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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in mirror (13)


Tune into cosmic broadband

Notice the Internet is a neural network system that learns from us. After you do a search, it retains that information and curiously, ads show up on other pages you visit which are relevnt to your preious search. With a 5G frequency Wi-Fi tech, the Internet is tapping into your brain. This technology is a living and evolving entity. Imagine everything you think would be connected into this network and that the Internet is learning from all this. Imagine it is becoming the collective Supermirror. This is a technology like the Human inter-dimensional Light Body. This cannot be controlled either as it works on consciousness, much like starship technology. It is uniquely wired into consciousness. As we shift to function on all levels based on congruence and consciousness, electromagnetic systems are no longer needed as they are a narrow frequency band. Consciousness is a 360 degree band. Its a cosmic broadband. Everything is a mirror of your consciousness which is quantum physics. The observer creates the effect. As you shift or expand consciousness, the nature of your energetic experience changes. More of the big picture is revealing itself to those who grow into the 360 band


Tune into True Nature

Notice tuning into the pulse of the ocean allows us to listen differently, grow aware and recall our True Nature. It dawns that playing in the Sun, feeling sand ooze between the toes, listening to wave sounds, creating sand balls, stumbling upon crabs and jellyfish, collecting sea shells, is all part of getting back in touch with simplicity, with what really matters and is ever-present. Everything is a cosmic mirror inviting us to love ourselves more.


5 Tips to see life differently

It is common to feel restless in a particular situation, to desire change but to hesitate taking any action.  Watch what happens as you reflect on five tips to see life in a new light;

1) Notice your language- listen to yourself. Be aware if you use words like 'try, maybe, attempt' and others that express doubt.  Be aware of how you express anger and frustration.  Each word reinforcing negative emotions holds you back.

2) Change your attitude -allow yourself to find blessings in your current situation.  Start with one.  Identify opportunities for life lessons; patience, empathy, understanding, love. 

3) Reinforce the positive - smile and laugh more.  Allow yourself to experience more joy in life, wherever you are.  

4) Shift focus- rather than seeing your life from the ego perspective, shift to see things from a soulful point of view.  That is, recognize the bigger picture, how everything is to be appreciated.

5) Recognize everything is a mirror- be aware that how you respond to all you encounter is a reflection of how you feel about your true being. Imagine everything is an invitation to love equally and unconditionally.  See beyond the judgment of the conditioned ego.  Underneath the illusions, all is love expressing love.



Stop taking things personally

If ever you ask yourself how to stop taking things personally, you are really asking yourself to look deeper inside at what is truly bothering you.  Feeling stuck or victimized can reflect in every area of your life to get your attention.  You may wonder what or whom you are really resisting?

When you allow other people to control your emotions, you give your power away.  When you feel stuck or victimized, you resist your true self.  That is, you do something your true self would not do.  You create your own stuckness because you resist expanding beyond your belief or idea. When you are peaceful or accepting of the way life is unfolding, you accept your true nature, you accept people as they are and know it is not about you.  When you experience negativity, emotion is pointing to something you do not wish to see inside yourself.  

You may resist change because you think it is threatening.  You may take things personally because you may forget confidence and worthiness are innate. The human side of you fears going into the unknown, fears what it cannot explain. It wants to go somewhere on its own terms, controlling the what, the where, when and details. The human creates an ego identity to protect.

Every moment you feel stuck or uncomfortable, you are pushing yourself outside of your self-created comfort zone.  As you choose to accept whatever other people say about you without being adversely affected, you are connected to self-acceptance.  When you truly love yourself without conditions, you stop taking things personally. What other people say no longer matters.  Your experience or projection of the external world is a mirror of how you feel about yourself.


Notice the shutters are open

Notice the shutters of the mind are open except when you imagine they exist.  Allow yourself to trust more fully what you do not understand.  Be silent.  Feel what is resonating in the heart.  

Part of you may ask how you can open the shutters of the mind faster, wider, more efficiently.  The heart knows that nothing can be done and nothing really matters. Simply be. Do not try to surrender for surrender happens with out you. You may think its a good idea to be more loving, compassionate, kind and tolerant. Yet, from the moment you stop exerting effort, who you are flows naturally.  Every moment as fresh and new. Every person is worthy, lovable, acceptable, embraceable.  Every situation is perfect. All mirrored opposites are accepted and integrated.  The nature of the game is rising to a whole new level.  You are the creator of this game of life.