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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in holographic universe (3)


Dream Analysis of the Week-superconscious dog

Dream: I was working in a labcoat and required references to take the project next level.  So, I visited a former university lab I had worked in to obtain a copy of published research paper I had co-authored. Try as I might to submit it to my tech lab supervisor, the work was not taken as legitimate or as a valid credential.  In fact, my former research was peer-reviewed as irrelevant, obsolete, cause to let me go. I left lab, went to visit a hip female biochemist. Rather than ask to work with her, I interfaced with her dog. It barked the vibration of complex organic chemistry molecules and they appeared in the air as if on a holgraphic screen. Then, the dog shared silent vibrations. I created right here and now in the great outdoors with no need for a lab. Meanwhile, my son was playing with a family of wild monkeys, swinging from trees overhead.

Interpretation: Whatever we touch, see, hear, sense, is speaking to us through and being filtered in dreams. This shares views of reality.

You are clearly exerting effort to stay in a situation that is not aligned with your true passions, abilities or soul.  Regardless of the efforts you exert, if you are not a good fit, the universe will shake things up beyond your control. Even if you do well keeping up appearances for a while, your vibration will shift your conditions.

Labs are typically artificial environments where substances and clones are unnaturally synthesized. This draws attention to falsity, facades you may be upholding which will crumble if you do not dismantle them yourself.  You are not a copy, but an original, and must validate this inside before others see your true value.  This is not about how other people see you or attempting to appease them, it is being aware of how you see and present yourself, and any incongruence with your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. 

The dog echoes you are your own best friend and support. In unexpected ways and places, you can raise self- awareness of and unleash innate gifts, activate dormant capacities, be uninhibited, do the unexpected.  The monkey echoes a playful side bursting to express itself.  You are closer than ever to embracing what makes you feel most alive.  Notice the possible inner tug of war concerning obedience (duty) and complete freedom. Seems you contemplate where you stand on 'norms,' taboos, and priorities.  Signs urge you do what feels natural.  Let go of all that feels unnatural.

Contact us with dreams for analysis. Dream Consultations include exploring events and energies on many levels. We can examine a series of dreams to help identify patterns, energies, perceptions, consciousness, metaphors and more.


Decode the secret of the universe

As you read here, you are ready to click the link below to watch a five part series that may rock your world. It may fundamentally change how you see what is going on around you and within.  In essence, it lays out how we actually live in a holographic universe. So, the reality you are taught to believe and struggle to fit into does not exist.

As you come to sense everything comes down to an electromagnetic impulse, you may be compelled to research further.  Do what feels right. If what you find does resonate, you may ask how you could you be so accepting to take it all in and what could possibly be next? You are not the only one. When you ask, answers are given.

As you awaken to a version of the truth that defies what is designed by the mind, you may wonder who can fix it.  This is only because your points of reference or grounding are projected by the mind and you are conditioned to fear what is beyond mind.  The real solution invites you to deepen connections with people around you.  Call it a dream if you choose, but there is more to your current perceived existence that the left brain and five senses reveal. This is already proven by Science, but it is rarely within conscious awareness of majority of poulation. People tend to turn a blind eye. You? 

The external world shares its secrets about matter through vibration.  Research is beginning to reveal  water is picking up information in the world, sharing and perceiving this over time as we use water and interact in natural ecosystems. What happens as you discover everything is energy and you can shift your energetic state more consciously? What happens as you sense something has taken acttion to stifle your innate abilities or blocked your access to them? How? Why is this coming to your attention now? That is for you to discern. Everything has perfect timing.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla


Rethink the holographic universe

The matter you perceive and project into the external world does not reveal what the conscious mind assumes.  How do you define a sense of reality? The act of limiting the self to the physical senses can also distract you from what energetic information is saying. Which signals do you discern?

To realize you are an energy field like a honeycomb helps you begin to feel your way along differently.  Doorways exist to other realms and perspectives.  As you learn to disrupt and shift how you have been taught to think and feel, you begin to grasp the nature of the Matrix and recall how to just be.

"If we think we can hurt another person or another living thing without hurting ourselves we are sadly mistaken. I look at a forest or a flower or a bird now, and say ' That is me, part of me'. We are connected with all things and if we send love along those connections, then we are happy."  -Michael Talbot