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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in freedom (103)


Notice patterns crumbling

What if you choose not to bring perceptions of the past into interactions of this moment? Imagine what life would be like if you did not view people as walking personal histories.  Consider that people often exist with varying degrees of resentment, regret and unresolved issues.  Notice where the same reactions present each time you encounter certain people.  Move beyond the patterns. Others do not have to understand you for you to be happy. Free yourself from what you thought you needed.  With presence comes compassionate acceptance of who you are.  Give others space to be as they are.  Let go.  Be free.


Nobody is a stranger

What if you begin to sense nobody is a stranger, that everyone you think you do not know is actually an old friend you temporarily forget? What if you enter unfamiliar settings as a willing participant in bigger things?

The experience of awakening to the nature of dreams and sensing the limitlessness of mind can shock the conditioned mind.  Many people feel this kind of expansion shifts to a sense of being and knowing forever. 

Part of you is forever present, spontaneous and fearless. True nature of existence invites you to release self from individualistic attachments and misperceptions of freedom.  Choose instead to be open, naked, flexible.  Take responsibility for who you are.  Be receptive and grateful for opportunities to transform.


Think until you outgrow it

Nobody has every encountered anything but a thought or projection of a thought.  One does not escape from now, but one may deny it or be distracted.  To be lost in thought is to forget the essence of being.

Perception combines feelings and sensations with judgment.  The inner judge introduces thought and tells you existence is based on structures and forms that you work out.  Curiously, everything is fine already. Time is irrelevant. As you ask, how do I still the mind? Mind tricks you to believe it is not already still.

In terms of form and linear time, you may not be able to add much more to your cv or identity. The mind-created sense of specialness or recognition may or may not be realized.  What is the point then, of obsessions with form, the search for things, engagement in endeavours? What is already transforming?

To feel the luminous, formless being is beyond thought, beyond a conceptual dream of personal history. Move beyond constant neediness and drama.  Awareness is stillness that exists beyond images and comparisons. It is not something you experience if you follow a course of action. Stop thinking to just be.


Do nothing

All experience through ego, creates perception based on comparison.  As you align with the inner witness, you feel authentic power is beyond ego and requires doing nothing.  This is beyond judgment. To awaken is to sense the freedom of all you are in all that is, and the revelation that nothing real ever actually changes. Peace and contentment reign.

"From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things and makes us aware that we are nothing, but the light is all."  -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Give yourself permission to go

You know the core directions.  Yet, sometimes you lose your sense of direction.  Mind convinces you that you are doing just fine even when in truth, you feel disoriented.  Ever choose a direction because it feels upwards or downwards? or other people people are choosing it? or it enables you to feel challenged?  

Notice what brings you out of darkness, out of the mist. Remember to trust deeper states of being.  What if you choose the path that enables you to feel more serenity, harmony and freedom? Each moment you liberate self from the past, from pain, you align with inner joy, recall stillness.  You allow self to be there. You find all you seek in the heart.  You feel it.  Being gentle and compassionate overcomes inner resistance. Meditate not to get things but to remember how to let things go. You feel healthy and free.