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Entries in Max Igan (4)


Interview with Max Igan

Very pleased to catch up with Max Igan while he is off on a new mission abroad.  At some stage, I came upon his radio shows and podcasts, and grew aware of the huge reach of his videos like The Calling. He created two full documentary films, The Awakening (2011) and Trance Formation (2012), both of which are widely-acclaimed and watched by well over one million viewers.  He is regularly engaged in truth-seeking endeavours and shares his thought-provoking findings widely.

As synchronicity has it, this is the moment to gain new insight into time from a different perspective than you may be used to.  Take this opportunity to step back and review how you experience life.  This dialogue invites you to see how your sense of time shapes your world. Discover you have the power to shift not only how you see and use time, but also influence the flow of underlying energy that is so often overlooked.

Thanks Max, for all you do and are, and especially for sharing things in ways only you can, from your unique vantage point. You repeatedly remind us its a gift to turn our world upside down.

Many people know you from The Crow House and Crow House Radio. What is the origin of the name? Why crow and not some other bird or animal, for instance?

The 'Crow House' name came to me completely out of left field. It happened at a point in my life when I was separated from my wife and she would not let me see my son. I joined a game clan to create a virtual connection with him.  My clan name was scarecrow.  I did lots of clan artwork.  

Somehow, I sense many people relate to this story. People may say, its just a cyber game or internet chat, phone text, or Wi-fi call without visual, yet, who realizes what is happening to perception as technology mediates communication?

Using an alias to play the game reminded me we all create personas in what we think is the real world.  People have different ideas about reality and time, and often see them as separate.

So true! Skype, What's app and other programs completely change how we connect through distance (space) and time-zones.  When people live from a place of fear, they feel physically and emotionally disconnected by technology.   Yet, technology can also make people feel closer. It depends on how you see things.

The Internet compresses time like nothing else, to be sure. It is common to be unaware of why we do the things we do, to be unconscious about why we use technology, how others use it or why its available to us. Notice when its a crutch.  When people ring or text because they fear seeing you, getting your reaction in-person, this differs from inconvenience. Your feelings echo your true motives.  However, you have to be aware of your emotions as a gauge to go deeper inside and see what is really going on in the world around you. 

Ah-ha! We are each invited to get to the bottom of our own truth. Our feelings are key pointers.  Now, what inspired you to create truth-based initiatives?

The truth portal arose because I needed it. The world gets to a point to where you feel the urge to act. As you start to question reality and reference points, you begin to see why I came to wonder where the end game is, what everything we are being fed and taught in this world is leading to.

What a useful point: thought focuses our attention on the time-based outer world. The restless mind jumps between thoughts, allowing them to come and go incessantly. Thoughts are not exactly invited; they arise, hijack our attention for a bit, then disappear, making place for others. Did a turning point arise in you?

When 9/11 happened (Twin Towers fell), this was a turning point. What I had been researching all my life was coming to a head.  It hit me hard, that it was one thing to know certain things and another to share how the magic works.  The latter, I feel, is the right thing to do.

This reminds me of David Icke , his books and hearing, "the what always comes before the how."  Your videos and podcasts also echo themes addressed in The Matrix films with Keanu Reeves,  including The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions.  Many interpretations exist. One view is the Matrix as an allegory of someone reaching a higher consciousness, and then doing his best to share what he has seen and knowledge he gains. This is the universal story of a mystic (shaman) through the ages. Thoughts create the prison of the mind and your spirit is being awakened by the "one".  Thus, the flock of birds soar like Michael Singer's Untethered Soul. And how do crows help you see from a higher perspective?

Lots of crows enter my life, show up on my path, guide me home when I least expect it. The feeling of being interconnected led me to interact online.  One thing led to another and I developed the skills to create slide-shows and then become a film-maker.

What you say reminds us everything is always preparing us for the unforeseen.

Yes. Life gave a me the skills I need to survive as a nomad.  A crow is like a nomad, a scavenger, taking what it needs and sharing morsels it finds as it travels. Crows guide me to grow aware of my soul purpose through hardship.  That is me, in a nutshell. 

The crow totem picked me. I never asked myself what it means, I just go with it. Crows have guided me ever since. Crow magic, crow medicine emerging, crow dreams. Images and inclinations come to me. In shamanistic tradition, crows are birds of guidance. I sense I am to do my research, my art and move forward without fear. Crows show up, cross my path, remind me I can adapt to anything.

And how are you putting the pieces of your puzzle together, decoding and living your purpose?

I never consciously planned on doing what I do. My soul knows, but early on, it was not obvious to me.  Everything I did in my life lead me to have the perspectives I have got. I simply do what I do, speak candidly, put myself out there, see what happens.

Identify a turning point when your life direction began to take shape.

When I was four, I was devestated to learn I had to grow up, earn money and buy land. My soul told me we should not have to pay to be alive. It made no sense to me. I felt the same as animals, that we all share the same earth, water, air, why should we pay to be here? I began questioning everything. And so it began, the restlessness and desire for answers. 

Tell us about milestones.  Which pivotal events contribute to where you are?

At age 17, I left school. I was a musician. The way I saw the world was not what I was being taught.  School did not work for me. I did not fit in with society. I learned about ancient mysteries as I travelled.  Certain places called out to me, like crows.  The musician lifestyle permitted time to explore.

Also, when the universe took away everything that I thought was important: when my music was stolen from me, my 38 year collection by my x-wife, all I had left was to embrace my journey.   The universe took everything away as a gift.  This freed me from the attachment to everything valuable so I had the choice to leave this world of accept the destiny I have given myself. Music was no longer an option as it once was.

Names aside, who is Max Igan, really? What does he stand for?

I am a social misfit.  Max(well) is my middle name. Ian is my son's middle name. My son is why I exist.  As it is, Igan is the original Irish spelling of the name Ian.   I have no Irish roots, just like sound of the name.  I exist to invite others to get in touch with deeper truth and freedom.

As a non-conformist, you invite everyone to recognize and accept their own uniqueness. You also echo we exist to support each other, value ourselves, be real, to do what we are born to do.  

Amidst your focus on truth-telling, what drew you to create a pen name? Why is anonymity important? What dream you are in the process of making real?

Anonymity was something I never planned, and my ensuing following or repulation either. I do not view it as delicate though. I keep doing what I do not because I think I have to tread lightly, or because I feel I have to build myself up. I do whatever it takes.

Because you love the adrenalin in your veins and you love how it feels to break the chains? You may knw the message of groups like Imagined Dragons.

During my life, music has been my sanity. When I was 5, I told my parents I would be a guitar player. Music was my bubble, my protection, it had always carried me through. Whenever I could not handle society any more, music was my refuge, my source of strength. When my music was stolen, it was not longer my source of strength but my source of pain. It hurt. This is when I wrote my book Hidden Secrets. Writing helped me feel the way through a very difficult period.

Tell us  more about your book, Earth’s Forbidden Secrets. How does this differ from other books that offer the keys to ancient mysteries? Why share this now?

This book is useful as a reference point.  It puts everything together in one spot, cites lots of sources, and questions ancient history. First half of the book outlines ancient artifacts that simply should not be where they were found. The book echoesthe world is lied to on all counts about history. If you accept you are lied to about the past, how can you believe what you are told about present and future? 

Losing points of reference may feel like having the carpet pulled out from under you.  It takes a courage to accept we have been and continue to lie to ourselves.  We can also come to see the external world mirrors our inner world. This invites taking new levels of personal responsibility.  One can shift from fear and victimhood. Anything about this or your book that you wish to add?

I do not even agree with the last part of the book anymore. I no longer agree with Sitchen. You are supposed to grow, you know, we all are. I still agree with what I said in the early part of the book. I assumed that the timeline they gave us was correct (for stringing together and relating events, now I see it is very innaccurate).

Why the change of heart?

Lots of reasons. Scan weekly program titles and tune into my radio shows.

One example relates to where I stand. The buildings I am in now are not the age I was told they are. New research is available all the time about dating with layers of mud and other materials.  What we are told in one period of history changes and then we make new discoveries and are told something else.

So, what can we know for certain?

All that we know is living memory, that is what we experience directly right now, in this moment.

Graham Hancock (Fingerprints of the Gods) and Robert Duvall may be correct in their research and books. I do not know whether they question the related timelines. The amount of data documented in their books is impressive. Anything that helps show us history lies is great.  The key step after that is recognizing we choose what to believe. The period of Mayans and other ancient cultures existed may be completely skewed. My view is: question the whole lot. Question the validity of the timelines we have been given. Ask yourself what relevance history has and how your sense of the world is constructed around it.

That point also invites us to recognize we each have within us the power to change how we view ourselves and the world. The power of thought is often underestimated.

Look at the example of clocks in Geneva. Why keep Julian time and Gregorian time when the Gregorian calendar was widely accepted as universal time? Okay, so other calendars have sprung up elsewhere, but you get my point.  Why would anyone bother to keep the Julian birthday and Gregorian birthday recognition?British royals each recognize two birthdays, that on the Gregoian and Julian calendar.  What ‘s it all about? Among other thngs, this echoes we are all living in more than one timeline.  We choose our focal point of attention. Each of us is invited to ponder this, digest it. Why limit yourself to two timelines or even one? What is the purpose of time as you know it? You decide on what time is and what power you give it.

Reflecting on time is certainly inviting each of us to step outside the familiar and imagine a different kind of existence. And what happened when your book was released?

I initially made my book available for free. A few people started contacting me. An aussie docu-video maker contacted me and encouraged me to make videos. Suddenly I have been catapulted into this persona of truth activist. Never get hasseled because I travel with my normal passport.  When I made the slideshow the Big Picture on the youtube, it was fun to make documentary. Inspired by Zeitgesit-first incident blockbuster. I leanred I could make vdieos easily at home and make a feaure length documentary. Zeitgeist had enormous impact not so much for for its content or message as how it demonstrated it was possible for the every day person to make an impact with a home video-documentary. I did not expect to get the attention I got.

What, deep down, inspires you as an activist?

I saw people speaking out, but often sensed self-exaltation, ego involvement. Nobody was really speaking on things without an agenda. I offer an honest opinion, call it the way I see it. Honestly, I would prefer to be smoking weed in the forest. My motivation is freedom. Without that, there is nothing. A real opportunity exists to create some.  The working global mechanism is more obvious than ever before. I want to see people rediscover themselves, ask their rulers why they do what they do, not just blindly accept.  Again, it invites us to recognize why we think and feel as we do and reclaim conscious control of that.

You highlight sense of freedom.  Please tell us more about that.

Freedom is something we have never experienced in the human condition. We have an idea. I believe we are subject to natural law, where we are free to do anything without harming ayone else. What we have here is a people farm where people are forced to live in a situation of mind-control. People are not allowed to see what they wish to say, be what they wish to be. Nobody is free to exist who they wish to be. Everyone has a different idea in their head. Its a freedom of expression of self. Natrual law takes over if you ahrm other. People do not sffer the consequences of their actions. People do not suffer the consequences of wanting to expres themselves. We are living in a situation that is controlling in every way.

 Surrender is the key to listening to ourselves. Surrender to something beyond us, me or you.

Yes. still, we have social structures in place.  We have created them.  We need a set of responsible people in place to manage it. Wars happen externally when conflicts are ongoing inside each of us. The more we think we are getting freedom from technology outside, the more we are actually being locked down because we are suppressing ourselves, our heartfelt voice, and abilities.  

At this point, I have this vision of Dr Seuss characters in the Pixar Lorax film.  They move around this quirky city with a lot of things they do not need. Any character driven by greed is unhappy, attempting to fill an emptiness within that external things cannot fill.  It echoes humans are so often taught to be distracted by thoughts and objects that are not needed.   Listening to ourselves involves hearing our truth, whatever that is, just as characters in the film who wake up and opt to plant trees, change how they live and create a new kind of future.   

Like the characters in this film in fast vehicles, you certainly do get around. How do you know which area or topic to focus on next?

I do not really know where it comes from. Its like channelling. When I do radio shows, I read the opening quote and start talking. I know I have 54 minutes to talk, put myself in the zone and let it flow. I have to listen to the shows back to decide on the title. Its amazing when you do a show, yo uget dozens of emails, every week you are talking about what I am thinking about. Consciousness is shifting and this is in the field. I am just giving you what I am thinking about. I articulate in simple language because this is how it comes to me. I simply wish to speak to people, conversational. It simply comes, flows. Its part of the universal consciousness shifting. I have always lives on the outside fringes of  society. I do not have. I lived in a storm drain when I was 12. I have come through huge adversity and know every experience makes me stronger. I have no idea what I am going to say in stage, I just sort of let it happen, let it come out and it does. NOt havign an agenda helps. I do not really know where the thought process goes or is going. I am interested in where this is going. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I do not care if I get it wrong. We are all learning on the way. I have no fear, no stake in the outcome.

Can you offer us an intimate example?

Even when I was crawling through tunnels in Gaza, we are 50 m underground, dirt tunnel, took about an 1hr+1/2 to get through. I was crawling 45 min on my hands and knees, one Irqaui bomb and this tunnel is toast. I started to giggle. What the hell am I doing here. This hippie guitar player from adelaide, australia. If I was to die here, I imagined, "what a way to go." Just the fact that I was here and I could die here, what a way to go, was what I was thinking. What are the chances that I would be put in front of a firing squad in the Gaza strip? Allow the universe to take you where it will, and incredible things happen, only as you allow it and do not allow yourself to become emotionally attacheded to outcomes.

So many people are taught to be results-oriented.  What would you say to them?

I can speak as I do, name things as they are, because I have no stake in the outcome. I am fearless, as I remind myself this experience called life, is over in heartbeat. My motivation is to get this spark into people. people are running so fast in this rat race going absolutely nowhere and they never get to see the state of themselves. it is so important that people see that they have value beyond the measurable and material.  This is my entire motivation.

What triggered this incredible fearlessness?

Back in 2008, I had an experience tht changes everything. I was entering all these chat rooms about 9/11 truth site, news websites and starting debates with people. I attempted to wake people this way. I did not know how to harness the power of the internet to get the word out. I had a meditation. I was sudenly sititng inside myself, in the centre of my heart, I could see all my body around me, could see the skin of my body, like 3-D mesh. All of my organs looked like super clusters. All the atoms looked like galaxies and solar systems. I could see outside my body, the computer, the spirit outside myself. I could see the whole world, sitting inside my hear inside my heart looking at the world. There were 2 universes outside myself. I realized everything was a fractal. I was outside myself looking at myself in the chair and I was also inside myself. The floor started to ripple: it turned into a pond., Everything turned into white light. Everything split at the centre.  Millions of universes were joined. I was at the centre of this multiverse all joined at the fractal point where I was sitting in the air. The entire emotional content of a million universes flowed through me.

Then it hits, you have to know the truth in order to lie to yourself and believe it.  And when you have realized the true nature of the self, formless and infinite, your sovereignty as a human being becomes untouchable, and your conditioning becomes a choice.  Growing conscious implies lying to yourself is no longer possible.  What else do you recall?

I fell out of my chair and I was sobbing for 7 hours. Even when I tried to talk about it to people, it took me 3wks or a month to even talk about it. Even now, I am fighting back tears. It was an incredible experience. It hit me it was an emotionally-based reality. It is an electromagnetic language we speak all the time. It hit me entire life is an emotional, energetic  prayer. The external world manifests based on electromagnetic language. When people disconnect from or suppress emotion, they miss all this.

Please share key examples.

I heard a voice within me that being a radio host would be a great idea to get the word out. I got up every day, sat at my computer and put myself in the emotional state of a radio host. (See Life is a prayer- recent Crow House show). 

If you pray for rain, this is a negative affirmation. You go into a church to pray for love and peace, you only get war and hatred. If you want something, you must put yourself in the emotional state where you are this, embody and resonate it. If you are in a negative state, making negative affiramtion, this is not the natural state of prayer. Be the blessing.  Act as if it has already happened. Put yourself in the emotional state where you are feeling the rain, tasting it, and it comes. If you want the perfect relationship, and this is the electromagnetic signal you send out, this is the electromagnetic reality that mirrors back.

This is amazing information that clarifies a lot. Please share a personal example.

6wks after I  put myself into the emotional state fo being a radio host, imagining what it was like, pretending I already was, I was given a real job as a radio host (not internet radio). This is where the energy comes in. This is where the job fell into my lap.  I do not attach any economic value on anything I do and the world mirrors back the existence I am vibrating.

Ancient history is another of your preoccupations. How did this arise?

Fascination from childhood. Since age 8 when I saw pyramids in books, it hit me right away that nothing makes sense about versions of history we are told. I had this thirst for knowledge. It is so obvious that what they are telling us in and out of school is wrong, missing pieces. As you awaken to this, you start reflecting; who are the history makers and writers? what is being covered up and why? One question leads to another. It all led down the rabbit hole. 

Ah-ha. There is that What the Bleep do We Know movie and Alice nd Wonderland by C.S. Lewis that draw attention to such questions.  The nature of your awakening and shift in consciousness intrigues people.  You always have your finger on the pulse of the world. Do you have a spirit guide or some other-worldy advisors that talk to you in your dreams?

That sounds a bit 'New Agey.' Like anyone else can, I simply tap into the collective energy field.  When people email me in droves about my shows and express amazement that I speak on something they were thinking about, this is what I mean.  Anyone can tune in, feel where intense concentrations of energy are on this planet.  

I relate what you are saying to weather. People are conditioned to look outside of themselves, to accept a forecast from a meteorologist rather than trust they feel into what's coming. It is really something to feel the lightness or heaviness of the air, the high and low pressure systems, to literally feel a storm coming without the eyes. We can all recall and do this accurately, it simply takes practice and willingness to go within rather than be deendent on the external.

You are a major ‘go-to’ for Truth seekers as a source of alternative media.  How do you suppose that has happened?

Have no idea how this has happened. I am a nobody the same as everybody. We are all the same. I do not have an agenda. I have nothing for sale. I simply offer the perspective that many people share. I do not wish to be followed, I wish people to follow themselves. I need to you know you, to wake up yourself. We can all free ourselves. We need each other. I do what I do because I would like us all to have a better world. This is the purpose of everything, to elave this place better than we found it. I think people like self-empowerment people get from realizing their own value. Its humbling to get email from people. Close to suidcide-listenr. lListened to show wrote email had eueka moment said Now I get it, I see it. Max- that’s all I need to save a soul and it makes it all worthwhile.

Do you have any mentors who inspired you to be such a trail-blazer?

Todd Rundgren. Song-is it my name? Inspirational music in 1970s. He writes a lots Frank Zappa. Helped me laugh at how stupid it all is. George Carlin-Funny guy. People who keep us sane are often underestimated.

What is your view on Time?      

 Time is a construct. It is non-linear, cyclic. May explain déjà-vu, the idea we have done this many times before. Speculate on time as a program. Hypothetical- no first-hand info to offer.  Comedian George Carlin looked into sky and asked "what is time? who made this stuff up? Somewhere, at some point, someone told us we get older based on an asssumed rotation of Earth around the sun. If every cell regenerates itself every seven years, where does aging come into it? It all happens because of an emotionally-based energetic system. Mental projection is huge.  People told they have a life-threatening disease simply come to believe it, resonate the frequency and die. They merge with energetic projections of death.

Why do you feel it is useful or imperative to understand our relationship to it in this world/ perceived timeline? Would you consider yourself a time-traveller?

We are all time travellers. If we could find out the truth of the past, we could be better equipped to create future. George Orwell, in his book, 1984, says "He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” 

If we do not know who we are, we do not know what we are capable of. We have no reference point for freedom. If we could discover our reference point, we can pinpoint  lost our abilities of things we can do and reactivate them. We have taken to the internet so well because this is our second nature. Most people  do not have a reference point to know what has been stolen from us. We have no reference point for our higher abilities. We could be in any time, any reality, if we put enough emotional and  mental power behind it. We would need a reasonable focus and direction at the same moment. Anything is possible

Its funny how many science fiction movies exist about time travel that invite us to focus on building something external to ourselves. Dreams are stories we tell ourselves. To change our dreams we must thus change our thoughts. Amidst all the activism and controversy, what is your true take on reality? 

Collective consciousness is an absolute reality. This is not local to the body.This is in the field. Collective consciousness is shifting. Body is a buiological computer that is tuned into a particular frequency. This si a single collective consciousness experienced in a billion people. Each frequency is the centre of its own univers. Your univers erevlves around you. I am the centre of everything I know. We have 7 billion multi-verses with 7 billion people walking on this planet. The kidney is downloading aspects of me in the surrounding field. That kidney has aspects of my consciousness sin there. Time is cyclic. Every thought you have is an electromagnetic impulse, you put it out there, it remains there.

Any films resonate with you about this?

Recall Contact film. The first radio wave sent out is still there. Same happens with thought waves. All waves are coded in water as well. Its all coded into the water, the memory and ram drive of the earth. All exists in the field and we can access it all if we know how to do it.  We are all unique and individual and finding our way back to a greater version of self.

If you could offer some advice to our readers, what would it be?

Do not ever doubt yourself and do not ever think you are not capable of incredible things. Everything that is every created by the hand of man, the greatest wonder or weapon, the greatest anything, begins as the spark of energy before the idea. Everyone is capable of having thought to change the world. Do not bow out. Do not think its all oppressive. We can all put ideas in motion. As Gandhi said, "be the change we wish to see in the world."

Share anything else you would like to add.

The End game I was speaking about earlier is the Smart grid.  The 5G systm that the authorities are in the process of installing is not something you want, no matter what you think right now.  Be procative. Learn more and stand up for yourself. Do what feels right. Take personal responsibility for your life and the direction yo uare tkaing yourself.  Your body is your vessel and Earth a kind of time-ship for as long as you are here.

What can we do about what we do not like?

When you raise consciousness, the way you function in the world changes. What you do not like in others, first and foremost, you do not like in yourself. Change how you feel about yourself and the external world mirros that. Focus not on root causes of external conflict and war but on the real reasons for inner concflict.

Also, check out the Ritchie Allen Show from April 11, 2018 on Why We Need To Act Urgently On Social Crediting, Internet Of Things & 5G. This is nto intended to be a fear-based program.  Instead, its intended to invite people to take charge of how they wish to see and create the world. Be informed and remember you only change the way you feel and respond.

Again Max, thanks for reflecting on some very intimate moments and inviting readers to do some soul searching. This interview itself is a wake up call.  Its not an invitation to follow Max Igan's path, but to value yourself enough to set up boundaries and reclaim your own life purpose.  How much you love yourself is reflected back in the world as the result of energy you send out and taking responsibility for what you are creating.


Inspiration for Be your Dream

You may wonder about sources of inspiration for my latest book,  Be your Dream. Each of my books is divinely inspired and actually writes itself.  Each one invites you to recognize choices you make come down to love or fear. Each invites awareness and consciousness to reveal themselves to the extent you allow them. Each book offers quotes that beckon you to see your own reflection through the eyes of all others.

This new book invites you to recognize the role of the ego the heart in dreaming. It also invites you to see what happens as you see things as they are and as heart and mind as seen as one.  You already read your thoughts and feelings, but are you aware they tell you how how true you are to self, and what you can do to see the truth and lies?

Be your Dream empowers you to notice the role of ego in your dreaming process, how scarcity motivates certain choices as part of the struggle for abundance and seeing the ego for what it is inspires other choices. This book invites The Awakening to the nature of beliefs and negativity. You are invited to stand in your power, face the inner shadow and know what the true reality is beyond conditioning. The cause of the social system is our individual refusal to do inner work.  Nothing changes in the external world until we make inner changes. As Gandhi says, "Be the change you wish to see."

This book invites you to see how the mind is a fear filter and the heart is like a lens of love through which we allow ourselves to see the world.  As you allow the heart and mind are seen as one, you begin to see existing is about inner work, and what is required to deconstruct problems you imagine into being. What happens as you come to accept and embody freedom? Experience is the unquestionable teacher.

Every moment, we have opportunities for change.  Everything that you experience can be related to dreams.  Any insecurities you have are based in fear. That fear you are not all you perceive yourself to be is the reason for dreaming, for goal-setting, for creating unrealistic expectations of yourself.  All of it is illusion constructed to keep you from discovering the truth.  Shift focus.  See what happens.  Awakening occurs when each of us discovers things for ourselves. Inspire others to find their own light within.

"You are your own judge. The verdict is up to you." -Astrid Alauda


Decode the secret of the universe

As you read here, you are ready to click the link below to watch a five part series that may rock your world. It may fundamentally change how you see what is going on around you and within.  In essence, it lays out how we actually live in a holographic universe. So, the reality you are taught to believe and struggle to fit into does not exist.

As you come to sense everything comes down to an electromagnetic impulse, you may be compelled to research further.  Do what feels right. If what you find does resonate, you may ask how you could you be so accepting to take it all in and what could possibly be next? You are not the only one. When you ask, answers are given.

As you awaken to a version of the truth that defies what is designed by the mind, you may wonder who can fix it.  This is only because your points of reference or grounding are projected by the mind and you are conditioned to fear what is beyond mind.  The real solution invites you to deepen connections with people around you.  Call it a dream if you choose, but there is more to your current perceived existence that the left brain and five senses reveal. This is already proven by Science, but it is rarely within conscious awareness of majority of poulation. People tend to turn a blind eye. You? 

The external world shares its secrets about matter through vibration.  Research is beginning to reveal  water is picking up information in the world, sharing and perceiving this over time as we use water and interact in natural ecosystems. What happens as you discover everything is energy and you can shift your energetic state more consciously? What happens as you sense something has taken acttion to stifle your innate abilities or blocked your access to them? How? Why is this coming to your attention now? That is for you to discern. Everything has perfect timing.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -Nikola Tesla


David Icke & a new spiritual revolution 

David Icke is a former professional athlete and news presenter. What he describes as a "synchronistic almost daily journey" of connecting with something beyond himself led him to become an author known for writing about who or what is controlling the world beyond 'normal' perception.  He claims a guiding force is transforming his life. His books and interviews, like this one with Max Igan, speak for themselves.

You may wonder what this vibrational communication means for you and your existence. Note the butterfly effect. As humans exist on so many levels of consciousness, acting as receiver transmitters, the implications are profound. If you only speak words to pacify the brain, part of you senses there is a spiritual revolution in process in the form of vibrational change. Most of your communication is non-verbal.  As you tune into switching frequencies, you sense energetic changes unfolding. Your outer life is realigning to new states of being.

Icke explains how intution enables him to learn more and more as he is drawn to books, people and experiences.  He is drawn to specific places without always knowing why and synchronistic things continue to happen. Icke notes he is gradually de-programming the social conditioning of his mind. This enables him to raise consciousness in ways that open his senses and heightens his energetic sensitivities. Although he attributes this partly to reptilian beings, other reasons also help explain ongoing changes.

Ever notice how something beyond you is whispering or guiding you in particular directions? Ever make certain choices without really consciously beng sure of why except to say something feels right? Ever sense energy pulsing through you that affects your awareness and level of concentration? Some people feel they have a lot in common with the protagonist in James' Redfield's book, The Celestine Prophecy, who impulsely headed to Peru on s quest that changed his life.

Energy is indeed travelling through you every moment. What you choose to make of it depends on many things. What do you feel is happening to you right now? What do you sense the purpose of raising your consciousness or kundalini energy? When you sense incredible opposition, something is always protecting and encouraging you to do what feels right. Your sense of perception shifts and you may not feel a need to explain what, how or why.  Just face the fear. Go with the flow.