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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in stillness (12)


Equanimity is what you are

Notice the resistance that arises at the prospect of facing adversity. Sitting meditation in silence offers ideal conditions for preliminary practice, to develop tools to face what evokes discomfort, and yet, sitting as such is not the real thing. True meditation happens when you are amidst the action, the chaos, when you face impossible people, intense emotions, unavoidable situations. During such conditions, can you keep the mind in silence, solitude and peace? To do so, we must first raise awareness and stop attacking ourselves. Many of us have a mind split into a victim, rescuer and/or attacker for ourselves or "others". We may even change roles. Still, when we are fiercely equanimous, we do not perpetrate or yield to threats, do not cave at emotional manipulation or implications, remain unaffected from attacks and guilt-trips that come from our superego, our own unconscious. We dissolve it by refusing to ratify it. By calmly abiding, we see through the unreal. The ego mind attacks, would like us feel bad about ourselves, stuck in a spiral. The only way out of it is to stop being an ego self, be unaffected by desire or fear, pain or enjoyment. Our true practice is to come to view suffering as a mental exercise. Most of us are taught to fear death, pain and other challenges. Yet, to a Zen master, all are great blessings. The view is our enemies are our greatest gifts to evoke love, passion, forgiveness, self-empowerment in the realisation of the unity of all that is. They guide us to let go of the ego mind, that which would like to be in pain, to be in a state of inadequacy, guilt, shame, attacking or peaceless self -justification or self-reproach. These are all false relationships with the real. The Supreme Being is within us. Only through awareness and alignment with Soul can we claim this power. A guru cannot give it. Mantras or other spiritual practices do not give it. One must claim it and with the power of will, integrate it into our life. It happens when we are in a state of deep honesty and truthfulness with ourselves. If we allow it, our inner voice can sting us worse than a sword. Let us focus on remaining in unwavering stillness. Let us not react, but move instead into that state that dissolves into the pureness of our Being which is love. Let us follow our breath. Get into the mind of silent presence. This vital life force, or equanimity is what you are and it cannot be lost.


Access mind-blowing Realities

Notice the point of stillness of the mind is the origin of all space & time, the centre of the "forbidden fruit" (aka "apple" in Eden) is a simple 'physical' example of a torsion- field. Everything in the entire cosmoverse behaves like a torsion-field: a self-sustained, self-contained energy system the living aerodynamics of which always stems from its "zero-point". In Sanskrit, [“perfectly (sam)-composed/engineered (krit)”] this is called "nirvāna" and it means "coming to a stop", or "the point of stillness" or «cessation» (of the movement, turbulence or "spinning around" in this movement →∞ indicated by the infinity sign "8" on the side: which is simply the half-section of an apple; which is called "samsāra”: ="spinning around"). In mechanics and engineering this is called "rotor & stator" and it is the basics of an "engine" or "motor"—Which is by the way called "Pyramid" in Greek: pyros=raging fire (PIE paewr→"power"), mid=middle, so "fire or power in the middle"...(what our cars have!=a motor). No movement exists without a point of stillness, which IS its point of origin, or Source. This is basic quantum mechanics: that both the equation of the zero-point AND of its spinning (maths inside of which are all based on π, Phi,...) are superposed and entangled, or- simultaneous and non-exclusive. In this view, a gold mine of new openings and insights exists into this most fascinating zero-point porthole. It is key to parallel dimensions, time travel, hyperspace and accessing mind-blowing new realities.


Breathing exercise

Take a few moments to relax and focus on your breathing. Tune into the path of the breath (does it reach the lower, middle or upper chest or diaphragm-tummy area before the exhale?)

If possible sit crossed-legged on the floor.  If this is difficult, then imagine you are sitting cross-legged on the floor. Imagine energy flowing through the top of your head, down through the  limbs and torso of the body into the floor and back up and out your head.  Imagine the energy simultaneously flowing up from the floor through to the top of your head and back down. These are two simulataneous pathways of energy flow.

Imagine you are gently sitting cross-legged then floating up and up into the air until you are looking down on yourself and all that is happening around you.  It is an exercise in levitation that enables stepping back from what is happening inyoru life and the world around you. breath deeply into this refreshing new perspective.

Take a moment to focus on what is happening within.   Look down on your body and feel at peace as you float in the air.  This is more than a simple breathign exercise. It is a remidner you are not the body, not the mind, not the emotions, but far more. 

Now lift your right hand up in front of you and imagine you pause all the activity below. In that stillness, allow your mind to clear. Watch the energy flow out in front and beyond you. Feel it flow out of you in all directions.

Simply allow your mind to flow and tell you exactly what you need to know right now.

When ready,float back down. Be aware of the new perspective you gain.


Be still

The mind tells what it thinks is and is not. Mind also tells you what you should and should not do.  It tells you to always try to do something, be someone, get somewhere other than where you are.  Even the response of the mind is a response to duality. The mind asks, is THAT it? Know you are that.

Within the mind's understanding, all experience happens in time and has a beginning and an end. Do not identify with the voice that anticipates what is next.  You are not the commentary, the voice that leads you to think you are not enough and there has to be more. The"real you" knows knowledge and ignorance.   The mind uses words to conceptualize what it cannot touch. Be still.  Feel what is real.

Watch what happens as you see yourself as the space.  This kind of seeing is not an action but a state of being.  Keep your attention here.  Recognize 'you' can never be anywhere else except in the mind.  True experience is never 'there'.  Stillness is here.

Be aware a voice asks, 'how can I stay here?' Listen to the voice and you come to fear losing who you are. You think it is possible to lose yourself. That voice is illusion. You cannot NOT be here. Find out what is tells you to exert effort to be here, to be yourself. Recognize the voice of doubt is not truth.


Be open to the Source

You may have dreams where someone invites you to 'see reason' or another point of view.  You may also have dreams where this Source of wisdom invites you to step back and see your fears from a new vantage point.  These dreams may surprise you due to your own willingness to listen. 

Guess what? This apparent person or source of wisdom is a version of the higher self. It shows love and compassion and invites you to recognize conditioned beliefs as the illusions they are. Know it is within your power to bring these dreamtime revelations to conscious living now.

Give this ago: view each person you encounter as a messenger from the higher self. Each person points to what you listen and whether you allow the paradox of fear to capture your attention. Notice every time you do something, you create restlessness. The more you do, the further you are from stillness. Stop thinking and measuring Self based on what you think you do. See deeper.

As you do nothing, freedom happens, solutions are obvious, you abandon sense of Self and all identity. Doing nothing allows mental energy to arise. This only has power in stillness. Notice "you," the body and preoccupations disappear. Stillness presides. Listen to the sound of silence. This allows peace to arise. Let go. Be still. Open the door of the heart. Freedom comes to you.