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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in time (68)


Write the History of your future

Every moment, we think and create a time-space reality that comes into being.  Many realities exist that you do not choose to experience.  They remain outside your scope of awareness or conscious recognition.  Consider that when you believe strongly in something, you dream about it and convince yourself it exists.  During childhood, this may include fairies, dragons and enchanted beings.  Later in life, your focus tends to shift.  Yet those who believe in fairytales at any age recognize capacity to experience them on their terms.

Even now, as you reconnect with the love you are, you recall you exist in a world dependent only on how you consciously feel.  Nothing affects your feelings unless you choose.  As you reach that place where you gain control of how you feel, you can imagine and allow yourself to make choices to deliberately write the history of your future.  In other words, you have the capacity to transcribe a vision, focus your attention and work backwards as a timetraveller. Feel it into being. Give it a go. Know it works already. Look back on what has unfolded and then align with feelings you associate with the result. As a modern magician, you create your own future in this present moment.  Feelings tell you they are one in the same.


Beyond knowing

As a person detaches from the influence of the physical body and senses, lets go of doing, and moves beyond judging, that person may wonder what remains.  To release your grounding in time and space leaves you to feel as if objects and circumstances disappear.  To let go of assumptions, expectations and knowing, is to feel that even the knower ceases being.  Awareness reveals possibilities that defy words.


Awareness is not what you think

You may have the impression awareness grows over a period of perceived time.  To sense awareness is a changeless reality is to know change is an illusion created by ego mind that itself focuses on the external world.  Notice how ego grounds you in certain belief systems where it is controls you with fear. If consciousness only grows more subtle and refined, how does this effect what you feel and accept?


Choose eternity over time

What ego wants, you come to expect. Why is that? What can you do from this moment to shift focus?

Any decision of the mind affects both behaviour and experience. Consider feelings that ground you in a sense of physical time. Guilt may trigger regret, and evoke fears like retaliation or abandonment. Ego may convince you the future simply repeats the past. What if nothing the ego perceives is interpreted correctly?

As you step back and witness ego, notice its judgment of what is worthy makes something worthy for you. Notice only loving thoughts are timeless.  To rediscover a sense of eternity reminds you who you are.


Watch the gatekeeper

Now is the moment to remember what it feels like to be increasingly present and aware. How often do you play games with the mind to explore its capabilities? Notice the insight you are gaining as you do so. Every moment, you decide what to let into the mind and what to keep out.  Thought and perception of past and future distract you from remembering who you are right now.  Consider how you act as a gatekeeper.