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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


What is difference?

How often do you find yourself comparing between and distinguishing among things that seem different?  Some people describe this as 'human nature.' Others view it as conditioning.

What if difference itself is an illusion? What if behind appearances, difference is actually drawing attention to sameness? What if every taste preferences and experience invites you to recognize why the mind and senses convince you of what is not? What sort of awareness is emerging?


Exchange meditation stories

Many people meditate without exerting effort. Other people exert enormous effort and wonder if they are doing it right. Take a moment to reflect on where and when you meditate. Share a personal story. How does meditation enable you to sense the world around you differently? Who or what inspires you to meditate. How do you describe the experience?


Rethink the holographic universe

The matter you perceive and project into the external world does not reveal what the conscious mind assumes.  How do you define a sense of reality? The act of limiting the self to the physical senses can also distract you from what energetic information is saying. Which signals do you discern?

To realize you are an energy field like a honeycomb helps you begin to feel your way along differently.  Doorways exist to other realms and perspectives.  As you learn to disrupt and shift how you have been taught to think and feel, you begin to grasp the nature of the Matrix and recall how to just be.

"If we think we can hurt another person or another living thing without hurting ourselves we are sadly mistaken. I look at a forest or a flower or a bird now, and say ' That is me, part of me'. We are connected with all things and if we send love along those connections, then we are happy."  -Michael Talbot


What is it with helicopters?

Over 400 years before helicopters were supposedly invented by humans, Renaissance Man Leonardo Da Vinci was drawing them. He is not the only man regarded as 'before his time.'

Even further back, the Egyptians record hieroglyphics of helicopters in the Abydos Temple.  In fact, they also record images of other machines many people assume did not exist.

Consider, even for a moment, that nothing invented in the physical world is truly new. Everything has an energy vibration and comes from somewhere you are not yet sensing fully.

If everything already exists in form or formless states, you do not always sense everything all at once on a conscious level.  Energy is not created or destroyed. Awareness of how to access and attune to energy shifts. How a you perceive, expands.

Recognize the mind registers only limited perspectives. Recall how to transcend the mind and inner energy flows naturally. You forget about the mind's inability to go wider.

As you merge with the etheric more consciously, you open to notice the sideways path of energy and tap into hidden gems. They never go anywhere. You begin to work through optical and other illusions and suddenly sense more than just the energy of timeless helicopters. You sense where everything comes from. Return home. Celestial energy is your keeper.


Dan Millman & Extraordinary lessons

Dan Millman is a former elite athlete and author who has gone through many levels of transformation.  You may be familair with his books includeing Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Secret of the Peaceful Warrior and Ordinary Moments.  His  advice and stories about raising awareness invite inner transformation.

If you are familiar with Dan Millman's life story, books, or the Peaceful Warrior film, you are invited to share lessons or impressions from this.  If you are unfamiliar with him and these works, you are invited to learn something about him and comment about something that stands out for you now.