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Entries in 2012 (44)


Paranormal events happen to normal people 

Just when you convince yourself of what it means to be normal, you discover paranormal events happen to normal people. This is apparent in the energy and enthusiasm with which stories are shared. It may also be noticable in your own perception of existence. Nothing is ever the same. Ever wonder why this is?

Paranormal events are those loosely described without definitive, and agreed upon scientific explanation. This is understood as things that happen outside what is conscious, familar and easily explained by the rational mind. Some people sense they began thinking with the heart, moved to the head and are in the process of reconnecting with heart awareness.

When a biological life form expands to a higher level of consciousness, it does so in part by reinforcing its sense of a past and connecting it with present to make sense of what is folding. Thus, paranormal is also viewed as normal.

Electromagnetic theory offers to explain paranormal events such as telepathy and seeing spirit energy. To sense energy fields involves subtle perceptions of feelings, emotions and other energies which differ from what you associate with dense energy.  For example, people who experience NDEs are known to become more sensitive to different energy levels. Yet, they are not the only beings to sense non-verbal or other energies.

Consider the provocative impact of someone who reaches rock bottom in physical life. Then, a near death experience (NDE) opens doors to other worlds. To experience those other worlds and return to what you had before shifts perception of what you think or know. This prompts new levels of energy awareness.

Consider a voice in the dialogue of my Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within book. It reveals how each of us is given information from a higher self, that may be viewed as a spirit guide, an angel, an extra-terrestrial or something else. You go though stages of awareness where you sense wisdom is obtained from outside the self and arrive at a point where you can begin to access infinite, inner knowing.  

Consider how you sense changes are occuring within and around you.  What would happen if you choose to record everything you perceive to be happening?  Much of what you hear that is normal or not is not based on your inner sight or intuition.  As you detach from what you are told is normal, you gradually come to realize it is actually something else. 

Another view of paranormal is to realize your internal points of reference are shifting.  One result is your external perception shifts. Some people connect this to the unfolding, magnetic pole shift of Earth itself.  Every human being has opportunities to learn to change certain things within the self in order to be more calm and balanced throughout altering perception. 


What could happen with a pole shift?

In a pole shift, according to individuals like Drunvalo Melchizdek, no person has been able to figure out definitively how a planet like Earth with its size and inertia could suddenly move off its axis, as is predicted in relation to 2012. This would require huge amounts of energy. What are some options?

Consider magnetics. The crust of Earth is 20-40 miles thick. Underneath that is the upper mantle. That is what holds the outer core to the inner core of the planet. Scientists learned without magnetics, the upper mantle could become a liquid. The crust would then be free to move within a period as short as 15 days. Imagine the ice developing off centre in the south pole (2 miles high). If this kind of thing were to happen right now, you wake up in a new place in relation to the equator.

Consider Mayan prophecy. They predict major lines of magnetic energy are changing. Their civilisation has survived two pole shifts, one 13,000 years ago and another 26,000 years ago.  They claim that to survive a pole shift event, one needs to be connected to the heart and the heart of the earth. They say if you are 'in your heart,' you will not die. Their full prophecy has yet to be fully made public.

Consider how consciousness changes as humans move within cycles of time.  Knowing the planet is alive also affects expanding awareness of what is.   The pole shift will enable people to sense fields in the brain, around the body and throughout the universe in new ways. Heightening sensitivities emerge. You create with your brain or your heart. There is a big difference. The brain creates equal and opposite things. To create from the heart never harms anyone anywhere.

Imagine that to enter the fourth dimension, means whatever you think and feel happens in real time.  Once you enter this level of consciousness, you are at the level of energy vibration as other beings you do not necessarily see of believe to exist.  One view is extra terrestrials will be seen as having been here in formless states and most of them would like to help humans.  You may also shape-shift and alter form and formless states. Old ways of existing will completely dissolve.

Consider dramatic changes in internal weather patterns. Many teachings, including those of the Tibetans and other ancient gurus, say that people are turning inward to rethink the power and consciousness of heart. How do you notice your energy fields within your body? In truth, the left and right brain create the external energy field.  The internal energy field extends from the heart. Two different levels of consciousness create a perception of an internal weather pattern. You create energy fields. Check this out:


What you need right now


Many teachers offer insight into what is unfolding now.  Drunvalo Melchizedek invites you to shift form the left brain to the right brain in order to figure out what physical existence is really about. He explains how he has worked with over 70 spiritual teachers the world over, including 14 years with a native tribe, to reach his current position of inner knowing.

Choose to watch the other 12 parts of this YouTube series. Share your own perspectives. What resonates and what does not? is the origin of your own understanding of Eternal Time and why you exist?


13 books offer insight on 2012

Some people call it the Piscean era we are coming out of toward 2012. As humans separate from the familiar, it sometimes seems like you are cutting the self off from relationships, behaviours and points of reference that ground you. Separatist thinking thinking can alientating and yet, amazing things happen when you open to possibilities.

Consider 10 books worth reading to expand your insight into 2012.  Share insights about references that are famliar to you, and suggest additional materials to empower others;

1) The Dresden Codex by the Mayans

2) The Truth: What You Must Know Before December 21, 2012 by Stephen Hawley Martin

3) 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck

4) Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age by Gregg Braden

5) Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here) by Dr. Bruce Lipton

6) The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships by Esther Hicks

7) The Starseed Dialogues: Soul Searching the Universe by Patricia Cori

8) Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century (Second Edition) by John Jay Harper

9) 2012 Awakening: Choosing Spiritual Enlightenment Over Armageddon by Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

10) The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

11) 2012 and the Galactic Center: The Return of the Great Mother by Dr. Christine R. Page

12) The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012 by Mayan Priest Carlos Barrios

13) The Aquarians by Eric Rankin 


Global alignment is what?

Everything that matters has always been.  You are on a path of purpose toward alignment. How do you  put awakening, inner knowing, widom and experience into words right now?

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