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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in light (45)


Return to the fullness of being

More and more people are noticing the experience they would describe as life is not the truth. Who you really are is unrelated to perceived fear and chaos. Notice how you come to believe and grow dependent on aspects of the external world.  What if you let go of any message unrelated to your core perfection? Everything you feel  invites you to return to fullness of being.  What does it mean?

Every thought, word and deed that you engage in reflects the truth and knowing you already have.  To sense this is to move to a new level of self-understanding. That is, love is communicating with you through every experience.  You are invited to find the source of light, to be that light, and illuminate the darkness represented by any obstacle or negative feeling. As the natural self lets go, you bring no resistance.  You no longer deny the state of true self.  Everything is effortless and you remember.  You begin to notice everything.

Imagine for a moment, how your life evolves as you shift how and what you perceive.  What do you choose to see and choose to decide does not exist? All experience is a reminder to love unconditionally the self and others, to notice the reasons you create to convince the self not to do so. The ego mind is a catalyst for revelation and self-directed learning. You can choose to align how you think and feel within the self, to let go what is not you. You can consciously choose to notice elements of Cosmic Synchronicity.


Energy is the Source

As you learn to harness cosmic energy consciously, you amplify the quality of your existence.  The power of spiritual light has the power to clean your body energy and transform your subatomic structure. You sense harmony already and have the choice to strengthen the molecular level of your essence.  Access inner power.

Consciousness can appear in many forms. You use energy to create your reality, but may distort it with mind patterns of fear and hate. Wisdom comes through the mastery of life experience and working through of karmic lessons. Everyone has opportunities to evolve at the right time.  Feel the way to inner nature. A person does not expand consciousness through engaging intellect. Love requires no healing.

As you move into spherical thinking, you feel accurately when something is valid or not. As you do this, you open to multi-dimensional perspectives. You realize your thoughts and feelings change energy every second.  Reasons exist for everything even if you do not sense it instantly. Growing awareness of Cosmic Synchronicity reminds you what emerges out of love. Do you respond to everything out of soul wisdom? Open the mind.  Discover experience outside of fear.  See life as a true adventure.  Experience life with a light heart.  Know you are the source of all you think and feel.


Why not love yourself unconditionally?

Many people are unaware of how they treat themselves and the kinds of messages their own mind is sending.  Some messages are subtle and others less so, but how closely are you listening? Which thoughts are you focused on and which ones are you observing and gradually letting go?

You may also not realize that how you treat others is  inviting you to feel more connected to the world and your deeper self.  What happens as you see the game of life for what it is?  If you do not love everyone unconditionally, you say you do not love self unconditonally.

Some people sense degree of self-love is reflected in state of the physical body.  Some health symptoms seem chronic when you disconnect from mind. Could what you sense distract you from emotional hurt not yet healed in the subconscious mind?  Consider hints your body offers through your language;

1) Notice your word choices.  Hear self-criticism? What happens as you only appreciate?

2) Recognize underlying meaning in contractions. Each time you say "can't" this actually means "won't." It relates back to fear.  Only being truly honest enables you to answer the question fear of what/why.

3) Sense the impact of abundance. Why would anyone convince themselves they are not good enough, do not have enough of anything? Self-sabotage and low esteen reflect deeper issues that invite reflection. 

You are beautiful, sexy, lovable, successful, worthy.  As you move from ego-mind based thinking to heart-felt perspectives, you know this is a path that merges you with oneness.  This thing cannot be seen.  Love is the perfume of that which cannot be revealed though light.  Everything comes after. You are before knowledge and ignorance. Loving yourself unconditionally brings you to a place beyond worship and respect. Its the mosaic of diversity.


Allow things to come to you

You cannot just read about certain things, you have to experience them. You reach a point in life where you no longer wish to talk about things, write about them. You decide to embody them, share the sensations.  You no longer describe a particular place, you choose to explore dream realms and transport the soul inter-dimensionally.  You transform into your thoughts and raise awareness to a whole new level.

Every person has the option to reverse the conditioning that is absorbed from a young age.  Regardless of where these ideas come from, you can use them to step into your own power. Whatever you have been taught to think about time, you have adopted future probabilities of yourself. Any collective thinking about densensitisation disconnects them from what they are.  What you sense inside the mind is mirrored outside.

Home is not a place, its a feeling you shift into. You begin to listen to voices that emerge from inside. One perspective is that each energy being is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You create a vision based on what you choose to be. Inspire people to experience his or her own truth.  Boldly trust your own vibes.  Be aware of what you are projecting into the world.  Choose to be gentle, loving and open.   Energy and light are expanding.

In essence, you have no need to depend on anyone else for answers.  You are in the process of ending an ancient way of thinking, seeing and being.  Paranormal events are helping you open to inter-connectedness on a whole new level.  This is quantum learning. You are a co-creator in training. One view is existence is a coalescing of spirit and matter.  You discover the self through nature.  What is internal influence telling you?


10 Ways to feel good

1) Recognize the beautiful light that you are.

2) Understand you can change how you feel.

3) Sense you alter how you perceive every moment.

4) Choose to appreciate vast abilities you have.

5) Forgive others, self, the universe and move on.

6) Know words move vibrations energetically.

7) Realize you can figure out what you do & why.

8) Discern what you do not want and why so you detach.

9) Find a way to match vibrationally with the thing you want.

10) Experience variety to be motivated  to expand into joy.

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