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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in remembering (54)


What is whispering inside?

Many different kinds of awakening exist.  Consciousness flows through you and triggers degrees of remembering about who you are.  More and more people are writing to me about feeling connected to something beyond the physical world.  They sense new abilities presenting and wisdom opening to you. You may also know someone who feels cosmic connections.We invite your reflections or questions. How do you sense this influences your own progressive revelations or sense of connection to Cosmic synchronicity?

Something about these particular videos may resonate with you.  Feel what percolates inside as you watch. Do not judge or decide your experience should be something else.  Simply open to what is.  You may also choose to check out another post--


Experience the Heaven of Now

You decide where you perceive self to be, what to feel and how to expand, evolve or remember. Share in this timeless journey and connect with the perfect, expanding being you are. The nature of your focused thoughts manifests everything that enters your scope of awareness and far more.  How do you feel at this stage?


What if you have no expectations?

You are where you are to open the heart to what exists for you.  This is an opportunity to recognize everything is a reflection of who you think you are.  Some people sense what they experience is what they know themselves to be.  To know requires no thought or belief.  You choose to be fully empowered or to postpone that.

Ponder how your body is a filter, a conduit, that transmits energy into forms you discern in the physical.  You can sense when your attention is distracted from what feels balanced.  The invisible or unmanifested, grounds you. It often only grows apparent through discerning aspects of times and space.  Allow yourself to sense everything.

You may be in a situation where changes you perceive around you are distracting you from what you experience inside.  What if you are not seeing clearly when you look outside the self? What if alignment is only truly experienced as you remember what it feels like to feel beyond self-imposed limitation?

Remind self nothing happens to you.  Everything actually happens through you.  No person senses this exactly as you do in this moment.  It may invite you to debate reality and then release energy that no longer serves you. 

Ultimately, conflict does not exist unless you imagine it. To detach from all expectations changes everything.  Choosing consciously means focusing your attention on peace, love and joy. Life is pure Cosmic Synchronicity.


Walk on the wild side

How do you know whether you accomplish something? There is a mental place where you do not look to accomplish anything and find things are completed easily and effortless.  How do you walk on the wild side?

Many people are conditioned to struggle to achieve specific goals.  Other people sense experiencing things fully every moment is something else.  Perhaps you are read to reframe perception differently. You take energy in.

What happens as you realize there is not really anything ouside you? To sense that all things are inside and projected out onto others empowers you to shift what you are projecting. Peer inside. What kind of energy is feeding your beliefs. Imagine that nobody holds any power over you unless you decide to give away inner power.

Suddenly, you realize the secret to energizing your very centre. You remember how to experience joy now. You detach from expectation. What you think is taking place is not what is unfolding. Recognize that you often choose to see what does not exist. You choose to see everything as acts of love or pleas for love. Notice inclinations.

As you recognize people who express negativity forget who they are, you can relate to their lower vibrations with compassion and understanding. If you react emotionally to such encounters, then you forget that the real you exists in a space of uncondtional love and acceptance. Open your heart to nothing.  Realign with Cosmic Synchronicity.


Notice your predispositions

As you open to notice your own predispositions, you are empowered to see through and peel them away.  As awareness grows, some people sense the nature of their illusions and realize nothing exists to change.  Imagine that.

Some people tend to think optimisitically or pessimistically, one frame of mind at the expense of the other.  Reasons exist for every inclination and also why people forget both exist together for balance.  Noticing difference and duality is part of the process of sensing intrinsic value in every perspective and merging them back into one.

Each person is invited to discern what is meant to be in the background of consciousness.  The mind distorts perception and shifts focus away from unconditional love and acceptance to trap you in visions of self-interest. 

Remembering how it feels to be honest draws you to intuit the right response in every situation. This is part of Self-disclosure.  Note you are not responsible for reactions of others. Give them strength, love & detachment.