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Entries in 2012 (44)


Why does the world seem smaller?

As we approach 2012, many theories exist about why the world appears to be getting smaller. Consider some of these reasons people offer to explain their perception of ongoing changes. What do you feel is happening? What additional perspective would you offer?

1) The Internet is expanding. 

2) People are awakening & aligning to core energy.

3) More people travel in mind, body and spirit.

4) The sun is heating up and eroding the Earth.

5) Communications & satellite tech bridge time & space 

6) The sense of universal oneness is growing.

7) Ego-based separateness is dissolving.

8) More people sense energy lines & the magnetic grid.

9) Water is rising and people are moving to higher ground.

10) Mind-based thinking is giving way to heart-centred living.

11) Consciousness is depening understanding of what we are.

12) Human beings are reverting back to interconnected beings.

13) Populations growth is skyrocketing.

14) The mind is reducing all perception to love or fear.


Witness expanding awareness

Many people do not know who they are because they spend so much time focused on what appears to be happening outside themselves.  Illusions are dissolving, even now.  You arrive at a moment where everything feels like it is shifting, and it is.

This very instant, you recall you are a vessel, filling up with light energy that acts like an eraser. Imagine your three-dimensional perception of a physical self is sketched in the air and suddenly grows transparent. The magical eraser floats around you and the outline of what you think you are. Before long, the external senses and dense you, just vanish.

What remains is your omnicient, spiritual essence. That which you temporarily forget. You exist to reconnect to authentic being without limitation. You transcend artificial boundaries imagined by the mind to obscure your natural, energetic being.  It is re-emerging, expanding, healing in emptiness.

You recall and experience spacelessness and timlessness.  A sense of what you are grows stronger. It fills you up and expands.  You witness expanding conscious and luminescent awareness in dimensions the physical you was unable to grasp. Some human beings intuit this is unfolding toward 2012. Other beings are attuned to what is already happening inside now.


Learn how to dematerialize

At this moment, the human brain is adapting to DNA changes and activating crystals which facilitate teleportation and inter-dimensional travel.  Synchronicity is staggering. You choose to attune, to reconnect and accept such things or not.

If you choose to outgrow the physical focus, you can learn to reconnect with the inner self. It is about gaining access to higher consciousness and building spiritual confidence. To stop permitting ego to control you is to move up through the chakras to move from belief and doubt to inner knowing.

When you ask a question, you are given answers inside to transcend ignorance and help you learn to balance energy.   Pay attention. What are the mind and spirit telling you?

This is not limited to a particular period of perceived time like 2012. This concerns reconnecting with inner capacities for experiences the mind judges to be bizarre and the heart-centre views as perfectly normal. You are invited to choose which dormant capacities to awaken and manifest. 

As one remembers divine gifts, one perceives energy on different levels. Love and a grasp of the functions of the inner, light body make it is possible to travel into worm holes.  Some people choose to channel. Others realize they are cosmic travellers. Discern your own expansion potential.

As you reach your crown centre, you can learn to learn to dematerialize.  This is a core truth. Meditation is a path to deeper self-knowledge.  Revelations unfold in stages;

1) Read about ancient influences on modern worlds. 

2) Tune into your own baseline energy frequency.

3) Learn about white light and conscious expansion.  

4) Notice emotions as gauges for vibrational shifts.

5) Discern how to raise energy & be heart-centred.

6) Gain insight into musical scales and sound therapy.

7) Learn to control the rotation of the chakras.

8) Notice how the energy body becomes etheric

9) Know etheric matter can travel through black holes.

10) Explore the merkaba and do merkaba meditations.


Allow things to come to you

You cannot just read about certain things, you have to experience them. You reach a point in life where you no longer wish to talk about things, write about them. You decide to embody them, share the sensations.  You no longer describe a particular place, you choose to explore dream realms and transport the soul inter-dimensionally.  You transform into your thoughts and raise awareness to a whole new level.

Every person has the option to reverse the conditioning that is absorbed from a young age.  Regardless of where these ideas come from, you can use them to step into your own power. Whatever you have been taught to think about time, you have adopted future probabilities of yourself. Any collective thinking about densensitisation disconnects them from what they are.  What you sense inside the mind is mirrored outside.

Home is not a place, its a feeling you shift into. You begin to listen to voices that emerge from inside. One perspective is that each energy being is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You create a vision based on what you choose to be. Inspire people to experience his or her own truth.  Boldly trust your own vibes.  Be aware of what you are projecting into the world.  Choose to be gentle, loving and open.   Energy and light are expanding.

In essence, you have no need to depend on anyone else for answers.  You are in the process of ending an ancient way of thinking, seeing and being.  Paranormal events are helping you open to inter-connectedness on a whole new level.  This is quantum learning. You are a co-creator in training. One view is existence is a coalescing of spirit and matter.  You discover the self through nature.  What is internal influence telling you?


Open your human stargate

Stargates are consciousness units, the method by which core consciousness opens. They are available to everyone as pathways to onenness and self-determination.  Popular culture suggests stargates are fictional means of teleporting to other worlds. Some people sense stargates truly exist.

Consider the pineal gland, also known as the third eye, may be experienced as a stargate.  It connects soul, higher self and interdimensional realms. Pineal glands are wireless transmitters that reconnect you to your own divinity. A human biological system can behave like a radio receiver through microwave resonance. Its a dormant organ that can be awakened to create an uplink from this realm to others. To reactivate the energy body is absolutely transforming. Key experience triggers knowing without a doubt.

As an energy being re-activates the pineal gland, he helps raise the vibration and consciousness of humanity. It is a conduit from higher dimensions that leaks energy into the physical and allows the merkabah to form. This is the connection to what is perceived as full consciousness, however you describe it.

You activate DNA on levels that attune you to the truth. You tap into things more psychically, you remember what you are, you know why you exist.  Your whole perception shifts to enable you to perceive through the heart and to redefine what is possible.  Mediation helps open timeless doorways, reading the Kabbalion and other philosophical and spiritual teachings.

According to David Wilcox and extensive research available through YouTube and 2012 videos, fluoride and other chemicals people ingest actually dull their sensations, pineal activation and connections to the higher self. It is also said everyone can reconnect to the universal telepathic link, recall how to attune to the frequencies of Mother Earth. Anyone can choose to raise frequency and make new choices.

Let's say wormholes are time-rips or a fabric of dimensional blending. Entities may come through. A morphogenetic field allows a certain frequency band to exist in a particular reality. Once humans activate their neurological sense, they open to sense entities multi-dimensionally. It alters perception.

Even now, you are imagining, and creating energetic possibilities into being. You are learning how to nurture flexible ideas that invite new kinds of development and growth. This is not simply about changes toward 2012, it is about what is unfolding within you in the present moment.

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