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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in ego (90)


You are that

The ego mind interprets the tangible, the perceptible, that which is subject to change.  It views dreams through its own self-centred filters.  How do you know that you are paying more attention to self? What exactly is i that observes the changeable?

That which is the essence of being is the silent witness that can only be pointed toward.  It does not arise and disappear. It is changeless, conscious presence, in perfect harmony with effortless silence.  One consciousness sees no division or difference.  It is awareness felt in ways that which words simply cannot convey.  The universe reveals itself in subtle ways. As self identity no longer thinks itself as separate, one being awakens to recognize itself operating in the inner realm of consciousness.

"Because you fnd the dream creations transitory in relation to the waking state there is said to be a difference. This is only apparent and not real." -Ramana Maharishi

"Part of our psyche is not in time and not in space. They are only an illusion, time and space, and so in a certain part of our psyche time does not exist at all." - Carl Jung


5 Tips to notice nothing and everything

Many people know what its like to think a lot, to feel restless and even torn between perceived options. You can be sitting somewhere and feeling tension about doing or not doing.  You may ask how to make this stop, even wonder how to liberate the mind.  Consider these five tips to notice nothing and everything that matters;

1. Pay closer attention- rather than give in to ignoring the situation or listening to your desire to escape, notice this invitation to recognize something the body is telling you about yourself.  What is the underlying reason for your self-doubt, fear or contemplative behaviour? Consider imbalance or negativity invite shift of attention.

2. Notice what you say to yourself- your word choices reveal a lot about self-worth and self-acceptance.  Consider the mind does not know you as well as it leads you to believe. It distracts you from core instincts and inner knowing by creating beliefs that make you think you are less than you are.  See the ego agenda for what it is.

3. Feel the nature of the situation- the experience perceived by the mind with its attitudes and sense of history has nothing to do with feeling reality. You experience what you think about.  So, if you wish to change a situation, begin by shifting what you see in it.  Listen to your intuition. What does this feel like? How can it help you?

4. Let go of struggle- the more you struggle, the more limited your awarenes and heavier you feel.  As tenstion mounts, emotional reactions also tend to get out of control. Frustration and self-criticism distort what other parts of you discern with clarity.  As you let go of struggle, you discover nothing to struggle about.

5. Assume nothing is missing- the reference for what is real is in the mind and emotions until your sense of what's real arises from the ground of being. From this point, the reference for how you function shifts. Only the fear-based mind notices anything is missing. The soul only knows perfection, love and acceptance now. Consider what is conditioned and innate and how it feels to let go of what you outgrow.

"Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing."
-Torquato Tasso


Laugh at yourself

Notice the nature of conflict that arises within about your ideas and perceptions. Where does this opposition come from? What is the fear you feel really telling you? Notice the humour in realizing you disagree with yourself.  Emotions convey an inner dialogue.

You think you know what life and fulfillment are, and then you change your mind. You want something, yet then you realize this thing does not embody the love, happiness or solution you are after. You think you are dissatisfied about where you are and yet, upon reflection, you are really not. What happens as it grows apparent the ego mind fears getting, having and being all that it tells you to pursue? Why take life so seriously? Notice what occurs as you shift focus, take everything lightly.  Blessings smile back.


Only one thing matters

Only one thing that matters is state of consciousness.  Everything else is relative. To connect with that which is beyond the self is the most selfless thing and yet, is often missed.  Notice what you decide has power to make you unhappy. What is missed?

The mind tells you what it wants. The heart says the world unfolds as something else. Peace is what transcends every mental perception. The purpose is not what ego mind assumes. Connect with what makes you weightless.  This is not a physical diet.  Feel the incredible lightness of being that is nothing, a state of non-division, pure innocence.


Perception shifts as you go

You choose to be in the body on this planet right now. You are in the process of remembering who you are.  You are invited to share insight and experience. You can live from the heart and awaken to feeling enlightened.  Some people use mind to make decisions.  Doing so disconnects you from unconditional love and self acceptance.  How does it feel to transcend ego's control? Perception shifts as you go.