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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in immortality (16)


Stretch the imagination

To see things as they are is not what you think. You might view science fiction stories as a point of reference for what is becoming possible. You might begin to sense layers of reality exist beyond what mind thinks or believes. Think outside-the-box. Notice what are you taught is possible. Notice who controls the holodeck of existence and who is invisible. Be open to accepting anti- gravity. Could you be a wizard in disguise? Stretch the imagination.

1) Imagine you awaken and the world is very different from what your 'normal' reality. Do you feel like Gregor Samsa who awakens to find himself a cockroach in The Metamorphosis? What stands out about your apparent new existence? What is obsolete? What is unchanged?

2) Envision this world as your canvas.  Notice what you choose to see around you. What do you erase or paint over? What do you sketch in? Where do you add colour and texture? What is the future of Humanity? Do "you" fit in at all?

3) Reflect on how you see yourself 100 and 1000 years from now. Imagine your form or state. How are you travelling? What does your existence feel like? Which innate capacities do you discover and accept? What role organ and cell regeneration play? How do cell codes for spontaneous human healing factor in to an evolving, New Human Being? Be that.  How does it feel?

4) What is existence like from the moment you let go of all self-defeating thoughts, doubt, negativity and delete programming about aging, sickness and death? What do agelessness and fearlessness feel like? How do you function as an immortal in a physical body? Experience evolves from thoughts.  If you do not allow self to imagine anything different than your programming, you do not stretch or grow. 


Radiate inner light

As you grow aware of the nature and complexity of this dream, you are more conscious that you radiate inner light.  The essence of love is the frequency of a shimmering state of being. 

Suddenly, the intensity of your glow is about more than appreciation for life as the human mind knows it. The degree of your radiance is about more than possible pregnancy.  Its about feeling reborn, tapping into the source of youth, moving away from only feeling grounded in the dirt of Earth, from only accepting what is taught. Its about the power of thought, the rejection or acceptance of conditions of your birth, education and experience of what is real.

Focus shifts to the obvious: what exists within and beyond the body, or pure energy. This triggers deeper remembering of the spirit withis is exhumed from body consciousness. Its about raising the frequency of vibrations. You shift attention from what does not matter to feel and receive the flow of divine presence.  It is not what you think but who you are. Believe it or not, something beyond you explores realms of light when the physical eyes are closed.

As you begin to sense everything comes down to how you feel and store energy, more of the puzzle is revealed.  As you are willing let go of outdated attitudes and social programming, you no longer assume the inevitability of weakness, illness and death.  This permits pure love energy to flow more freely. Eureka moments are triggered.  An innate glow gets brighter. Is this only projection? You may sense deeper significance about the film Cocoon.


Imagine this

Notice energy cannot be created or destroyed.  What if immortality isn't a dream? What if an accelerating vibration of light energy is a quantum leap in human evolution? What if you are the light that is awakening to catch up with itself?

The stream of Love connects all things.  There is no disconnect, no difference or separation, except in the mind. Imagine you systematically shatter your own myths. Presto! Fears and insecurities disappear.  Any accompanying rationalisation does too.  See through the unreal.

Imagine you need not wait to realize a dream or to reunite with a person who leaves physical form. Feel what it is to allow the divine answer to reveal itself. Be harmonious and balanced.  Know all is possible now. Rather than work toward animagined ideal, be that, in-the-flesh.  The imagination is the laboratory of the soul.  You have carte blanche. Use this wild card. 


You are only heart

As awakening and revelations about immortality continue, you begin to feel the origin of everything is the heart.  You are a living library.  The heart is not only the source of unconditional love, it is the centre of all knowing.  Even from the earliest point in human conception, everything physical you see as you emerges from the heart. 

As it all comes rushing back, you recall Spirit used to reside inside the heart before ego developed and humanity focused on living through the mind.  The tip of the tongue is the first thing to emerge from the heart. This is why when you forget things and actually say, "it's on the tip of the tongue.' This is so true. All of this is coming back.  Live in the heart.  A related vibration emerges from consciousness. We are actually flowing through every level of existence in the wink of an eye.


The moment is now

The world you have come to sense as your own is not as it appears.  The moment is now to recognize beyond prevailing beliefs and convictions.  They are not you.  The present permits you to sense beyond the limits you create.

More important than what is when you are ready.  Reality is created by neuro chemical signals.  You may be convinced what you see, hear, touch, taste and small create determines reality.  Yet, it all comes down to energy you discern, perceive and interpret.  What are you in the process of now?

1) Gaining greater awareness of timeless reality.

2) Verifying an internal sense of immortality.

3) Sensing accelerated evolution & development.

4) Realizing mind is only part of what makes things real. 

5) Experiencing multiple dimensions more consciously.

6) Bending & breaking rules that shatter conditioning.

7) Obtaining personal answers through remembering.

8) Expanding self-respect, responsibility and acceptance.

9) Moving beyond believeving to experience knowing.

10) Choosing to free the mind of doubt, fear & disbelief.