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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in meditate (3)


How do you know what is real?

People ask what it means if something is "real."  You have that feeling where you tune in and leave thought behind.  You discover advantages to sensing and using the soul vehicle well. This is core energy you access now.

Right  now, your physical form is only part of this.  You have more than one perspective.  There exist many potentials you grow aware of.  No two experiences are ever the same. Connect with your highest self.

You may have heard the question you ask puts you on track for the answer.  Yet, the more you flow into an experience, the more it fills you and overwhelms you.  It requires no effort to accept what is, yet requires resistance to reject what you fear, what other people tell you to disbelieve. Meditate and listen to the truth. 


How do you know what it means?

When spirit present in your dreams, part of you knows the precise reasons.  Yet, part of you may still ask what  this experience brings to light about varied dimensions of reality.  What are you supposed to do with what you are given?

Your logical, human side would possibly assume a figment of imagination magnified inner fear or, just seeks to entertain. Another part of you has a different view, especially if spirit visit dreams regularly. How do you know what to get out of it?

1) Believe in a purpose. You recall dream images and subtle experiences on different levels of awareness. Each encounter has reason for presenting. You choose to attune to certain energy. Believe reason exists. More than one may also appear.

2) Meditate on it. How vivid and memorable is the encounter? What sorts of details stand out? Which colors come to mind? Note strong sensations that stay with you.  Reconnect with details using mental discipline.  Dream journals can be helpful.

3) Reconnect with Higher forces.  Do you realize angels, animal spirit guides and other, higher vibrational energies, hear your thoughts?  They protect or draw attention to different aspects of self.  You can learn to communicate more consciously using telepathy in dreams and expand from there.

4) Ask your spirit guide. These beings often have some connecton to you in a past life and thus have experience on a physical plane. They draw from their own lessons learned to assist or reorient you. Some human beings get more than one assigned at different life stages. Each one assists with lessons.

5) Accept its not black and white.  Some dream visits are fragments and do not initially make sense until you piece a series of them together. A glimpse of a color, feeling, event or sensation has stand alone meaning yet, may figure into a larger puzzle. Patience helps you identify relevant points for you.

6) Trust your gut. As a child, you believe your instincts. You do not question them until adults convince you what you sense is not real.  What they are really saying is your view is not theirs. You can rekindle and revalidate your innate skills and sensitivities by listening to your inner vibes without doubt.

 7) Learn to raise vibrations.  To ask a spirit directly who he is, and/or how you can help is easier as you learn to attune to energy.  Thus you wll also be able to dialogue and get a sense of why the spirit presents to you.  Do not pretend to fully grasp what is happening. Regardless of the energy vibration you are at, others also exist and shape different perception.


Recognize you're a gateway

Regardless of what you desire or hope for, the key to realizing goals is to recognize you're a gateway for the passage of intention energy. As you learn to give and receive love, that is, to give and receive unconditionally, this will lead you to sense new meaning in life. You will realize you never act alone or without support.

To think about it another way, any vision you have for relationships, career, health, growth or purpose, all comes back to how you feel about yourself and what you think you deserve. One basic goal many people have is to feel more confident about bigger goals and plans to achieve them. Consider these ideas to enhance goal-setting:

1) Heal any fears about giving or receiving love. If you harbour any fear of not succeeding in your projects or dreams, this hinders a sense of progress. You send out energy into the universe based on your vibrations. Negativity, doubt or self-destructive thinking is a low vibration which invites more of the same. Healing fears invites more upbeat experiences. You have to be looking for them in order for them to find you.  If you keep working when you are tired, you get stuffed and cannot perform.  Learn to let go.  Trust this is an investment. Put it away for a while.  Relax. Come back to it with a clear mind.  When you devote your whole self with joy, you get more work done in less time with less stress.

2) Forgive anyone who may have hurt you or held you back. You may be tempted to blame others for holding you back from where you think you should be.  However, your own choices and emotions have led you to where you are. If someone didn't react the way you'd hoped, this may be a blessing in disguise. Forgive them, forgive yourself. Step into the light. Your positive feelings offer clues about meaningful goals.  As you listen, you will raise your energy vibration and focus differently.

3) Love & accept yourself. What is unfolding does not have to affect how you feel about yourself. Keep nothing. Dwell on nothing of the past. If one goal does not work out the way the ego wants, listen to the heart.  Know this makes you available for another opportunity you would not otherwise be free to notice. Press the delete button. No person, no set of conditions, no stroke of luck, no mentor, can guide you until you decide you are worthy regardless of goals you achieve. To love yourself fully is to trust what you feel in the heart. Even if the external world judges you based on exam results, your future does not depend on exams. The more you love yourself, the more you feel successful whatever you do. Recognize you are a gateway to self-acceptance.  Quiet the mind.  Meditate on feeling good wherever you are.