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Insight of the Moment

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Entries in 2012 (44)


Why interpret 2012 transpersonally?

As you reach a mental place where you experience conscious expansion, you realize how you perceive and believe is not always helping you.  You give shape and form to solutions.

To interpret 2012 perception transpersonally is a strategy that offers numerous advantages.  Things are not as you imagine. Consider these ideas and how you resonate or not;

1) What is happening within your psyche is also reflected in the external world. This is a mutually-reinforcing, feedback loop.

2) Reducing perception of change to personal experience denies an impersonal process where everyone is involved.

3) Stepping outside linear time reveals the fluidity and impermanence of now and how the next age is already here. 

4) To seek wholeness or soul-alignment is both personal and universal. Certain things are transcended in higher synthesis.

5) How you dream is open-ended, malleable, synchronistic and multi-dimensional. What happens next is yet unscripted.


How to be more experientially-connected

Every moment, you have opportunities to change the way you perceive and process information.  You have choices whether to view things as you always have or, to prepare yourself for something unfamiliar to the conscious mind.  How and what you interpret orients what comes next and how you view 2012.

Every energy vibration you register is based on deep personal experience you gradually raise to conscious awareness. This is a process of deliberate soul re-alignment. Many people ask how to be more experientially-connected. Consider 7 ways;

1) Move beyond established ways of exploring reality.

2) Learn to align the physical body with Earth's energetic grids.

3) Sense the human psyche is integral to the cosmic matrix.

4) Recognize cellular level of the body views human-created boundaries as arbitrary and irrelevant to the truth.

5) Note all events are recorded in an immaterial energy field.

6) Be open to visionary experience & multi-dimensional travel.

7) Prepare for the emergence of a new human species. 


11 Things to raise energy vibration

Right now, many people would like to feel better about themselves. You may not realize that when you feel bad or permit yourself to  get depressed, you have the power to change. Negative thoughts keep energy vibration low and prevent inner expansion, until you grow aware of options. 

If you choose to focus on fear, you have the capacity to reframe where you are and what is happening in every situation, and also toward 2012. To do so, awaken and;

1) Recognize you have the capacity to step out of the trap.

2) Choose to nurture compassion & peaceful thoughts.

2) Let go of ideas & feelings that no longer serve you.

3) Spend time in Nature and meditate to open a higher self.

4) Renew energy vibration with power of humour & laughter.

5) Activate your light body by acknowledging it is you.

6) Love yourself unconditionally & let go of any grudges.

7) Sense subatomic particles operate at frequencies of light.

8) Connect with those who attune to higher realms/ awareness.

9) Watch The OM:

10) Awaken your Merkabah field; harness the golden light orb.

11) Know consciousness manifests into physical matter through the original Merkabah circulatory system within you.


Gregg Braden & 31 Belief Codes for healing

Gregg Braden encourages everyone to move to a mental place where they raise awareness and grow more awakened to their own misperceptions and reasons behind them.  This touches on the hightened perception linked to the 2012 phenomenon.

Braden advises how each human being has inner power to shatter their own conception of false limits. In his book, The Spontaneous Healing of Disbelief, he explore these 31 belief codes in great detail and its truly worth reading;

1) Experiments show the focus of attention shifts reality.

2) We live based on what we believe, limit and create.

3) Science is one language that describes things as they are.

4) Particles we're made of interact instantaneously, bilocate and change the past through present choices, and so can we.

5) Beliefs can change energy flow and events in the universe.

6) Perceived existence is actually a series of energy holograms.

7) All energy is "on" (physical matter) or "off" (invisible waves).

8) Nature repeats patterns to build all you perceive or not.

9) If the universe is compised of repeating patterns, grasping small things is a window into the bigger picture.

10) Belief is a 'program' that creates patterns in reality.

11) What we believe is more powerful than what others accept.

12) Accept the power of belief can transform everything.

13) Belief creates certainty based on thought and feelings.

14) Belief is expressed in the heart, where experiences are translated into electrical and magnetic waves that interact withe the world.

15) Beliefs and feelings speak a quantum language to create.

16) The subconscious is larger & faster than conscious mind. 

17) The most deeply-held beliefs are hidden in subconscious.

18) During what are perceived as greatest challenges, deeply held fears/ beliefs are exposed and avaiable for healing.

19) Belief in unresolved hurt arises in harmful, physical effect.

20) Soul pain translates into diminished spiritual quality of life.

21) Principles that permit self-injury are reversed to self-heal. 

22) Belief in a unifying force or opposing ones, shapes you.

23) Choose relationship with light and darkness to heal the rift.

24) A miracle possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

25) You create and experience realities you conjure in mind.

26) In 1998, scientists confirmed photons are influenced by being watched and the more intense the observing, the greater influence over particle activity.

27) Key is to consciously become an experience you choose.

28) People tend to experience what they identify with/ believe.

29) Both logic and miracles open inner channels to beliefs.

30) To alter beliefs, shift awareness to many new possibilities.

31) No need to explain how or why something works, just be consciously willing to accept what it brings to your perception.


7 Points about oneness

Many people are talking about the concept of an increasing sense of "oneness." Some people relate this to 2012 and others sense perceived time is irrelevant. How can you put into words what this means to you? Consider these perspectives;

1) This is not a political thing. The concept of "one world order" is sometimes linked to oneness but they are not the same. The political view is about imposing power, will and control over others. Oneness is about reclaiming inner power and behaving to unleash a new sense of freedom.

2) Its about shift in consciousness. The real you is empathizing more with situations of others, even if you do not know them personally. The compassion within prompts you to relate and wish to help. Mind moves from selfish to selfless.

3) It represents a quantum leap in soul evolution. It represents a spiritaul awakening. You sense deep down you hold more answers to your own questions. Faith and trust in intuition is growing.  A sense of energy vibration and extrasensory experiences are jogging your memory about forgotten abilities; telepathy, ESP and other senses strengthen.

4) You can discontinue an ignorant existence. The impulse to live mindlessly is disappearing. As you raise awareness, you realize everything you think, feel and do, affects everyone, directly or indirectly.

5) Common humanity evokes awakening. Suddenly, you sense it possible to relate differently to others. To arrive at a crossroads between visions of survival and destruction of humanity, reminds you of choices. Love and positive thinking are gaining ground over ego and fear.

6) Something prompts you to love the self more. This is not egoism. Rather, its an internal wisdom that is becoming easier to hear. You realize you have more reasons to feel grateful and appreciate self.

7) An illusion of security and safety invite change. Imposed ideas of what you need to survive are seeming less important.  You gain an inner sense of security separate from the physical and material views.  As you connect with boundless consciousness, you realize you have new hope, new dreams and awareness without limits except those ego imposes.