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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in projection (7)


Liberate from the projection

Some people are unaware they are a facit of consciousness that forgets its unlimited nature.  Imagine why consciousness ignores itself and longs to be free.  Reflect on how your perspective shifts as you realize you are already everything mind echoes you do not have.  What blessings do you discern in the process of self-forgetting? Are you familiar with sensations of the unthreading of confusion?

As you sense you move into a perspective of expanding transparency, you open states of remembering. People begin to recall meditation is not something they do, it is the natural presence of consciousness they are. From the vantage point of ignorance, the person is what you are and meditation and love are things you do. As you flow into deeper understanding, meditation and love are what you are and the person is what you do temporarily.  Ego is an optional activity that reconnects you to soul. Shifting states is part of Cosmic Synchronicity


5 ideas as food for thought

You may be unaware that everything you sense to be happening is offering you valuable lessons to assist in your own self-growth. Every inkling is a stage of awakening inside.

Some people sense every person and situation they experience are actually the universe’s way of nudging them to awaken to their own patterns. Certain areas of your perception would benefit from attention. Consider 5 ideas as food for thought;

1) Impatient people highlight your own impatience. It reminds you how you attract what you think about and which behaviour you selectively overlook actually invites attention.

2) To impose your view of “the right way” is ego. In truth, no right or wrong way exists. You are invited to dissolve any sense of superiority and recall that all things are equal.

3) To detect resistance in others, signals resistance within. Discern whether you are preaching rather than empowering others to choose. You may resist the voice of your true self or, the people resisting may not be ready tor willing accept what insight or perspectives you offer.

4) As you reach certain levels of self-awareness, this does not mean everyone does. Not everyone is conscious and aware at the same level on that plane at the same moment. The process of reaching a point of universal, collective awareness is soul-level energy alignment. Each energy being works toward internal, collective and other types of seen and unseen energy alignment.

5) If you think someone should be at a higher level of awareness, then you judge. To be at a ‘higher level’ of awareness means you; love everyone and everything unconditionally, have no impulse to judge or control and recognize each person evolves based on their own free will.

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