5 Tips to Reframe Change

People ask when is the right time to re-evaulate their vision of success, lifestyle or other areas of life. The underlying questions we are asking are; 1) how often do we hear and respond to intuition? and how quickly do we manifest visions? Many books suggest its possible to create faster than is common practice. If change beckons, yet we are indecisive or unsure about changes, it is wise to examine different areas of our lives in detail. For now, here are 5 tips;
1. Read our emotions
If anxiety, fear or doubt are frequent, this is an invitation to step back and re-evaulate priorities, thoughts, beliefs and actions. Emotions tell us whetherwe favor logical or intutive choices.
2. Be aware of left & right brain
To grow clearer about what is and is not working, it helps to recognize whether and how often we engage each side of the brain. Left brain is characterized by logic, reasoning and competition and survivial instincts. Right brain is characterized by creative expression and imagination.
3. Understand the cosmic dynamics
Manifesting your dreams and making life changes is not always in our control. Consider we each begin with elements of our dreams from conception. This grows from DNA, gender, astrological data, socio-economic environment and health of the physical body. From birth, this “package” shapes a certain range of choices we work with in our life. Although we have free will, we are born within parameters of choice we have teh pwoer to shape and change based on awareness.
4. Explore frequency & vibration
Tesla echos: ‘If [we] want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.' This is deep. Every choice we make influences the vibration of our life direction.
5. Take greater responsibility
Imagine how life shifts as we take greater responsibility for our life choices, directions and related outcomes. What if we begin to see the role of our conscious and unconscious mind in perceived successes and failures? This invites us to revisit experiences from different views.
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