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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in belief (11)


The gift of who you are

The human part of you is always seeking, questioning and aspiring. It wants proof to believe in something. This body-mind is conditioned to compare, be logical and reach for understanding. It is never certain about anything. Yet, thinks it wants to own, possess and accumulate, always needs more.  It also reacts emotionally based on a sense of perceived events in limited space and time. Human function stems from fear.

Notice what happens as you track fear back to its source.  It loses power.  Notice what happens as you begin to recognize beliefs are only beliefs, and that anything only ever takes on the meaning and value you give it.  Suddenly, you are awakening in ways that tell you the external world no longer controls your attention. Notice every angry person you encounter is a priceless gift. Each one invites you to snap out of a trance.

As you begin to sense the awareness that is, the quality of existing shifts.  Time loses significance. Duality is irrelevant. Everyone and everything you see is a reflection of yourself inviting you to recognize the same message.  Listen closely to the heart.  It knows what exists right now in this moment.  The gift of who you are is self aware, self-recognizing.  Everything you are taught about your-Self falls away. Silence tells all.

"Love is, above all, the gift of oneself." -Jean Anouilh


You are not what you think

Concepts arise in the mind.  The deepest part of being knows none of them can stick.  No belief or attitude lasts forever.  No attachment or detachment results in what you seek. Clarity and awareness know all effort is futile.  They exist regardless of what you think or do. To think the present comes from the past is merely a hallucination.  A memory is always an echo of now.  Nothing is happening to you but rather through the energy you perceive as you.  The dream layers peel themselves back and blow away in the wind.  What remains of the dream remains to be seen as it is.  Be the dream.

"But the self-controlled man, moving among objects, with his senses under restraint, and free from both attraction and repulsion, attains peace." -Swami Chinmayananda


Remain as the Self

That which perceives everything else in its presence is the seer. When you allow a thought to turn into a belief, this becomes your experience. This world is and is not exactly what you think in the moment. In the heart, all truth is confirmed for you. There is no unknown, only that which is revealed or obscured. Only the mind accepts or rejects. To remain the Self is to completely surrender to the infinite unknown. There is no place to go where you are not. Nothing exists with the watcher behind appearances. To know freedom is to touch the soul. Nobody can ever eat, sleep or just be for you.


Notice subtle influence

Every moment, you resonate subtle vibrations that influence more of the unfolding than mind realizes.  What you choose to believe, and in essence, how you focus your attention, emits a field of energetic influence.  Every person and situation in your midst is affected. 

Consider how your perceived life unfolds when you feel good and your energy is high.  To feel confident and loving in one area of your life carries over to positively influence other areas.  Beyond this, you send out a field of influence that uplifts others.  You actually draw people into whatever level of consciousness you are resonating.  People find it easy or hard to align with true sense of self based on how you feel and what you vibrate.  You also decide whether to be affected by external energy and what you encounter.  Energetic influence is everywhere. Sense it.


Recognize the nature of intelligence

Many people ask, what is intelligence?  Answers sought outside self differ from those offered at soul level.  Where do you look?

In the global marketplace, the economics of supply and demand suggest intelligence is quantifiable.  Participating soceties create imagined needs.  In this way, a person is viewed as intelligent according to practical utility of or marketability of skills or inventions. 

In realms where beliefs reign, intelligence is grounded in principles and value judgements.  Assumptions emerge like those who are more intelligent necessarily have more or less material wealth, health or specific conditions that are not equally accessible, yet widely desirable. 

From another vantage point, intelligence is something earned through experience in this and other lifetimes.  Consider societies that revere elders, reincarnated spirits, cultural history, or rituals and traditions which are practiced and mastered over time. 

Ultimately, people can say things about your body or mind, but does this truly reflect intrinsic value? Who can say anything about soul? What if everyone is gifted with the same infinite, inner knowing, yet accepts this to greater and lesser degrees? Only soul echoes the truth.