment interfere with soul evolution.


The essence of being

I recall someone encouraging me to take the stairs if elevators to success seemed out of order.  Now, why is humans are conditioned to desire quick access to those things that seem beyond our reach? What is it that makes us feel we need what we do not seem to have?

As we let go of conditioning and shift to a place of non-judgment, priorities mysteriously change. The same things no longer hold appeal.  What does it feel like to let go of what you think you want? Refreshing? A relief? Open the mind and catch a glimpse of true essence.

One view of success is what the ego views as achievement. It appears out of reach so we think we must do something to get fulfilled. If your goal is a half hour of meditation twice per day, and you complete this, the related good feelings evoke a sense of satisfaction. If you aim to develop greater physical flexibility in yoga positions or, mental aptitude in negotiation, success is still 'results-oriented.' Notice what happens as you discover immeasurable kinds of success also exist.

Consider a talkative person who is known for having ideas spinning in his head all the time.  He may typically know restless sleep because his mind is busy working out solutions to his problems.  Then, as he learns to settle the ripples down, he may experience stillness. To allow silence into your life is to discover you attract different versions of success into your life.

As you quiet the mind, you let go of judgment and mental noise. Explore what silence feels like. A sense of success arises as an innate feeling of acceptance.  Its like doing nothing and everything at once, and loving unconditionally, come what may.  This is the essence of being.

Brace yourself: Be what is innate.  Love is your true nature.  Its not the conditional feeling that you get through relationships that mind would have you believe it is.

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