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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in being (74)


Satisfaction is speeding up

Whatever is happening, you can train the mind to know that reasons for satisfaction are infinite and accessible now.  You are beginning to grasp that as you let go of thoughts, you also let go of dissatisfaction, feel lighter and find yourself opening to a more hopeful or optimisitic perspective where you are.  You realize the perceptions that prevent you from relishing every moment exist only as you dwell on them and allow them to control you. 

Even now, you are willing to give up clinging to inclinations to complain, to notice anything other than abundance, health, well-being and meaningful lessons from all you do. This is about creating momentum of energy in directions that expand you in deliberate ways. 

Imagine the feeling of pushing against (or resisting) nothing.  Imagine asking for what matters to you and experiencing that very thing.  Feel the harmony, the validation and uplifting lightness of being that flows.  Step back and realize that regardless of what the logical mind and physical senses tell you reality is at this moment, something beyond that echoes struggle and doubt are unfounded. Access your unwavering faith and trust.  Talk about what you want.  Feel the freedom you crave.  Be the very thing you dream about.  Know it is here,  sense relief and gratitude.  Invite it into being with love.  Believe it exists and so it is.

"Whatever satisfies the soul is truth." -Walt Whitman


Resonate hopefulness

Just because you do not yet experience what you dream of, does not mean it is not coming to you, does not mean it is not already accessible. Feel the ideas birthing in you. It does not matter how they unfold. As you have faith and trust, you can choose to be enlivened by your dreams. Every moment empowers you to know the difference of feeling like what you are wanting and resisting. Look at it, feel it, be what you are asking for. You can be thrilled to know you are where you are and be satisfied and grateful for it all.

Consider how your perspective changes as you realize you cannot get anything wrong. Every thought you create replicates in your life experience. The more you talk about things, the more you vibrate them, the more you observe and feel what you observe. You are in states of constant expansion. You enjoy never being finished. Consider that since this physical world has potential for each of us to have, do and be anything, this world also offers the possibility for us to create things where we are. Notice what you are choosing. Notice the feeling place from which your questions arise and the dominant vibration you hold.  Notice how you move from beliefs to hoping to knowing you live a new life from a new vibration.


Merge with the fullness of being

As you choose to detach from and observe the physical body, you begin to sense non-physical energy that is you. This may bring ridicule when others do not understand what you mean or feel.  And yet, you are sensing love you feel for self that not everyone is ready to accept about themselves.  You are tuned into cosmic intelligence, vibrationally communicating and sensing what is shared through energy that is you. 

Notice the relationship between your physical body and astral or spiritual body. What is your intention? Everyone you encounter is affected by who you are, regardless of their awareness and understanding.  The degree to which you appreciate your ongoing expansion bridges physical and non-physical worlds.  This is about freedom you feel by letting go of what is not you and allowing what is to unfold vibrationally.  It is about recognizing fear is illusion and choosing to transcend it.  Merge with the fullness of being.


Remove the blocks

What if you simply remove the blocks that stand between what you think and what you know? How does this shift your sense of what you have been, who you are and who you are becoming?  

To jog the memory about what you have made or done is unrelated to the ultimate unveiling. Much of what you conjure up in the mind does not exist. Strengths and weaknesses are conditioned by people you meet and other messages dictated by the external world. Notice how you make silent judgments about what is possible or acceptable and choose not to recognize the successful, worthy, limitless being you already are.


Vanish into everything

As you grow conscious of the present moment, you sense the presence of the present and feel being part of everything.  Imparting information reflects thinking.  While you experience, there is only presence.  This is like vanishing into everything you see.  You no longer witness, describe or use sensory perception to relate to things.  You begin to know how it feels to be things.  The essence of you knows, "I am that."