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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in barriers (4)


Allow Silence to guide you

Notice this is about shifting or giving attention away from "me" to immense sense of eternity, spaciousness, everylastingness which is always here. It is never absent from anything or anybody. It is not something that someone can give you. This awakeness within cannot be grasped by the mind or the form of the body. The point is what is occupying and moving through the HU-man body. You cannot get yourself out of the centre of being. Silence does this. Only in quiet can 'what is true in you' come to centre stage. The greatest obstacle are the "me"'s addictions- heroin, cocaine, alcohol, technology, trained to be addicted to approval, intensely addicted to approval, to seeking and being loved, to its ideas, its own thinking, opinions, for no particular reason. The mind pretends its something intelligent. We can give the mind things to do and soothe the ego. Love watches the withdrawl, the shifts from additction to addiction and knows no barriers.


Feel completely connected

Everything is speaking to you in its own language.  Notice where you listen with the mind or the heart to people, situations and other things you perceive in your life.  When you judge something as good or bad, this is the mind.  When you see blessings, this is the heart. Notice when you feel connected to or disconnected to the heart.  Love is what you are made of. 

The human part of you thinks listening is based on words.  In the mind, the act of listening is an interpretation of words and their meanings. The mind agrees or disagrees with what is perceived.  (i.e., I like what is happening or I do not like it) When mind agrees, it simply confirms its existing beliefs  It cannot  see beyond self-created limitation.  When the mind disagrees, you are blocked.  You are not really hearing.  The moment you apply rules to something or judge it, you are not listening.  You close off or shut out what is being conveyed.

The essence of being is the heart or core of you. Heartfelt listening recognizes everything has a vibration, a message. To listen with the heart is to be completely open. You see every perception points to a deeper message. This is how awakening happens. It is about sensing the way to who you are. The truth is felt. The more you see a message of love, the more you lose yourself and the more you are one with it.  Whatever you can see, experience and allow, you are that.

If you are not listening fully, that is, if you are feeling bad, anxious judging it as good or bad, you are invited to recognize deeper meaning to imbalance. Watch what happens as you ask the heart for insight.  It is always truthful.  You always feel at ease or at peace when the self is absent, when you are not self-conscious. Notice joy flows freely.  When you are enjoying life, watch what happens when someone asks you what you are feeling. Self comes into the picture and the priceless sensation is gone from view.

Notice when you are happy, you feel complete and connected and have no urge to ask questions. There is no need to fix, change or do anything.  Connection is not something you do. Connection is ever present  Emotions are a gauge that help you realize when you feel disconnected from the core.


See through the barriers

As you grow aware of your own resistance, you begin imagine what it feels like to surrender.  If you ask yourself how, you are blocking the flow of what comes naturally.  The only barrier to being yourself is fear.  The degree to which you hold back from surrendering everything to love reveals the nature of your suffering.  See through the barriers.  Love is constant.  Only mental acceptance comes and goes.  Discover 365 Paths to Love now.  You have nothing to lose.  Allow what is to reveal itself. Nurture attitude of gratitude.

“For me, yoga is not just a workout – it’s about working on yourself.” - Mary Glover

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." -Rumi


Break down the barriers

Many people convince themselves they do not deserve to be happy.  This is an invitation to make peace with the past, to recognize and understand the nature of guilt so you can let it go.  Ask why you desire to punish yourself.  Guilt and grief are psychological barriers to the peace and harmony you already have but choose not to see.  Choose to see your own inner beauty.  Harmonize with everything. Transition is seemless.  Reframe the unfolding path of your life.