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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in judgment (19)


Remove the blocks

What if you simply remove the blocks that stand between what you think and what you know? How does this shift your sense of what you have been, who you are and who you are becoming?  

To jog the memory about what you have made or done is unrelated to the ultimate unveiling. Much of what you conjure up in the mind does not exist. Strengths and weaknesses are conditioned by people you meet and other messages dictated by the external world. Notice how you make silent judgments about what is possible or acceptable and choose not to recognize the successful, worthy, limitless being you already are.


Think until you outgrow it

Nobody has every encountered anything but a thought or projection of a thought.  One does not escape from now, but one may deny it or be distracted.  To be lost in thought is to forget the essence of being.

Perception combines feelings and sensations with judgment.  The inner judge introduces thought and tells you existence is based on structures and forms that you work out.  Curiously, everything is fine already. Time is irrelevant. As you ask, how do I still the mind? Mind tricks you to believe it is not already still.

In terms of form and linear time, you may not be able to add much more to your cv or identity. The mind-created sense of specialness or recognition may or may not be realized.  What is the point then, of obsessions with form, the search for things, engagement in endeavours? What is already transforming?

To feel the luminous, formless being is beyond thought, beyond a conceptual dream of personal history. Move beyond constant neediness and drama.  Awareness is stillness that exists beyond images and comparisons. It is not something you experience if you follow a course of action. Stop thinking to just be.


Do nothing

All experience through ego, creates perception based on comparison.  As you align with the inner witness, you feel authentic power is beyond ego and requires doing nothing.  This is beyond judgment. To awaken is to sense the freedom of all you are in all that is, and the revelation that nothing real ever actually changes. Peace and contentment reign.

"From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all."  -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Undermine the delusions

Consider states of mind thrive on negativity and control.  Some people sense fear prompts one to control and perpetuate delusion. One discovers that to access the doorway to the heart requires a shift in focus. 

What happens as you take off the pressure? How does it feel to realize you do not have to please anyone?  As you empower others, you cease to judge and exert control.  To judge indicates you have an ego that assesses and you do not understand truth. As you raise awareness, everything is unjudgable.

Why judge self? To be unconditionally aware reminds you how to be unconditionally kind, loving to self and others.  You are free and have no reason to judge. People who free themselves do no harm and teach freedom to others.  The less you control, the deeper you connect with the infinite joy, health and energy within. The effort to control others reminds you that you have an ego.  To detach is to gradually vanish. 


Beyond winners & losers

Beyond the idea of winners and losers is the state of being of no judgment, of absolute contentement. Recall how that feels? The essence of soul never leaves.  Consider how the external world you perceive reinforces ego and compels you to think you must be bigger, better, work harder, faster or achieve to distract you from being and accepting who you are. Why not stop comparing and Transform your life?