Get back to what is real

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
Several techniques can be used for intentional out of body experiences (OBEs) also known as astral travel. The rope technique is one of the most common and popular methods. Consider these 7 Tips for intentional OBEs:
1. Prepare the Mind
Make sure you are comfortable in a place you will not be disturbed and try to leave enough time so that you don’t have to think about time at all.
2. Feel Yourself Relax
It is best to be in a relaxed state of mind for astral travel, so you may like to meditate for ten minutes so that your Consciousness is open and receptive.
3. Allow Yourself to Almost Fall Asleep
It is best to practice astral travel when you are not too tired, otherwise, you may fall asleep! The goal is to feel as physically relaxed as possible while maintaining a wakeful mind.
If you do fall asleep, consciousness is shifting along a scale of dimensions. Your physical eyes are closed, yet the dream mind sees. As you grow more alert and aware of the out-of-body experience (OBE), you begin to sense the physical mind continues thinking and being while the projected double is split into an independent aspect. You can shift focus or point of consciousness out in front of the body, even above and beyond it. More than one aspect of you is expanding on experience.
4. Notice Your Senses Sharpening
At this stage, you may notice mysterious visuals or sounds as well as sensations such as floating or falling. You may also feel slightly numb, which is exactly where you want to be.
It comes to your attention that the mind is recording more than one set of dream memories. In fact, you discover you can have two or more sets of memories for a single time period, that of the participant and the observer, and possibly other perspectives. More than one set of dream memories co-exist. As the projected double re-joins or re-integrates with the physical body, the strongest set of memories stand out. Other, shadow memories also exist, but are often lost.
Even now, you gain insight into a range of experiences from non-physical sight to projection. Mind's eye vision is revealing itself. The depth and complexity of dream recall sharpens as you practice, strengthen awareness, learn to keep OBEs short and train the mind so physical and projected aspects are aware and focused on each other. You see what you are ready to accept.
5. Visualize a Silver Cord
Now imagine a silver rope dangling from the ceiling, just within your reach. Spend some time visualizing this rope in detail, to the point where you can imagine what it will feel like.
6. Attempt to Grab the Rope with Your Astral Hand
Instead of diving right in and trying to astral project your whole body immediately, simply begin with one limb. Focus on reaching out to the rope and grabbing it with your astral hand.
7. Allow the Rest of Your Body to Follow
After you have successfully gripped the cord with your astral hand, feel the rest of your astral body rise from your physical form, and begin to climb the rope. It may seem heavier or lighter than usual to lift yourself.
Ultimately, it can take practice to master OBEs at will, but with persistence and discipline, travel anywhere is possible. If you don’t succeed the first time, or have lapses in your progress, encourage yourself to keep it up. Conscious visits through astral realms are closer than you imagine.
"Men are the dreams of a shadow." - Pindar (Ancient Greek lyrical poet)
Sometimes you need to see and experience what is not you, what you do not prefer, as part of your process of awakening. Consider nothing has meaning until you give it. All negativity can be viewed as a friendly messenger. Vibrate according to what you sense is true and this is perceived as your reality. You can choose to vibrate based on what you feel is self-empowering. This enables you to let go of what is not you. How do you desire a particular experience to influence your remembering of timeless insights?
As you choose to sense blessings everywhere, you awaken to levels of frequency, resonance and inter-dimensional beingness. You cannot see what you are not a vibration of. You cannot solve a problem on the level it emerges into being. You cannot be conscious of what you are not willing to feel or accept.
As you recognize that everything exists now, you discern illusory perspectives of the now moment. Shift energy vibration and transform your universe. Be aware you already move through parallel realities. Raise your vibrational awareness and you grow aware of vibrational patterns that are you and are not you. This draws attention to worlds inviting exploration. What gives you power is knowing what power you have at your disposal and choosing not to use it to do harm. True power is awareness, compassion and keeping composure. To know you are part of the infinite means you need not demonstrate or prove anything.
People ask that if their sense of physical reality is only a projection of mind, then why are attitudes hard to change? One perspective invites you to consider why you resist the unconditional love that comes easily.
To begin to discern nothing exists but the mind is a meaningful stage in raising awareness. Just as a blade cannot cut itself and a light cannot light itself, consciousness cannot perceive itself through the mind. A mirage is unaware of its essence. Notice where your misperception limits you. Choose to allow expansion.
You may think that if you stop what you are doing, then life, as you see it, would be meaningless. Behind your eyes exists another perspective. Consider how your behaviour is projecting a sense of happiness or fulfillment to other people and yet, may not be so convincing to your true self. How do you do your best not to remember the magical potential you possess? Would selective recall upset the tidy universe you are creating with your choices and beliefs? Imagine stepping back right now. How do you Transform Your Life?