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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in attention (44)


What resonates deeply?

Surrender guides one deeper into infinite knowing. Liberation is the revelation that "me" and "I" do not exist.  Life is not happening in a particular location. There is just life.  The essence of being is awareness. It knows nothing is ever actually sought or obtained.  It simply is.  Yet, mind imagines lots to do, become and outgrow. Conditioned mind tells you to free self from tangible things themselves imagined into experience.  Notice how experience shifts from the moment you accept freedom is.  You allow what resonates most deeply to reveal itself.  Stop resisting the way things are.  Notice inner messages.


Sense what is

The feelings that arise draw attention to consciousness.  What is aware of consciousness, the idea of who you are, beliefs, conditioning, memories, personality and all the mind describes as identity? Whatever you notice, something unseen is behind it.  A light illuminates your focus of attention.  The process of discovery triggers introspection then unleashes knowing and perceiving of resistance, allowing and everything.  A force or presence is behind all you can see.  Notice direct revelations that are unfolding.


Notice subtle influence

Every moment, you resonate subtle vibrations that influence more of the unfolding than mind realizes.  What you choose to believe, and in essence, how you focus your attention, emits a field of energetic influence.  Every person and situation in your midst is affected. 

Consider how your perceived life unfolds when you feel good and your energy is high.  To feel confident and loving in one area of your life carries over to positively influence other areas.  Beyond this, you send out a field of influence that uplifts others.  You actually draw people into whatever level of consciousness you are resonating.  People find it easy or hard to align with true sense of self based on how you feel and what you vibrate.  You also decide whether to be affected by external energy and what you encounter.  Energetic influence is everywhere. Sense it.


Have fun being human

Ever notice you can choose to have fun wherever you are and however you perceive?  Some people always yearn for yesterday.  Other people focus attention on tomorrow.  Where is your attention? To sense you are spirit energy choosing to have a human experience invites you to savour everything about being where you are.  What stands out for you? How is your experience shifting right before our very eyes?


Shift your attention

No isolated events exist.  Notice what you think matters.  Notice why you measure or interpret as you do.  Notice that everything has a function in the totality though mind only grasps a limited fragment of all that is.  Notice when you react emotionally and find yourself thinking something should not be happening.  You can also choose to shift your focus.  What happens as you do?

Step back to grow aware of how you can distance yourself from collective emotional reactions and perceptions.  They are not you.  You are not limited to the forms understood by the mind. Something flows through you beyond form.  Reality emerges as you observe without judgment.

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