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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in time (68)


Grasp an unfathomable mystery

When something mysterious is drawing you into it, how do you describe it? Could this be a dream? Where is the exit? The sensation is beyond name and form, has no link to dogma, no label of a particular philosophy.  This transcends any words that can be used, and still, something is dying to reveal itself.

Untapped wisdom is awakening.  It is spreading.  Mystical sensations and events are available to any being that truly wants them.  Every moment, you are given opportunities to select among what comes your way. You prioritize, discard and ignore based on what you are ready to accept. In which ways do you already begin to grasp an unfathomable mystery?

1) Experience a sense of indescribable awe and wonder

2) Free the mind from human time and associated anxiety

3) Enter realms beyond the physical without fear

4) Explore the reach of prayer, meditation and loving service

5) Sense love as a divine musician composing and playing soul

6) Gain insight into unity, sensitivity, humility and balance 


What do you learn from forever?

Human beings invent the concept of time for their own varied purposes. Nonetheless, certain ideas cannot be measured and do not fit into imagined categories. Some people ask why they struggle to fathom and measure the idea of forever. What can you learn from this? What are you learning already?

1) Everything has a universal purpose.  Coincidence, weirdos, non-conformists and anyone that seems to differ from you, does not.  In this sense, forever seems like the period required to grasp and accept everything is part of you.

2) Social roles have limited usefulness.  Humans would not exist and lessons would not be learned if everything unpleasant is eliminated.  Jobs one grows to old to perform remind how one actually outgrows social roles and related limited perspectives.  Business is an illusion reinforced by the idea that the goal becomes to stay in business at all cost. 

3) Life is enriched by self-service. Human beings have opportunities to stretch themselves, to give selflessly, to be as creative and uplifting as they permit. This is not arrogance, but ability to recognize inner talents and to acknowledge intrinsic self-worth. Who you are never falters or lets you down.

4) Dreaming is a soulful wake-up call. Dreaming at night opens the mind to realms of timelessness. In modern society, human beings are not encouraged to dream. Night dreams show perceived turmoil will always exist until you are willing to lay it aside. To relearn the feeling of a centred, loving being reminds you you already live more than one existence.


What brings you back?

To believe you know everything is not a complete illusion. Yet, to assume you currently access all this inner knowing is misleading. The ego may tell you yes, but the conscious mind echoes it needs more time to clarify and accept it has answers.

As it happens, its a misunderstanding to believe the future will free you from the past. One incarnates on Earth to work through emotions and relearn what is means to exist in the present. Your unconscious past is not useful except insofar as it takes shape at this moment. Awakening from dreams is key.

As you begin to view yourself as a multi-dimensional being, you begin to sense the plane of physical matter you know as Earth is not all there is. As you dream, you can train self to gain insight into how part of you exists on different planes at once. To be conscious of the body when perspective is above and you view closed eyes suggests something is going on beyond the physical. You know this sensation when you feel it.

Astral travelers experience at least two planes; the astral and physical. The astral extends or mirrors the physical plane. Some describe astral as a transition or porthole to access other realms. Each plane has its own rules. Physical laws do not apply in astral. This place in the mind enables you to move beyond conditioned limits and uncover untapped abilities.

Whether awake or asleep, energy beings quest for answers. Dream journeys expand experience and trigger revelations about what is possible. Awakening in the physical world enables rediscovered ideas to come into conscious awareness. All is possible with mental training and discipline.

Astral dreaming offers repeated opportunities where soul guides you to reconnect pieces of fragmented consciousness. You grow to discern where illusion ends and where pieces of truth exist. In essence, the part of you that you do not see brings the rest of you full circle. It begins and ends in mind.


10 Steps to take a quantum leap 

When human beings speak of quantum anything, they imply something significant, but cannot always clarify it in words. The mind-centred self wishes to move ahead. The heart senses pure love without doing. Mind is in process of aligning with the heart. Consider10 steps to take a quantum leap;

1) Establish a baseline. Know where you stand. Are you self-directed or directionless or somewhere in-between? Originally, nothing exists. You start and end here. As you open mouth and mind, everything appears. Hindrances obscure your inner view.

2) Notice self-created limits. Misperceptions grow from the invention of time. Energy is fragmented in the mind to change shape, to create doubt, fear and incompleteness.

3) Turn off the mind. It is grounded in a human-conceived past or future and all that is external. This is not where you are. Conscious cooperation is crucial to discern and break mental patterns. To awaken the heart, sense the inner body.

4) Recognize problems do not exist. Sources of any perceived discomfort are not found in the present.  Problems are views of situations that may happen, that invite attention now, or that benefit from being accepted as they are.

5) Focus on a given moment.  To deliberately focus on the now shuts off the fear and pain inthe mind. You also heal others through example and vibration. Mental discipline enables you to attune to an ongoing transformation.

6) Stop basing identity on suffering. Who you are has nothing to do with perceived suffering. You are not what you seem to have or what you falsely assume you lack. You are not attached to situations.  A timeless essence shines through.

7) Feel grateful for everything. Learn to use your senses more fully. Develop compassion for everything.  Visualize a single focal point.  All experience is meaningful. Feeling will get you closer to your authentic self than thinking.

8) De-emphasize results. When you focus on a goal, on what has yet to be done, this is attachment. The ego mind perpetuates competitiveness and restlessness. To sense relief is to be okay with doing or not doing in the moment.  View the self as always doing well, without measuring quality or quantity.

9) Strengthen inner harmony.To gain insight into the power of energy vibration, a person may chant mantras aloud. As a person advances in understanding, mantras and other toning can be done internally. Voicing words silently attracts revelant energies into core or spiritual centre. You realize what is.

10) Accept pure love is universal.  Love only seems to expand as you detach from illusions of the mind. In truth, love is everyone and everything. It does not change.  Only the degree of intensity felt or layers of vibration experienced differ based on what you allow or resist.


10 Ways to make the most of now

1) Contemplate your conditions now and what led up to them.

2) Identify what it means to truly listen to your soul.

3) Note physical events evoke similar emotions until you learn.

4) Nurture forgiveness and remember what prompts it.

5) Replace perceived difficulty with a sense of joy and ease.

6) Pay attention to patterns: why accept or reject insight?

7) Discern meaning and lessons in every moment.

8) Recognize time is the only basis for physical existence.

9) Align thoughts, focus and energy with what matters.

10) Realize beliefs and judgment interfere with soul evolution.