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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in time (68)


Silence offers answers

The ego exists through comparison.  When you introduce polarity, you bring opposition into being.  That which is not is purely imagined and can be shaped and corrupted. That which is remains untouchable, indescribable and unfathomable, and is what exists beyond the mind.

Consider a man who shares his sense of identity.  His ego grounds his judgment in what mind conceives and accepts.  He speaks of what he thinks he is and what he believes he is not.  He limits his scope of awareness to his familiar five senses.

Imagine one with no sense of self. As the ego disappears from view, one has no substance. One is only pure space. Hindrances are not perceived. Thought does not exist here. Insults have no effect when thrown at someone who is truly at peace in silence. Such sounds are not even heard. Notice if your focus of attention is not on a tree, you cannot hear it fall. So, you sense silence when not looking, listening or doing, but being. Silence is transparent by nature.


When the questions disappear

As questions that form in the mind fade away, you may forget the original purpose in asking.  You may conclude that silence is where the answers exist and suddenly trigger your own revelations.  There is no time like the present to notice what you imagine and why.

To grasp where and who you are is to be in harmony with all that is.  To realize you are in conflict with something or someone reveals you resist the harmonius state of being, that you choose to struggle against full acceptance.  Whenever you do not feel at peace, step back.  Observe.  Situations and perceptions do not punish anyone.  We only ever choose to punish ourselves and imagine reasons for all that.


Create room to vibrate

Everything you do is gradually creating new awareness of multi-dimensional energy. You integrate many parallel memories and the ever-expanding now.  Your expand based on vibration cycles and the paradigm you establish.

You are in the process of altering your sense of perceived time.  The splitting of the second and moments are key.  Both positive and negative polarities are expanding.  Your belief in a new version of reality is coming into being. You imagine structure, rules and limitation and then feel the truth underneath.  You change or mutate as energy.

More than one layer of reality exists. Different grids and vibrations shift according to the energies you vibrate.  Doorways of opportunities are opening to you.  Dimensional shifts unfold and help you sense your roles in parallel universes. You alter your past experience or future possibilities and notice its all Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Impart the insight you gather

Everything that you sense exists to carry you forward.  The reality you perceive suggests that you are always going somewhere.  The mind assumes this implies movement of the physical body. This is actually a metaphor for the ascension of consciousness.  The dense energy or 3-dimensional you may find this hard to grasp fully.

In other words, you are growing aware of different parts of self that are out-of-alignment.  That is, the mind has its own way of understanding and perceiving reality.  Now, other parts of you coming into your scope of awareness, have a very different understanding of energetic reality, your core vibration and what exists beyond the physical.

What you notice, at a conscious level, is that ongoing changes are affecting you emotionally and energetically. Right now, you experience new stages of the evolution or development of consciousness.  Some of what you notice is physical, such as changes in orientation of stars and landmass.  You shift the temporal and spatial maps of reality.

You may not know how to convey what you feel.  As you sense the universe is made by mind, you realize you have capacity for quantum leaps in self-expression. Something intense unfolds from the vortex of your very core. This resonates Cosmic Synchronicity, and as it happens, this is also the title of my new book. Ponder on that.


Reframe perception of time

Every moment, regardless of the apparent time, you are at the threshold of new opportunity.  To choose to be present now, you are choosing to be more connected to what is unfolding wthin and around you.

To sense more than the linear moments exist, is to recognize that you can turn the page and start fresh. You have the power to begin a clean slate.  As you move beyond certain experiences and lessons, perception shifts.

You can absorb information purely based on where you seem to stand on a schedule, a calendar date or clock, or you can recognize there is more to life than this level of perception. Everything contributes to what you see.

Some people celebrate on designated days of a given year.  Others cherish every moment they are given.  Certain festivities are traditions assciated with celestial movement. You can choose to sense meaning in the now.  Wherever you are,  step back and sense value how it feels to be present. Make the most of everything. Why? It is all you.