Quicken your vibration

You may have heard the idea that you are evolving more like the five people you spend the most time with. How do you feel about that? Do you feel consciously good about your current choices?
In truth, you take on the energy of everything unless you grow more aware of how you respond to energy inside. Your anatomical structures are shifting based on how you respond to internal and external energy fields. You change according to your beliefs, the higher and lower vibration of energy.
What can you do? Meditation can change your molecular structure, align you with the stars. In the physical world, orient your activities to people and situations that quicken your vibration. Complete love and acceptance reinforce new energy. Thought forms and negativity lower energy vibration.
All energy is available to you. You do not have to interact with anything that distracts you from what resonates with your true self. You become the future in the now. Every prophecy points to 2012 as the end of a conscious energy vibration. Transformation is constant and unfolds within right now.
Reader Comments (3)
Not much! .. but I'm slightly stuck - so I need to be more aware and take on a better energy: I think that I probably do. I get strength from here and other bloggers - that keeps me grounded and where I'd like to be.
At least I realise I have choices and a future ahead - I must hodl the future and the energy it brings me to the fore.
Have a good week - Hilary Melton-Butcher
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