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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in 2012 (44)


What do you make of the DNA upgrade?

I invite you to watch this video about the ongoing changes in energy vibrations and share your impressions.  What do these ideas about the evolution of a species, and transformation of everything you have come to know, draw out of you? How would you describe the state of your own awakening or not?


What do you sense about 9/9/09?

You need not be a numerologist to sense something out of the ordinary about "9-9-09."  For increasing numbers of people, this series of nines does not stand out as a date so much as an indicator of the state of ongoing cycles.  You notice weather is less predictable.  A certain energy vibration deep inside is awakening and strengthening. What does it mean to you now?

It is interesting the number 9 is often associated with Mother Teresa or a humanitarian mindset. One's attention is focused on the fact that collective compassion is growing more noticeable. Fewer people blame coincidence for positive impulses to help others in need.  The desire to serve arises inside in ways you may not have acknowledged before.

Something beyond conditioned awareness is also driving a sense of inter-connectedness with people you do not even know. Consider how groups of people who experience large scale environmetnal disasters are increasingly assisted by strangers. You are growing conscious of being part of everything. A growing  sense of responsibility prompts you to be more aware of the impact of your thoughts and behaviours on everything.  Part of you feels like a circle that never ends.

More and more people to feel stronger connections to not only people, but also to energy vibration related to uplifting or depressing moods, and to the intention to unleash or find opportunities to create. Nine is like a pulsation too (think 9+9=18 and 1+8=9). It brings us back to reconnect with self.

Related to 2012, its useful to note Mayan belief links the Cosmos to Nine Underworlds. This basic idea is shared very clearly through their key pyramids; the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chichen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque (each have Nine stories).  Synchronicty also invites heightening awareness of the Mayan calendar.  Not only is it hierarchical, it presents Nine different time cycles linked to the 360-day year (the tun). Our attention is clearly being drawn to the number 9.

The Hopi civilisation also offers insight about 2012.  They nickname the gravity wind or life energy as “the way of the nine.” This has connections to the ‘table of nine’ or ‘group of 9’ light beings that are channelled in the physical world to guide humanity to review where they are and how they evolve to perceive differently. As such, 9 is the energy of truth and honour that is awakening within all human beings and encouraging them to become aware of portholes in time and space that are opening to those ready to discern.

 Share some of your associations with the number nine and your feelings about this momentous date. How are you experiencing the shifting energies?


What does 2012 awaken in you?

Diverse lines of thought inspire imagination and vision concerning the symbolism of 2012. This is the focus of my interview on WTAM 1000 Radio Cleveland, Ohio on Sept 5th.

Human beings already explore ongoing changes that are challenging their logic, reason and sense of reality. Shifts are occuring on many levels. Read these ideas and offer insight;

1) Let's say the dualistic mind will no longer be.  The predicted shifts in the Earth's polarity could conceivably heal lower levels of consciousness and shift baseline, internal frequency.

2) Envision every mind becomes fully present. Consider the implications of no longer permitting time to control your thoughts and actions. You experience new levels of freedom.

3) Consider what life is like without hierarchies. The urge to dominate or control disappears. Indiviuals are no longer centred on conflicting interests. There is no such thing as depletion of resources. Everyone knows abundance.

4) Brace the self for unconditional love and forgiveness. You release resistance and are inspired to surrender to divine grace. Suddenly, everything and everyone has equal, intrinsic value. Limiting thoughts dissolve.

5) Standard physical shape and form is shifting based on emerging galactic energy dynamics. Appearance is unrelated to your consistent level of compassion, respect for difference, hope, security and constant access to inner knowing.

6) Every cell in the body is aligning with something greater than perceived self. To align resistance, what cannot be sensed by human perception and higher consciousness, people let go of material reality and embrace something about sacred geometry. Clues of this already exist in crop circles. Humans no longer see things in physicality, but as is.

7) Time is expanding.  The world as you know it turns upside-down.  How you perceive the quality of time becomes the focus.  How long it takes no longer matters.

8) A new species of human being is emerging.  This new human possesses traits unlike previous humans. There is talk of changes in genetic structure, life span and awakening of dormant capacities that draw us into a completely New Age. 


Dawn Hill & Interview on perception shifts

I was introduced to Dawn Hill (now Shelley) through her writing and through connecting with energy vibrations more consciously. Her books encourage people to reconnect with core self,and trust in perception shifts.

Through her work, readers gain insight into integrity, kindness and love on levels that are consciously unexpected. Synchrony explains how she found the Dreambuilders Australia Blog post about her work. I am grateful she accepts to participate in this soulful interview.

How do you describe yourself right now?

Right at this moment, I would describe myself as blessed. The reason is quite simple; without (to my own mind at least) me having done anything in particular to deserve it, everywhere I turn there are people who love me and never fail to let me know it.  What I have wanted most in this life is to be loved for myself, for who I am and not who somebody else believes I should be … and this is what I am given. Everything else is a bonus.

What prompted the hiatus in your writing? There were a series of books, then-a break. Why?  What led to the move to the USA?

The break began around the time I realized that my third marriage had passed its use by date. I moved interstate and entered a new phase in my life, living alone and getting reacquainted with who I really am.  Just as I thought I was getting settled into the pattern for the rest of my life, a long, tall Texan showed up and my life turned upside down, literally. I met Tony online and my whole world changed, not the least because it involved a move from one side of the planet to another.

When I first got here, my intention was to give myself two or three years to learn the local mindset and ways of life before writing another book. Australians and Americans are very much alike in a lot of ways but there are also ways in which we are very much different, and I’d like to be able to write for people in my adopted country as I did for those in my native land.

I figured that three years would probably get me to where I’d feel confident to do it but before those years had passed, the Twin Towers fell.  Nothing could be as it was before that day.

I know people in Australia felt the shock and pain of 9.11 very deeply, but the shock wave that rolled across this country in the wake of that tragedy was indescribable.  Nobody living in this land could go through that and emerge unchanged. I am certainly no exception.

After the shock wore off, my initial feeling was of helplessness, wondering what I could do or say that could make any difference.  Until I was able to answer that question, the next book could not be written.

Many people read your spiritual books that are now out of print and wonder how you feel reflecting back on these works. How did the process affect you or not?

Just as those books changed the lives of many readers, they also opened up whole new spheres of learning and growth for me.  When I wrote the first of the Dawn Hill books, I believed myself to be alone in the sense that nobody I knew could truly understand the way I felt thought and believed.  Many of the letters I received after that book was published said things like “Thank you for showing me that I am not alone.”  What few of those readers might realize is that the book did the same thing for me, by putting me in touch with them.

Everything changed.  Instead of feeling isolated, alone and unworthy, I was suddenly faced with people who actually admired me and valued the experiences and traits in me that others had rejected.  How could that fail to turn my whole life around?  It opened up my horizons and lifted me through whole new worlds of experience, learning and growth. 

Just as I have given to my readers through the books, they have given back to me in so many different ways that I could never hope to count them.  I have been uplifted, enlightened and empowered to an extent that I would never have dreamed possible, back when I wrote the first book. 

What are your views about 2012 and the state of collective awakening? Do you favour Mayan, Hopi or other views about energy shifts?

I do indeed respect the views around 2012 as they have been brought forward by the Hopi, Mayan and other sources.  I do not think that year will bring about the end of all life on this planet, but there are powerful tides of change already moving through this world. I do believe they will reach a culmination point around that time.

My impression is that 2012 marks a point of no return in some way.  As for what lies beyond that point, I believe it will be the unfolding of another cycle in our collective lives.  A lot of physical changes are now inevitable, in terms of climate change and its consequences; how the human race will respond to those changes remains to be seen.  To survive and even prosper in the cycle to come, we will have to do a great deal of adapting, very quickly. It cannot be denied millions upon millions of living beings will be swept away in the tide. Whether the human race will be swept into extinction remains to be seen.

There have been and will continue to be cataclysms as a consequence of cycles that were set in motion long before our time and some that our generation has exacerbated.  Natural disasters will continue to occur; volcanoes will blow, glaciers will melt, tsunami waves will ravage shorelines, freak storms will increase … all of these seem inevitable at this time.

I’m sure you’ve been finding the weather patterns in your area somewhat different from the norm recently, just as we have been finding them here.  These changes represent powerful cosmic cycles that we cannot hope to halt or even impede.  The outcome for each of us will depend on how well we are able to ride the waves in the tides of change. 

I’ve seen wave upon wave of awakenings sweeping this planet in the last few decades … people all over opening up to ‘alternative’ ways of thinking in far more numbers now than there used to be. This too is an unstoppable tide and it cannot help but lead to significant change.

I don’t think that 2012 will bring a total end to the world, but I think it will very likely mark the beginning of a new cycle.

Please share some of your life-changing dream experiences since your last book.

The one that springs to mind most readily happened not long before I left Australia and it wasn’t just my dream ... three people; me, my husband Tony and my ‘adopted’ son Shaun had very similar dreams within the same 24 hour period.  Each dream showed a different area of detail about a previous life that we had all shared.  When we shared our experiences and fitted the details together, we had a comprehensive story about that life, which confirmed for us that we were indeed strongly linked through more than one lifetime.

What do they teach you about responsibility for self and the universe?

Different dreams teach me different things ... some are prophetic, some help me find answers to problems I have been struggling with, some bring warnings, etc.  It’s not really possible to say that they teach me any single thing in particular, except perhaps that it is always wise to pay attention to them.

What guidance do you offer people who are fascinated by remote-viewing and hope to learn or develop?

The first piece of advice would be to make sure they found a competent, reliable and trustworthy person to guide them through the learning process.  I would also stress the importance of making sure that they are protected against auric invasion or psychic attack while they are engaged in this activity.  Beyond that, this is not a field in which I have a great deal of experience or expertise. I am hesitant to rush in with advice that is not based on solid experience.

What can you tell us about your new book project? Does it have a particular inspiration?

We are moving through a time now when it is essential that we cast off our old and outmoded patterns of thinking, feeling and being. I wrote about this to some extent in the fifth Dawn Hill book but it is even more vital now because this is a time of accelerated transition.

One of the principal themes in this book concerns forgiveness ... not in the sense of condoning the wrongs committed by anyone but rather in the true sense of the word... to forgive simply means to let go and if we are to make true progress in life, both in our everyday life and in our spiritual development, we need to be able to let go of old hurts and grudges and outmoded ways of thinking and being ... if we don’t do that, we can’t move forward.  An important aspect in the discussion is the need to forgive ourselves, which for most of us is more difficult than forgiving those who have harmed us.

As you have mentioned in an earlier question, we are moving closer to a time that has long been forecast as both an end and a new beginning and our world is going through a great deal of upheaval and change.  This process of change can have traumatic effects in a person’s life and it can make them feel very isolated and alone.  It is so very important for people to know that they are not alone, that these changes are affecting us all and that we can nurture, support and heal each other when we are willing to reach out and share.  We will be discussing how these times of change can affect a person’s life and as always, there will be a certain amount of anecdotal content, drawn from my own life experiences and those of many other people who have shared their stories with me.

Whom do you sense you are becoming?

More and more purely myself and a great more at ease with who I truly am. 

I don’t think we realize how much of our sense of who we are is shaped by others and their opinions of us.  We are programmed by our culture to fit into certain pigeonholes and we see ourselves as we are reflected in the eyes and opinions of others.  Most of this programming takes place when we are too young to discriminate between what we know of ourselves and how we are perceived by others, so by the time we reach adulthood those beliefs are deeply ingrained and it can take a very long time to break free of that conditioning.  Some people live a whole lifetime without ever managing to do it.

As I mentioned earlier, once I took some time out and lived alone for a time, I began to get acquainted with who I really am and that process continues to this day.  I’m sure that when I breathe my last, I will still be discovering more of myself and the older I get, the more I realize that the journey is way more important than arriving at the destination, so I’m never in a hurry.

From your experience interacting with the Other Side, what sorts of meaningful lessons would help other people now?

So many folk want to heal the world and help bring forth the golden age of enlightenment and harmony that has been foretold, but before we can heal the world we have to love it and we can’t do that if we aren’t able to love ourselves.  An empty vessel cannot fill another.

We need to work at ridding ourselves of the “us and them” syndrome.  When we blame others for our failures and our hurts, we give them power over us but more than that, we reinforce within ourselves the idea that we are all separate from each other and from the Divine.  This reinforces the destructive notion that we are alone and powerless, which in turn contributes to a life lived in fear.

I often wonder how different our world would be today if instead of rushing to make war on the Middle Eastern countries that we have blamed for 9.11, the people of this country had taken the time to ask ourselves what we have done to make others hate us so much that they are willing to sacrifice their own lives in order to wound us.

The first vision to come to me once I started getting over the shock of 9.11 was an image of the planet suspended in space, and a huge pitch-dark cloud rising to cloak the whole globe.  With that image came the understanding that the dark cloud was fear and it was intensifying.  There was a caution that I needed to be very much on guard against allowing myself to be overshadowed by it and also a sense of wanting to warn others to be careful not to fall into the trap of fear.

Where fear rules, inhumanity runs rampant; we learn to fear when we start believing that we are unloved and that nobody really cares about what happens to us.  Worse, we swallow the idea that we don’t deserve to receive that quality of love.  In believing that we are unlovable, we deny love to ourselves and if we can’t love ourselves, how can we truly expect anyone else to love us? 

To heal our world with love, we need to start with loving and forgiving ourselves.

If you were to travel into the future, where do you foresee your next soul assignment?

I don’t see another physical incarnation in the near future after I leave this life although I don’t dismiss the possibility that I could incarnate in physical form at some stage in my travels through the future.  At this point I see myself still working in the same field as I do now, just from a different level, possibly even working in the capacity of a guide/helper to some who are incarnated in physical bodies.

What is your next mission? Some intuitives sense it does not change. Why  do people reject truth?

The mission doesn’t change; as long as there are souls who are hurting, lost and confused there will be hands reaching out to them with love, healing and guidance and I’m happy being one of those hands, whether in or out of a physical body.  I really can’t think of anything else that I would rather be doing ... it’s just the mode of delivery that changes, from one environment to another.

The future holds unlimited possibilities and I have no doubt that there are a whole lot that I am not yet seeing but at the same time, I don’t want to know everything at once.  I’m content to keep discovering more possibilities as I move forward in my life cycles ... right now, the human brain can only process a finite amount of information and the universe is anything but finite. 

For now it is enough for me to know that I am in the best of hands.

 You have many admirers of your writing. Anything else you would like to say?

Yes. If you feel that you have benefited from anything I have written, I can assure you that I have benefited equally if not more, from having you to write for.  Let me take this opportunity to give you my thanks for your love and support throughout the years.  Whatever I have given to you has been returned to me a thousandfold, and then some. 

Dawn, visitors here appreciate that you choose to share such intimate sides of you life. People familiar with your previous work are thrilled to know you are on a comeback trail. Checking out local libraries and second hand bookstores helps people locate your books that are out-of-print. You invite what you need into your scope of awareness.

For anyone who wants to contact Dawn, you can do so through or Dawn Spirit (Dawn Shelley) on Twitter.


Transcend cosmic forgetfulness

One perspective is that much of humanity is lost in worlds of illusion. From this vantage point, human beings have selective amnesia about their true origins beyond the physical realm.  Plato described it as the 'shadows of the cave.' Buddhists and Hindus describe this state as 'the veil of Maya.'  Neo brought this into popular culture by calling it The Matrix.  What now?

Spiritual ideas are said to be awakening within the soul of every being who moves through certain stages of awareness.  As you mature along a spiritual path, you no longer accept everything you are told at face value.  Part of you works to integrate what you are taught to believe with what you feel. The mind moves from accepting everything based on perceived fact, to accessing esoterc inner knowing. This enables a person to appreciate allegory and metaphor in historic stories and experiences.  You are creating bridges for transformation.

As you awaken to the depth of the present, you begin to sense certain of your beliefs and perceptions do not jive.  If all things are aligned within your scope of understanding, then illusions dissolve and you reconnect with an energetic essence that is you. This means you forgive, love unconditionally and are suddenly aware of vast inner mysteries at a conscious level.

Although everyone has not yet reached a mental place of complete fearlessness, more and more people are learning what it means to listen closer to their own inner voice of higher awareness.  Many people are also starting to tap into a more expansive vision of themselves in relation to the cosmos.  The year 2012 is often referred to as a crossroads.  Even now, everyone has choices; to stay in a rigid mindset or to take steps to heal the internal dissociation from the true self.

On a more intimate level, you grow to trust intuition more than doubt or question.  You are beginning to grasp waves of energy vibration, the significance of thoughts and feelings in your own power of co-creation.   You are coming home to the self.  You are beginning to move beyond the conditioned impulse to seek power, separation and create fear. One key revelation is heaven in inside. You return to realign with soul.  It never left.  The state of soul reflects growing self-love and acceptance.