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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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10 Revelations about Falling Asleep

People often wonder why they may periodically nod off or abrupty fall asleep.  More than one perspective exists.  Your paradigm shapes how and what you experience. Consider these 10 revelations:

1.   Physical fatigue is upon you

Many people assume this simply occurs due to physical over-exertion.  Pregnant mothers also nod off as their body is working to recalibrate and rebalance growth of new life. Physical reasons for fatigue point to additional reasons.

2.  Emotional overload hits a threshold

Certain situations may be hard to accept. Resistance can kick in, prevent us from overwhelm or blowing circuits.

3.  Spiritual apathy stands out

Disconnection from one's higher self, or a period of introspection and renewal is ongoing.  In this case, the conscious mind is quieted to access deeper awareness.

4. Parallel relatities are the new focus

One need not be actively engaged in yoga practice to connect with other worlds or the divine. The soul has differtent ways of shwoing us our being is simultaneously working in other dimensions for its growth. 

5.  Energy is moving differently through the body

We have potential to exert mental, physical and other energies. When we do not expend these energies, they build up. Imbalances occur and must be integrated or released.

6.  Healing is occurring durring sleep

You might be rapidly ascending in your journey which is taking a toll on the physical body. It’s normal to experience a lot of fatigue and exhaustion from all the healing underway!   Knowing your window of tolerance implies you do not push your physical body just because your mind thinks you should heal faster.

7.  This reveals you deepen sleep

You may doze off at night or during the day while meditating, listening to binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies or other spiritual music. This kind of quick nap helps you refresh, rechage, process old thoughts and creates space for clarity in the conscious state. The analogy is like a computer defrag.

8. Deep changes are ongoing

Affirmations don’t always change our conditions. he mental plane isn’t the only place where our limiting beliefs are stored. Our conditions do not simply change if we think “positive thoughts.” 

9. This is a way to process suffering

Pain is physical and suffereing is mental. Our pain is also stored in the physical body because when a tragic event happens, it was too much for us to process. We never really let the energy pass through due to intensity. And rarely were we taught how to explore these uncomfortable feelings and sensations.  For survival brain, the brain can decide to store the pain away (in the form of energy memor or sensation in the body)  to cope. And not only did our system store away unresolved energy it also created takeaways from the event.

10. State of mind is shifting to state of being

As we shift from belief-based existence to awareness, we shift from living from our logical, conditioned mind to feeling our way through experiences with our heart.  Nodding off can be a way for the physical body to digest and integrate energies as part of our evolution.


Activate the Light Body

Notice every living being has capacity to activate the light body. Our light body is the vehicle or stepping stone to residing consistently in our divine state of being. The activation process is a gift we give ourselves, an energetic shift from fear to love. Every breath is like a prayer. Every thought, word and deed, all we receive, consume, decode and transmit, emits a vibration. The physical human body is a multi-faceted antenna system. Depending on positioning, the shapes created from the bones to the cells can radically impact our state of health and well-being.

Turns out, placing the body in certain postures helps us “tune-in” to key frequencies. Ritual body postures generally come in two forms: those that are held for long periods, trance & yoga postures, and those that are formed by gentle, fluid movements from a previous position and held momentarily, such as those found in Tai Chi. The static positions are like rabbit ears on a television set. To get better reception of a specific channel, they are placed in a certain position and left stationary. Experience varies yet it often takes at least fifteen minutes of silencing the body and holding a position to enter an altered state. Watch what happens as we tune into energy. Purify thoughts, will and intentions. Align with nature.

The human body is a crystalline lattice that forms a dipole antenna that radiates from the gut area out toward the head and feet and/or out toward each hand. The head and feet carry opposite charges as do each hand. Piezo crystals, which convert electrical energy into mechanical energy (and vice versa), are found in the bones, intestines, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage.

The body is also full of liquid crystals and minerals that make up the lattice. This explains why placing the body in different positions changes how the crystalline lattice is oriented to the Earth plane, affecting which frequencies it transceives. Changing positions also affects the length of the antenna, which is an important parameter in frequency selection. We constantly choose the radio dial or frequencies we tune into based on our physical positions and how long we hold postures and also the tones we happen to be chanting.  Sound influences the nature of what is transmitted and received. 

As it happens, the condition of the soil around an antenna also determines how well it transceives. Rich soil amplifies the antenna’s ability to radiate and increases the range of frequencies the antenna can receive. Perhaps this is why so many practitioners prefer to do their Tai Chi exercises in a park setting, bare foot on the grass. Broadcast engineers have long known that using multiple antennas in specific arrays also enhances the ability to transceiver. Participating in group Tai Chi or meditation or yoga circles has this same effect.

Cell membranes are liquid crystal structures. A single cell in the body is a very small, short antenna. As it is so short, the frequency it transceives is very high and loaded with energy. Individually, each cell is either acting as a broadcast antenna and transmitting its status or acting as a receiving antenna to get what it needs. Together, similar cells transmit their own unique signal. For example, liver cells differ slightly from spleen cells. Individually, each liver cell transceives its own signal. Yet, collectively, all liver cells transceive as if one large antenna operating on the same frequency.

Those familliar with the basic principle used in acupuncture will relate. In ancient Chinese medicine, the liver is not considered to be just one specific organ located in just one place inside the body, as Western anatomy would picture it. In ancient Chinese medical philosophy, “liver” is considered to be a specific energy, or vibration, radiating within and through the entire body system.  We see this in the energy that follows path of the liver meridian through the body.

Ultimately, awareness expands and information enters conscious awareness with perfect timing.  As it dawns that we have a light body and can activate dormant systems, the process often is already underway.  Yet, as we grow more conscious and intentional, this intensifies the light we hold, accelerates the energies, builds momentum and multiplies dimensions active in the experience.


Dream Analysis of the Week- Destruction Series

Dream Series:

In the first vivid dream, I see my husband abandoning me for someone else.  I feel the deepest pain.

In the second dream, i see from high above the great wave of water coming on the town. I think how to help when water is already flooding everything. My view is far higher than some high building/mountain looking down.

In the third dream, the vision of some kind of construct. On the both sides they were like flat Earth planes and than many planets on both sides and something in between.This middle space i cannot recall. 


In a nutshell, the theme of separation is presented in examples on personal, planetary and cosmic levels.  At each level, the perspective is from a different level of the Sun- the inner sun or sacred heart, the cosmic sun and galactic sun.  At each level, resistance presents to change.   Moving through 5 key wounds (rejection, abandonment, humiliation, injustice, betrayal) and healing is the path to love, acceptance, wholeness. The god Shiva is to be united with Shakti.  Life or Earth re-balances or recalibrates. Peace arises at each level. 

The body-mind complex (pindanda) means microcosm while the word Brahmanda means macrocosm. We often hear the phrase, 'whatever is there in the microcosm is also there in the macrocosm'.

Another way of seeing here reminds us all humans have centres of energy also called Chakras. An Yogi can by mantra japa pierce these Chakras in the sushumna nadi inside his spine. The question is how does an Yogi benefit from piercing these Chakras. Well, turns out that these Chakras in the human body-mind complex (pindanda) have their correspondence in the cosmic Lokas or planes. As the Yogi ascends chakra by chakra, he passes through the corresponding Lokas. Sir John Woodroffe in his book, 'The Serpent Power', presents the following table that shows the correspondence:

  • Muladhara Bhuvarloka
  • Svadhisthana Svarloka
  • Manipura Maharloka
  • Anahata Janaloka
  • Visuddhi TapalokaAjna Satya or Brahm
  • aloka (One who attains to Sahasrara goes beyond all Lokas.)

Turns out, 'whatever is in the macrocosm is in the microcosm' is not seen as scientific truth. We are not made of dark matter or dark energy. What surprises a Yogi as he keeps piercing each chakra is that the human being is built similar to the plan of the universe or the cosmos. This is why the Yogi by leading his shakti to each Chakra can access the equivalent loka of the 14-loka universe. There is no way a priori that any body could have predicted that. This similarity of the microcosm with the macrocosm at the deepest level is the surprise. Just as the universe is built of 14-lokas or planes, so are we. Whatever we have is also there in the universe.

We offer detailed Dream Consultations on single and multiple dreams and we also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course.  Contact us.


The Ultimate Pointer

Notice the body functions on instinct. Consciousness operates naturally through intuition (or the language of the Soul). To accept and act on instincts with absolute joy, without guilt or judgement, guides us to feel into intuition. If it seems body and soul are in conflict, this invites closer attention inside ourselves.
The body and soul share a vision yet operate on different planes. And just as instinct functions in its own way, through signs and signals that are learned and read, so does intuition have a language of symbols, feelings, sensations that the human journey guides us to recognize and trust implicitly. This is inner harmony.
Intellect is a bridge and a potential disturbance on our journey to expanding consciousness. Intellect is where fear can take hold. Its up to us whether we tune in and respond. Any fear we hold is rooted in fear of death. This prevents us from truly living. Fear tells us we have reason to feel trapped, that free will is out of reach. The vibration of fear disconnects us from our divine power, true Self, love essence, creativity, intuitive guidance, freedom. Fear focuses us on the external.
Every person and situation is a prospective encounter, teacher and guide to see deeper into ourselves. Each one can be viewed as a hindrance or a stepping-stone to experience the vibration of a higher plane of functioning. As we shift into multidimensional being, we relate to intellect as a stepping-stone. It dawns every thought and feeling we create emits a vibration into the universe. As we master our own thoughts and feelings, we master energy flow and shape new realities.

Move beyond your own Resistance

Notice nothing stands in the way of the unfolding of who we are in this physical reality except the nature of our own resistance. Spirituality is part of every soul destiny. We grow, expand into an intergrated version of Truth at unique rates.  At some stage it dawns we cannot simply live vicariously through, mimic or truly grow another's experiences. We must navigate our own alchemical journey.

Some still ask whether human lives are predestined, whether we have any control. Truth is, this is not a personal problem, it is a philosophical question. Our lives are both predestined and not. This applies to all. On some level, everything is predetermined. Whatever is physical in us, material, mental, is predetermined. Yet, something within also untouchable, unpredictable. That something is the nature and flow of consciousness.
Thing is, if we identify with the body and material existence, in the same proportion we are determined, limited by cause and effect. Yet, if we are not identified with material existence, with either body or mind – if we feel self as something separate, different, beyond and transcendent to body-mind – then that consciousness is not predetermined. It is spontaneous, free.
Many people seek to prolong experiences of freedom in the physical world, and wonder why such feelings do not last. Matter implies slavery. Thus, much depends on how we define ourselves and live our lives. If we believe, ”I am only the body,” then everything about us is completely predetermined, beyond our control. If we say that man is only the body, we cannot say that man is not predetermined. If we feel we are just a material existence, then true freedom is not possible. Those who do not believe in such a thing as consciousness believe in fate. Matter means that which cannot be free. It must flow in the chain of cause and effect.
Yet, one who has known consciousness has known freedom. Consciousness itself means freedom. Only a spiritual person can harness the energy of freedom to consciously co-create. Once someone has tasted consciousness, enlightenment, s/he is completely out of the realm of cause and effect. He becomes absolutely unpredictable. He exists in the moment as the flow.
For many, human existence is simply a chain of events in which every step follows the past. Living in this vibration implies the future is not really future, but a by-product of the past. It is only the past determining, shaping, formulating and conditioning the future. That is why the future is predictable.
Some say a HU-man is as predictable as anything else. The only difficulty is that we have not yet devised the means to know the complete human history (total past). It is said that the moment we know, we can predict everything about humanity. Yet, if one being in the whole history of mankind is free and unpredictable, then man as a whole is potentially free and unpredictable. The whole possibility of freedom depends on seeing ourselves as more than a body.
So, if you are just an outward flow of life, then everything is determined. What about the inner? Do not offer a predictable reply. Do not say, ”I am the soul.” If we feel nothing exists inside, then be honest. Honesty will be the first step toward the inner freedom of consciousness. To go deeply inside, it hits everything is just an extension of the outside. That is, the body, thoughts have come from without, even your self has been defined by others. We are taught to adopt labels, beliefs, experience and do so unless energy shifts occur to change it.
To fear external opinion comes from the belief that the external is completely in control of the self, that we hold no power or sovereignty. If the external can trigger us, this implies we are still at least partly in the vibration of ego self, body, thoughts given to by others. This implies we are simply layers of outside ideas. If identified with the personality that arises from others, then everything is determined. How to move beyond this?
Be aware of everything that comes from the outside and come to a place where we are non-identified with it. The moment arises when the outside boundary dissolves. A vacuum arises. This vacuum is the passage between the outside and the inside, the door. We are so afraid of the vacuum, of being empty that we cling to the outside accumulation of ideas. One has to be brave enough to disidentify with the accumulation and to remain in the vacuum. Until courage is found, we cling and fill self with it.
Another view of being in this vaccuum is meditation. As we find courage to be in this moment, through breathing, meditation or other spiritual practie, soon our whole being will automatically turn inward. When urge to attach fades, our being turns inward. At this point, something dawns that transcends all we have been thinking self to be. Now we are no longer becoming; we are being, we are that. This being is free; nothing can determine it. It is absolute freedom. No chain of cause and effect is possible. This is the still point of consciousness.