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Entries in immortality (16)


Ben Abba & Interview on Immortality Part II

There is the idea that human beings are gradually becoming aware of their own true nature. On November 22, I interviewed Ben Abba on Blog Talk Radio about his new book and unique research into immortality. This is the second part of a written interview inspired by that archived BTR interview.

In your research, have you encountered female immortals? (beings in female bodies).

1 that is near 160 years of age.
Why only 1 woman so far ? I can only speculate at this time.

Do immortals as you know them consciously interconnect amongst themselves?

Another shocker ... no!

Telepathy is one skill that human beings are awakening to within on a wider scale.  Is this something immortals in your research use?

Not sure, I have evidence of some or partial telepathy; but not fully telepathic.

You say your work background is in the financial sector. What sort of impact does research into longevity and super-centernarians have on your view of your livelihood and your sense of true self?

A very positive one once I applied my knowledge of "health abundance"

Do you sense you (as a "modern" man) have more impact on the immortals you discover or, would you say they have more of an impact on your conscious awakening? Why? 

I have always sensed that they have a greater impact on me and often worried how could i return the favor, in so way.  Now, as I discussed on todays show, I can see a possible way to have some positive impact on them as well.

When the student is ready the teacher will appear; or in our case, another enlighten being that will solve a problem that needs to be solved.

What advice can you offer a person who wants to live forever but does not wish to trade his soul for immortality?

Start each morning stating firmly, clearly, and from the heart:  "I am an immortal".  Reading my blogs & books, listening to my interviews will help even more.

As you sense and accept you live forever, how does this change your priorities? That is, what lifestyle and belief shifts do you notice inside?

As I stated in interview, my priorities to eat healthier, to reduce the stress in my life, to choose less stressful work has become a higher priority for me.

How do you see science fiction influences what human beings believe or disbelieve about lifespans?

In some cases, I believe science fiction has opened the doors and minds within all of us, to ideas that were "impossible" years ago.

More and more people feel internal energy shifts, and raising consciousness of abilities they did not  previously sense or accept. Other than evolving views about immortality, what shifts do you sense within?

More love, less fear, more confidence, less worries, more abundance, less lack, more energy, less fatigue in my life.

How does your research into immortality invite you to face and overcome different levels of fear and illusion?

Fear of death is a very controlling part of our lives; without that fear, we feel more free, and act even free-er.

What kinds of implications do you sense in society, based on the information on immortality you are uncovering?

Intense fear of the possibility that immortality is possible has been quite shocking.  The possibility of removing the fear of death is even more fearful to those who believe death, in particular a shorter lifespan benefits society.

Thanks again Ben.  I invite visitors interested in longevity on a whole new level to check out his website to learn more about his book, Secrets of an Immortal: Eyewitness Account of 2,800 of History, another new book he contributes to by Wayne Dyer, Wake up & Live the Life You Want;


Ben Abba & Interview on Immortality

I originally hear of Ben Abba though  media interviews and finding his unique book about immortality.  The subject is so thought-provoking that I contacted him about an interview here and another on my Blog talk radio show November 22.

The subject matter invites everyone to review the basis of conditioned beliefs and re-evaluate the nature of their own self-disclosure. Thanks for consenting to this interview and being willing to expand on your insight on the radio.

What is your view about physical immortality? Why focus on this subject?

Its possible. I believe ~25 "immortals", living among us today, already achieve it.

I focus on this to learn how to extend my own life, the quality of my own life, and to share what I have learn to others who desire to learn the same.

 How does learning about this give a person a different awareness of reality?

Fear of death gives others control over us. Without fear of death, we become free to live our lives to their fullest.

Share any example(s) of your own personal verification of immortality.

A very small sample: walking barefoot on hot cools, surviving a car crash, remote viewing, Li Ching Yuen, locating and making contact with real "immortals", and observing many other death-defying miracles throughout my life.

 How does an evolving perspective on physical existence accelerate your personal development?

Quite a bit. I now "know" and not just "believe" that we have free will and not just living a pre-determined life.

Consider the law of attraction. What sorts of individuals do you invite into your life based on your interest and research into immortality?

More enlightened beings or those who choose to evolve and grow in their lives.

What is your understanding of the human potential for spontaneous healing?

I am beginning to know that it is not only possible, but it is happening, in many different ways, all around us. What brings you to such conclusions? Personal observations and research into such done by others interests me.

How do you sense spirituality shifting inside you and others in light of what you perceive and learn of immortality?

My beliefs, my lifestyle has considerably changed already due to my research into physical immortality. Also, immortality is one of many forms of "infinite abundances". When I applied what I have learned in my research of "immortals" to other areas of my life (financial, business, relationships, etc.) i have noticed similar changes in my own life.

 What is your insight into past lives? How does this relate to your insight into immortality and longevity?

 I am well aware of the scientific evidence proving the belief of reincarnation and I have researched my own previous lives, with enough evidence to "know" I personally have reincarnated. Good question. I believe it helped me accept the findings of my research into immortals, immortality, and longevity.

Why do human beings resist changing views on immortality?

Fear seems to be the answer. Fear that their current beliefs may not be correct. Fear that others could have what they may not have. Fear that they are not "worthy" enough to receive what they truly desire in their own lives.

Do you sense a connection between increased self-respect, self-responsibility and longevity?

Definitely! (I can build on this later.)

Are you aware of National Geo studies on centenarians? A recent one was published in 2005.

YES! I have had a copy of the January 1973 of NG for years!

We are grateful you share perspectives on this wondrous subject. This is part I of the interview.  A second part will be published as a separate entry.

I invite you to listen to my archived radio show where we expand on this subject and Ben's writing.  Check out Ben's blog for further information on his work:


Savor things as they are

Regardless of your conditions, as you reconnect with your core self, you realize you are happy as you are. You always have the choice to view things with a liberated attitude. Savor things as they are. You are always gaining something valuable. If you do not yet sense love and acceptance, you still can with faith. Consider revising your perception of life and death right now.

The following classic Zen story offers related food for thought;

Before Ch'an Master Pao-fu passed away he told his disciples, "I have been feeling weak lately. I suspect that it is almost time for me to go."

Upon hearing this, some of his disciples said, "Master, you still look very healthy."

Others implored, "Master, we still need your guidance," while some urged, "Master, please stay for the sake of all beings."

One disciple asked, "Master, when it is time for you to go, will you go or will you stay?"

Master Pao-fu asked, "which do you think would be better?"

The disciple answered without hesitation, "Whether it is life or death, let it be!"

The Master started laughing, "When did you steal the words that I was going to use?"

Upon saying this, Pao-fu passed away.


How to build unshakable confidence

Something happened or, maybe you believe a series of events happened, to explain why doubt is permitted to exert such a hold over your mind. Human beings attune to intuition and trust the body implicitly to signal hunger yet, resist accepting other signs within that actually guide all facets of existence.  How does one build unshakable confidence in the core self?

1) Cultvate awareness all feelings allow you to grow.  Defeat, disappointment, and self-pity focus attention on loss, setbacks and dramas.  Uplifting energy is always offered from all directions.  The physical body generates negative energy as an urgent strategy to prompt you to pay closer attention.

2) Retain meaningful gems from every experience.  For whatever reason, the mind may nurture unhealthy or unrealistic ideas of which situation or relationship is best for you at a given moment.  This is an opportunity to learn to be kinder to yourself, to accept learning occurs in stages.  Be more alert to timeless wisdom readily found in unexpected places. 

3) Notice you believe what you choose.  Regardless of what the mind, body, spirit and experiences present, every fear based excuse you generate alters degrees of inner strength and self-acceptance.  You hold capacity to convince the self of anything through your decision of what is valid and intended.

4) Recognize love guides everything.  Every human being is more energetically-evolved than is consciously registered or grasped at this moment. As you teach the self to shift focus from moment to moment, you are bringing to conscious awareness your power to eliminate discontent and apparent reasons for it. Fear is generated as a projection about a possible future that you do not have to create. Love energy heals all. Unhappiness does not exist right now. It never has.

5) Jog the memory about immortality.  As unrecognized fear is detected and dissolved, it is easier to fathom energy evolves through physical and non-physical journeys. Implications are enormous.  While emotion hijacks attention, the mind blocks its own access to infinite inner knowing.  What is and what is in process of unfolding, remain denied.

6) Acknowledge the power of oneeness. Deliberate steps revive spiritual growth and evolutionary advancement. Human beings have different ways of understanding what this means and how it takes shape. Oneness recognizes all is connected. That is, everything and everyone builds collective energy.

7) View physical laws as overly restrictive. Rules are opportunities to uncover hidden beliefs that create them. Ego perception hampers accessing knowledge of innate abilities, ongoing non-physical cycles and obstacles to accepting personal responsibility. Humans often sceptical of levitation, moving physical objects with thoughts as well as phenomena that defy assumptions about physical laws. To explore the nature of energy reveals diverse misunderstandings.


7 Tips to reverse unconsciousness

As you sense part of you is in the dark, another part of you is already in the light. That is to say only part of you is in a state of unconsciousness. Whenever you choose, you can take steps re-align.  Consider these 7 tips to reverse unconsciousness;

1) Value suffering. Perceived pain is teacher. You is not meant to wish discomfort is over so you can be happy only. Learning presence enables you to feel and gain valuable lessons in perceived grief, loss, sadness and confusion.

2) Open the mind. This does not require you believe in reincarnation. You do not need to die, have a near death experience (NDE) or be abducted by aliens. Regardless of your beliefs, you can recognize something exists other than what you consciously know. As you reach beyond yourself, details present.  You reach deeper awareness in spite of yourself.

3) Shift from intellectual to experiential. As you move from analyzing and seeking to explain to choosing to simply feel, you begin to absorb wisdom in forms other than thoughts and words. You begin to sense the truth does not require legitimacy or respect.  It is not personified.  It has no affiliation.  You move though incomprehensible wisdom, indescribable qualities and yet, reconnect with inner knowing.

4) Notice synchrony. Awareness changes. You sense meaning in events that affirms your progress. Symbols arise where you are to confirm you are on track. Books on particular subjects, billboard images, comments by passing strangers, and diverse physical examples of a subject on your mind.  People you have known for ages makes comments on subjects that attest to your own experience, yet they never mentioned their own related experiences before. You had to be ready.

5) Sense messages of immortality. A higher truth is filling your soul. You may experience glimpses of past lives, encounter higher beings, lose all vision of insecurity. You slowly realize you have nothing to fear.  You are passing through new phases of consciousness.

6) Realize behaviour belies apparent beliefs. To believe in a hereafter is often contradicted by behaviour in the physical world. That is, if only love is real, then why do you buy into other emotions and illusions?

7) Rediscover freedom.  This implies grasping the concept of karma and learning what is required to overcome it. Grace helps you align with your destiny.  Everything is aligning and you are more aware.