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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in dreams (68)


When did the dream begin?

Everything depends on your perspective. One view is that desire is born from memory and this happens within, not beyond consciousness.  Any sense of psychological or linear time, such as beginning and end, is also within consciousness.  As such, dreams do not begin and end.  They are in perpetual motion, connected with events in a continual flow. You are connected with all of this. You are also it.

Another view is that dreams are a state of mind in the 'here and now.' If you view the mind as a series of states in transition, then you detach from the notion of a localized dream. You realize states of mind invite you to merge experience with experiencer.  Its all now.


Everything is inside you

Many people temporarily forget that everything they require is inside them. This is where dreams are devised and from where plans to realize them are projected. You point things out to yourself directly through your visualized sensations. You imagine a whole range of emotions and manifest them into being as experience through different dimensions of reality. Why then, search outside at all?

Part of you resists believing, sensing or knowing that what you experience is contained within the mind.  This same part of you hesitates to accept that your karma or energy has anything to do with discomfort that is unfolding in your scope o awareness. You may empathize with another or, disregard his plight as being in any way related to you.  Could it concern self-love and forgiveness?

Even now, your own teachings emerge from the wisdom mind.  This is not a dream.  You feel what you seek through the palm of your hand.  As you go deeper into the nature of the mind, you discern answers.  You discover they unfold themselves without prompting as you are ready.  This is yet another stage in higher consciousness evolution.  It is part of attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity. 


Who chooses among the possibilities?

Quantum physics teaches that human beings sense the truth of their existence through infinite perspectives of consciousness.  The movement of objects presents in terms of possibilities. You may ask who or what chooses among these many options? What happens as you discover you have creative control over your experience?

Consciousness itself unfolds based on free will.  Experience systematically narrows possibilities.  The observer is not included in impressions of quantum physics.  The subject is more fundamental.  Humans perceive things based on memory.  They view self in time and space to narrow possibilities.  To move beyond the senses allows you to experience things that remind you much exists beyond what you are taught to believe is real.  Have faith.  Trust.

When you view the self as separate, or as an object in consciousness, then you have not yet let go of the subject-object perception.  Direct experience reminds you everything is an extension of you.   As you step outside illusion, you no longer feel separate from anything.  A force within feels an awakening of absolute freedom.

In essence, you reconnect with who you are from consciously engaging in non-ordinary states-of being.  This awakens states of consciousness you temporarily forget.  You can detach from perceptions you pick up in the physical that distract you and contribute to dis-alignment.  You connect with guides to steer you back on track.

It is said an effective way to manifest your own dreams is to realign with Source energy and help others to help themselves.  Every moment, you are a more conscious participant in the cosmic shift of consciousness.  You create your reality and manifest the ego and quantum self as part of Cosmic synchronicity. Help others-get there from here. 


What if everything is self-sustainable?

Most people have no idea what is technically-feasible and to what degree they permit themselves to be controlled by media and existing systems. What if the idea of a free market actually prevents equality, perpetuates conflict, competition and the 'us and them' mentality? What if your choices shape not only your experience now but also the collective destiny of humanity? What if you dissolve all teaching in favor of a self-sustaining perspective?

Consider ideas in this interview echo that money and other tools you are given exist to teach you that survival is based on self-interest, on proving superiority and fighting others to establish market share or place in a hierarchy in comparison to others.  What if much of what you currently buy could be produced to last forever or at least a very long time? What if jobs as they are now, grow obsolete? What if the military ceased to exist, people refused to join? Create the vision for a very different world and imagine what is required to evolve into it. What are you?

What if individual and collective consciousness is changing? How do you sense next stages of existence?


Messages from Hopi Elders

Share your impressions of these meditations and messages.  What do they mirror back to you about your choices, and opportunities for ongoing transformation? What is your next step? Share revelations to inspire others to be honest with themselves. How are you opening your heart up to the world? What is your intended purpose now?