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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in law of attraction (6)


Be a conscious co-creator

Notice we attract into our lives what we focus on. To be ready to shift gears, rise above what no longer resonates, requires we create experiences that evoke what we imagine the new reality feels like. Rather than focus on whats missing, on the present reality, on what we always have been or on what others want for us, we engage in what uplifts us, evokes light-heartedness, playfulness, spontaneous joy. As we focus thoughts on what we intend to manifest, wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken us or our vision of a new reality. Vibrations we emit right now already change the course of our life.


Recognize value in spirituality

Notice true and real progress in this realm involves recognition of spiritual dimensions. Developing mind-body awareness alone is missing an integral part of the whole. Ego-driven pursuits also tend to overlook value of and influence of the unseen. This is about deepening awareness of what hijacks our attention in physical, energetic and external worlds and learning to use that insight to catapult us inward in new ways. Its about shifting from mind into the heart centre. This is not something new that suddenly comes. The heart centre is eternally-present, but it is covered by so much. It has to be rediscovered. As one grows conscious of the workings of our inner world and perception, one is capable of navigating timelines and versions of ourselves that we prefer. We’re always shifting, whether we’re conscious of it or not. We grow invisible to some people, disappear from certain situations as part of an energetic shift to reappear in other places, relationships and conditions. Self-awareness induces a lot of lucidity and fluidity to help us guide our shifting to the reality we prefer. Some people link Ego and the Law of Attraction. Yet, in Truth, we do not attract anything–we simply shift to the reality compatible with our frequency that contains the fulfilment of what is often goes unrecognized. These realities already exist. How can you create something that already exists? You cannot. All things exist in the eternal Now. All potentials you could experience exist frozen in the fabric of space-time, waiting for your choices to bring them unto life. We must get a handle on our distorted functionning, manipulated energies and what keeps us unconscious before shifts into new realities are conscious and not undermined by our own ignorance or misunderstandings.

10 Tips to allow reality to shift

Human experience is about reacting and responding to events arise in day-to-day life.  Every moment, we each have choices about what to perceive and how to feel.  That is, notions of 'success' and 'failure' are shifting based on how we understand and apply our true potential.  Our physical experience of relationships and activities changes based on level of consciousness. 

Imagine, for a moment, you have the power to close the gap between 'here and there', to resolve your perception of separation between who you are and what you wish to be. You might imagine this gives you the ability to create miracles at will, to instantly manifest what you want, when you want it.  Yet, what if there s more to this process?  What if its not about controlling outcomes? Reflect on these 10 tips to allow your reality to shift;

1. Choose to enjoy something where you are

This includes being okay with experiencing illnesss, conflict, emotions, imbalance or whatever shakes you up. Being okay with things involves stepping outside events, being willing to see everything as an observer.  Only then are you more objective, able to see blessings right now.

2. Intuit what is occurring serves a Larger Agenda

When you think things do not seem to be going well, it is helpful to take yourself out of the picture.  This helps you realize seeing things personally is an incomplete way of looking at life.  This enables you to view work or anything you do as serving the Soul's (not ego's) agenda. It is also ego (personality aspirations)  that can get in the way of the Larger Soul (divine) Agenda. Every happening can be used to serve the agenda of the Soul. Seeing this way consistently is moving through stages of belief, hoping, faith, awakening, awareness and knowing.

3. Remember what acceptance feels like

Accepting what you see as your human conditions is not about being resigned or giving up.  It involves the willingness to be aware of the nature of your own resistance, why it exists and how it limits life.  Seeing reasons for resistance allows one to surrender to what exists beyond this.

4. Know you experience what is for your highest good

From the moment you discover the feeling of non-resistance or non-opposition linked to acceptance, you are open to infinite future possibilities.  This is about letting go of what the logical mind thinks it wants, and making room for the experience of what mind does not yet see.

5.  Recognize the basic instinct is not survival

This is huge. The basic urge to see inter-connectedness and divinity in all things is conditioned out of humans at birth when they adopt the illusion of separation.  Yet, the feeling of Oneness with all life cannot be completely forgotten.  Glimpses of the Stars, Sun, Velestial bodies and oceans evoke awe in everyone. Deeper insights about air, water, fire, energy arise in time.

5.  See perfection in whatever is occurring

To master oneself, one stops arguing or resisting what is happening on all levels.  When we stop arguing with ourselves and love life, we can relax and savor every moment, come what may, laughing and crying more because we simply allow emotions to flow and be as they are.  Inner peace arises as a feeling as we see and accept perfection in everything including, ourselves.

6. Grasp the subtlety of Law of Attraction

The world appears in our perception to reflect qualities inside ourselves. The more needy or insecure we feel, the more we wish to accomplish or acquire in the external world.   And yet, with acceptance of divine perfection comes a surrender to one's Soul purpose.  What arises is something unforeseen yet better than what was envisioned when attached to results.

7. Explore how long you can stare 

Ever see how long you can stare at your reflection into a glass mirror? Why turn away? The eyes are windows into the soul because they echo how authentic you are, how blissful the truth is. The eyes reveal everything we see is identical to something we have already done in some form. Everything is understood. Stare at something or someone long enough and true being reveals itself.  You fall in love with your own wholeness. This is why so often people look away. What if staring at yourself is a guide to living more authentically (from the soul or heart)?

8.  Know nothing is unclear to the Soul

This is the stage where you are not only excited to get out of bed every day, but as you grow more conscious, your actions align with the desire of All of life. Awakening to your own Soul vision paves the way to evolve into grander versions of the Self.  This is not about inflated (ego-driven )versions of ourselves, but being on purpose with the Soul vision of the most expanded version of you.  Feelings are a reliable guage.

9. Recognize miracles are within reach

At some stage, it grows apparent miracles are within reach and each of us is a miracle worker.  Each of us has within us everything required to live a life of complete happiness and fulfillment.  Sometimes our filters simply get in the way.  Thus, the processes  of letting go, unlearning and shifting from seeing quantity to quality of life are milestones within reach for All.

10.  Know you exist for reason that transcends physicality 

With perfect timing, you begin to reflect on the purpose of life, the purpose of this moment and what you choose to do with it as part of a bigger picture.  At some point, it dawns that life is a spiritual rather than a purely physical experience.  Every moment is a window or stargate of opportunity to decipher and mould the agenda of your spiritual self that can only be experienced in the realm of the physical. The whole point of creating a physical life (incarnating) is to have a vehicle for living out a spiritual agenda. How do you feel about where you are as a worldbridger?


Ben Abba & Interview on Immortality

I originally hear of Ben Abba though  media interviews and finding his unique book about immortality.  The subject is so thought-provoking that I contacted him about an interview here and another on my Blog talk radio show November 22.

The subject matter invites everyone to review the basis of conditioned beliefs and re-evaluate the nature of their own self-disclosure. Thanks for consenting to this interview and being willing to expand on your insight on the radio.

What is your view about physical immortality? Why focus on this subject?

Its possible. I believe ~25 "immortals", living among us today, already achieve it.

I focus on this to learn how to extend my own life, the quality of my own life, and to share what I have learn to others who desire to learn the same.

 How does learning about this give a person a different awareness of reality?

Fear of death gives others control over us. Without fear of death, we become free to live our lives to their fullest.

Share any example(s) of your own personal verification of immortality.

A very small sample: walking barefoot on hot cools, surviving a car crash, remote viewing, Li Ching Yuen, locating and making contact with real "immortals", and observing many other death-defying miracles throughout my life.

 How does an evolving perspective on physical existence accelerate your personal development?

Quite a bit. I now "know" and not just "believe" that we have free will and not just living a pre-determined life.

Consider the law of attraction. What sorts of individuals do you invite into your life based on your interest and research into immortality?

More enlightened beings or those who choose to evolve and grow in their lives.

What is your understanding of the human potential for spontaneous healing?

I am beginning to know that it is not only possible, but it is happening, in many different ways, all around us. What brings you to such conclusions? Personal observations and research into such done by others interests me.

How do you sense spirituality shifting inside you and others in light of what you perceive and learn of immortality?

My beliefs, my lifestyle has considerably changed already due to my research into physical immortality. Also, immortality is one of many forms of "infinite abundances". When I applied what I have learned in my research of "immortals" to other areas of my life (financial, business, relationships, etc.) i have noticed similar changes in my own life.

 What is your insight into past lives? How does this relate to your insight into immortality and longevity?

 I am well aware of the scientific evidence proving the belief of reincarnation and I have researched my own previous lives, with enough evidence to "know" I personally have reincarnated. Good question. I believe it helped me accept the findings of my research into immortals, immortality, and longevity.

Why do human beings resist changing views on immortality?

Fear seems to be the answer. Fear that their current beliefs may not be correct. Fear that others could have what they may not have. Fear that they are not "worthy" enough to receive what they truly desire in their own lives.

Do you sense a connection between increased self-respect, self-responsibility and longevity?

Definitely! (I can build on this later.)

Are you aware of National Geo studies on centenarians? A recent one was published in 2005.

YES! I have had a copy of the January 1973 of NG for years!

We are grateful you share perspectives on this wondrous subject. This is part I of the interview.  A second part will be published as a separate entry.

I invite you to listen to my archived radio show where we expand on this subject and Ben's writing.  Check out Ben's blog for further information on his work:


5 ideas as food for thought

You may be unaware that everything you sense to be happening is offering you valuable lessons to assist in your own self-growth. Every inkling is a stage of awakening inside.

Some people sense every person and situation they experience are actually the universe’s way of nudging them to awaken to their own patterns. Certain areas of your perception would benefit from attention. Consider 5 ideas as food for thought;

1) Impatient people highlight your own impatience. It reminds you how you attract what you think about and which behaviour you selectively overlook actually invites attention.

2) To impose your view of “the right way” is ego. In truth, no right or wrong way exists. You are invited to dissolve any sense of superiority and recall that all things are equal.

3) To detect resistance in others, signals resistance within. Discern whether you are preaching rather than empowering others to choose. You may resist the voice of your true self or, the people resisting may not be ready tor willing accept what insight or perspectives you offer.

4) As you reach certain levels of self-awareness, this does not mean everyone does. Not everyone is conscious and aware at the same level on that plane at the same moment. The process of reaching a point of universal, collective awareness is soul-level energy alignment. Each energy being works toward internal, collective and other types of seen and unseen energy alignment.

5) If you think someone should be at a higher level of awareness, then you judge. To be at a ‘higher level’ of awareness means you; love everyone and everything unconditionally, have no impulse to judge or control and recognize each person evolves based on their own free will.