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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspirational quotes (206)


Notice what you are not seeing

Regardless of what you are seeing or feeling at this moment, every experience invites you to clarify things for yourself.  Whatever dawns in the mind is there already.  There is no one path to follow. You matter as you are where you are.  Any tension you feel is telling you that you separate yourself from full awareness of ability and potential. 

Notice what you describe and the feelings evoked by each word you choose.  Giving words to experience can be an unconscious effort to control, understand or pin it down.  What's it like to contrast your experience with those of others?  Notice what happens as you allow Self to experience without describing or comparing.   Awareness arises. Notice that your focus of attention can shift to see what you are not yet seeing.  Every book you invite into your life has perfect timing.  Everything reminds you that you are a divine messenger with access to soul and inner knowing about who you are.

"You travel but in dreams, while safe at home." -A Course in Miracles (ACIM)


Seeing through the veil

Every moment, you are invited to see through the veil of your own illusions.  That is, what is real and enduring exists beneath the layers of beliefs, perceptions and judgment that arise to cover it. The process of allowing true nature to reveal itself is about letting go of everything you are taught is real and no longer resisting what is.

Even now, situations you observe are not what you think.  The ego-mind may tell you these situations are not about you.  You see yourself as separate or as a reflection in everything. One view is anything you perceive is a projection of Self-love.  You love and accept unconditionally, see everything as equal and balanced or you are not aligned with the real you, that is, divine being. Notice life lessons that invite your attention. Notice the mind filters and the heart cherishes all. How does innermost soul see?

"Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it 'the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul." -Edgar Allan Poe


Miracles can be obsolete

Miracles strike many people as extraordinary events.  You may associate them with healing the sick against the odds.  You may sense they symbolize a natural sign of forgiveness,  freedom from fear, or overcoming obstacles. You may feel they inspire awe and appreciation, remind you of being loved.  Whatever your view, you may feel what you are taught abot miracles is increasingly irrelevant. How could that be?

What happens as you realize every moment has the potential to be a brilliant  moment, that every day has the potential to be a brilliant day? This means miracles are not maybe once in a lifetime experiences. What happens as you begin to sense miracles are ordinary and normal, that being one is like seeing through the lies you tell yourself?  Deep down, you know everyone has the power to do great things. You know you have the power to touch people you have never met.  In fact, you already are. This is about being open to recognizing truth amongst all the lies.  Awaken and Be your Dream.

"Miracles are not contrary to nature, but contrary to what we know about nature."
-Saint Augustine


Why seek inspiration?

Notice how many people regularly seek Inspiration in their lives. Some people are teeming with endless inspiration that flows freely through their entire being while others struggle to find sources of inspiring thoughts, ideas, endeavours. What are your sources of inspiration? Do you look outside yourself or do you turn inward and listen heart and soul? When does inspiration come to you? Does any environment help?

What matters to you speaks to you and through you in different ways.  Much depends on how you listen and on what you choose to hear. Inspiration does not necessarily require words to convey its message.  Notice the wind and weather, sound vibration, colour, texture and other sensations are other languages that share what they have to say.  Notice endless sources of inspiration connect with who you are. What do you sense and feel? Every moment is full of opportunities to allow what matters to get its message across.  Stillness speaks.  Notice what stands out to inspire you now.

"Reach high, for stars lay hidden in your soul.  Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." -Pamela Vaull Starr 


Do what comes naturally

What do "nature" and "natural" mean in your mind? Where does this understanding come from? How easy is it for you to do what comes naturally? Is this something you readily identify or put a finger on? is it a mystery? Notice how the words feel.

The conditioned reflex is not natural. Whatever is ingrained as the right thing to do is not natural either. Are you noticing you know what nature is based on what it is not? Feel your vibes. Notice views of nature and nuture you adopt. Notice whether the message echoing in the mind is the same as that which whispers playfully in the soul. Who are you? Who is asking?

"Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." - Henry Van Dyke