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Entries in 2012 (44)


David Wilcox speaks on 2012

Other videos are also available in this series. How do you feel about perceived shifts of consciousness and your sense of multi-dimensional changes? If the realm you live in is not all there is, and if time-space as you know it is an illusion you can understand differently, what do you sense is going on?


Henry Deacon, Alfred Webre, Bob Dean & synchrony

Henry Deacon is a pseudonymn for a physicist who has stepped forward to share his insight into work he has done for agencies that involves stargates, time travel, trans-dimensional dialogue and interactions.  New possibilities are emerging. Various models of reality are called into question.

According to Deacon, using existing technology, its is possible to travel from an underground base in Area 51, Las Vegas, Nevada through a porthole and come out a few minutes later in Pine Gap, Australia. Underground at Pine Gap is a significant facility linked to extra-terrestrial programs that are ongoing and have existed for years. This is a U.S. -secured facility.  Similar facilities apparently exist for teleportation elsewhere. Deacon's claim of teleporting to underground facilities on Mars and through wormholes corroborates claims of Andrew Basiago also discussed in another popular article on this website.

Its a widespread perception that everything is accelerating toward 2012.  This feeling may arise from electromagnetic programming. Talk of secrecy is a trigger for raising consciousness.  What if a tremendous imbalance of energy is resulting? What if this energy shift is offering each being new choices for where to go from here and options to expand?

Deacon believes human perception of time is compressing and overlapping. The resulting loops in time continuums can be understood as a large number of parallel timelines, with lots of branches. Apparently, we live in loops within loops of energy.  Fortunately,  one can transcend the loops by raising conscious awareness of a process of sychnronistic cycles. This shifts perception and enables you to expand inner sight.

Let's say you get the gist of time travel and go backward to alter the past.  This act creates a different timeline, which is a new branch of the original one. On that timeline, if you killed a grandparent, you’d not be born and wouldn’t exist, so that would seem to create a paradox. Yet, on the timeline you are on now, you do exist, and continue to do so. So, there’s no paradox.  This reveals different branches of a time tree. No principles get violated. This gently reminds you all future events are possibilities, not certainties. To sense no past or future leaves you focused in the now yet not limited.

Synchronistic cycles are inviting individuals to accept change and be open to conscious transformation. Each person has choices to take responsibility for his own emotions, to actively take part in collective energy shifts.  To be grateful where you are, for everything and everyone, opens new levels of consciousness. Family is expanding based on awareness. 

Project Camelot interviewed Deacon along with Bob Dean and and Alfred Webre recently here:

For previous material on Henry Deacon, consult here:


Strengthen a holographic reality 

An unseen structure is emerging. This is becoming tangible in our consciousness. It takes shape in how we are connecting with like-minded or kindred spirits.  As you open senses and perceive energy, you may view this as an electrical grid, or window into a fourth or even higher dimension.

Regardless of whether you currently see auras, you are detecting energy in new ways. The egg-shaped aura is an energy field around you that vibrates and expands with your awareness.  You feel energy shifting, emotional waves rushing over you and falling away.  Your priorities and sense of truth are changing. The former model of hierarchical thinking and organisation is crumbling. In its place, you sense a new paradigm replacing it. Consider a holographical structure.

Let's say continuous representations of yourself are presenting in this physical world and you are responding. You choose to respond with love or fear.  Each response has consequences.  You are observer and participant in this process of evolutionary changes that goes deep into your DNA. 

Imagine that you have the capacity to superstrengthen your immune system.  Imagine that you are superpsychic and are unleashing other abilities that expand far beyond traditional views of 'normal.'  Are you ready to open your mind and bend rigid paradigms? Have you already entered the fourth dimension and choose to view self as still stuck in the third?

As you step back, you encounter people you had not met in-person before.  This is a growing, mutual support group.  You feel a deep soul-level connection with souls you attract into your scope of awareness.  You send out energy vibration, feel incredibly present, trigger incredible revelations and sense energetic memories are surfacing.  Will 2012 bring wider knowledge of the star origin of DNA?  and different levels of  DNA hybrids ? Is well-being evolving in electromagnetic fields?

You join an awakening family. You then expand on this through your multi-sensual experience in a very practical way. This is not a dream. You are remembering more every moment and encountering entities that open dormant part of the mind.


Reach new dimensions of existence

At this moment, many people remark on different stages of their own awakening. You may notice that you feel different, develop new interests or prioirities. You ease into something you may not put into words.  And yet, you know you are coming ful circle toward the end of a cycle. What does it mean?

A possibility is you reach new dimensions of existence or, prepare for the next stage of becoming. A particular place jumps to mind.  Part of you knows you have been there.  Another part knows you are going.  You sense renewed  purpose in this location. Consider how these 7 ideas relate;

1) To fear prevents expansion and blocks access to fulfillment.

2) To raise vibration echoes thought & feeling directly.

3) Transparency opens you to layers of shifting energy. 

4) To honour the self is necessary to honour anyone else.

5) To hear the authentic self, reveals other people hear it.

6) To nurture curiosity is needed to propel you ahead.

7) To know reality is light that conforms to your intentions, changes everything.


Lynn Grabhorn & 23 ideas to open the stargate

When you ask questions, and the body offers answers, part of you reaches into cosmic intelligence beyond the body's physical comprehension. The quest of life is part of a journey.  Its what makes you what you are, life and in process of opening to a new stargate.  What could this possibly be?

Lynn Grabhorn is author of Planet Two, a book about a sister world in a higher dimension.  In her view, each person is awakening on levels that are inviting the self to step outside what he has been taught in order to reconnect with the heart and spirit.  Some people link the ultimate transformation to 2012. Consider 23 ideas she offers to help you sense your energy shift is opening the stargate into a higher dimension; 

1) Death & destruction as humans know them, do not exist.

2) What is truly important is not seen by physical senses.

3) You are not alive by accident, but due to energy synchrony. 

4) You have spirit guides that do not judge and only love.

5) You are not alone in this world & this is not the only world.

6) You have amazing untapped, talents and  potential.

7) You are a child of the infinite light, a luminescent being.

8) You come from other realities, and incarnate again.

9) You engage in a cosmic game of questions and answers.

10) You already transcend experiences in time & space.

11) You are a pillar for change, regardless how silly it seems. 

12) Your are a precious building block of the universe.

13) You are God- creator, here to help create new universes.

14) You are far more than you think.

15) You are capable of awakening all the ancient teachings you had temporarily forgotten to enable them to enrich the present.

16) You will know soon whether you are here to learn, share lessons or both.

17) You are becoming someone who is forgiving the world.

18) You 1/2 unlimited potential to increase the range of sound frequencies you discern.

19) You are in process of shape-shifting layers of energy.

20) What you do with this creative process is up by you.

21) You effect huge changes already, outside physicality.

22) You detach from dogma, limit and expectations to be you.

23) You read energy. You are free to do what you want with it. 

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