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Entries in integrity (16)


Expand into True Self

Notice as one grows conscious, it dawns the light body is designed to take in energy to expand into more of True Self. This relates to how harmoniously you live (in thought, word, action). Living consistently in integrity is an act of self-love, respect and compassion.  This has energetic consequences for activating the light body. The resulting expansion makes room to receive higher vibrational light codes into your DNA. As this light is activated, your system actualizes the frequency, radiates it outward and shifts your perception of reality. One sees, embodies different versions of Self in parallel timelines.


7 Tips to achieve individual potential

Everyone has the innate capacity to realize individual potential. This can include transcendent moments of joy or peak experiences, in the many unique ways they take shape. While prolonging pleasure and minimizing pain may strongly appeal, the path to clarify and live more consistently in a state of joy is not always straight forward for everyone.  Consider these 7 tips;

1.  See everything as a teacher

Being open is about being attentive, recognizing every situation and encounter is a teacher that offers lessons to help us evolve into more of our unrecognized potential.  The process of growing and developing as a person is different for each of us.   The desire for self- growth arises as physiological needs are met, as basic safety and security are covered, and we sense something more  exists to life.

2. Uncover Talents 

Sometimes teachers, parents, colleagues and your nearest and dearest point your talents out to you.  Even strangers may share their observations and encourage you to move in certain directions. Often you naturally take steps to develop strengths and see where this guides you.  Putting talents to practice shows you what you are made of! 

3. Listen to the heart

The more you listen to your heart, the more you act from a place of love rather than a place of fear.  Acting from a place of love allows you to tune in and act on intuition and notice synchronicities. more of your potential to blossom. Your choices echo what you feel inside. 

3. Identify fears

Part of the human experience involves growing aware of your fears and why they arise. Fears and unconscious shadows are self-limiting.  So long as you do not place yourself or anyone else in harm's way, the best course of action involves facing your fears so you stop believing they define and constrain you.

4. Be unconcerned by external opinion 

Working through what holds you back is about reaching a place where you are unaffected by what people think or say about you. You are no longer motivated by how many likes or followers you get or do not get on social media.  This is about beginning to view yourself as your own authority. It requires you love yourself on a whole new level.

5. Live in integrity

Living in integrity is about being honest with yourself, being impeccable with your word. Taking personal responsibility for how you think and feel and knowing you may not control everything that happens but, you control how you respond.  You decide if you allow emotions and moods to control you or not.

6. Trust in yourself

Trust that your urges to make choices have perfect timing. You may feel inclined to change professional  course or change your entourage.  Whatever changes you feel ready to embrace, they relate to feelings, gut instincts, that are guiding you to let go of what you outgrow and evolve into more untapped potential.  This may involve a shift inside, a changing sense of prioirities, the 

7. Surrender

Let your life shine. Believe in yourself and let go. Tune into the light inside you.  Surrender to those dreams that you feel your way into right now. Step back for a moment. What happens as it hits that your innate potential is not fixed in time or space.  Your limtis are shaped by your beliefs and your level of confidence.


Most people spend their lives reacting to feelings rather than creating with them.

- Neale Donald Walsch


5 Tips to Honor yourself

Honoring yourself is about paying attention and listening to yourself.  Whatever arises in response to your experiences, which can include no response at all, shows exactly where love can be sent. Ponder these 5 tips to honour yourself:

1. Locate feedback in your body

Whether you feel intimidated, like a failure, powerless, discouraged, or still wanting things to go a different way, each feeling invites you to zero in on feedback in your body, and get-to-know yourself better.  This is an opportunity to intuit deeply into your own messages, to thine own self be true.  Be empowered.  Remind yourself who is the master of your body.

2. Acknowledge your feelings

It is not necessary to know what to do or how to respond to your feelings.  Yet, it is poignant to be aware as they arise or as soon after as possible.  Watch judgements you have in relation to struggles you face.

3. Surrender

This is about relinquishing each conflict, burden and hardship in a way that allows spaciousness, relaxation and relief to take over.   Each confession you make to yourself unleashes divine grace that allows the universe to flow through you more effortlessly. 

4.  Let go of regret

You might gasp and say, "if only I had kept my mouth shut" or, "keeping that secret would have made life easier", or, "Why did I leave myself so open?"  Although you may not get the ego's desired result, every apparent ending or closing life chapter always gets the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

5. Make peace with loose ends

Every effort you exert is an unconscious attempt to avoid pain, despair and suffering.  In the emerging paradigm, it is imperative to make peace with emotions so you are no longer caught in a cycle of seeking out one feeling and avoiding others.  This is part of awakening out of polarity so you are no longer at the mercy of highs and lows of life. Excitng gains do not have to be followed by undesirable losses. Everything shifts as you are receptive to a new way of being.


4 Tips to be more authentic

All too often, people are taught to exert effort to identify and pursue a career based on standardized test scores and external guidance that tell you what is best or right for you. Sound familliar? Maybe you have gone down this road and something about your current focus does nto feel right? 

What if from before birth, you are on a collision course with what matters to the Soul? What if authenticity is about recognizing what drives you, understanding emotional blocks and mental filters that prevent you from seeing?  Consider five tips to be more authentic:

1) Get to the root

The true meaning of authenticity is in its Latin root, which means "author".  Thus, being "authentic" is not being honest about who you are, but rather, about being conscious you author-create your life. Authenticity is both active and creative process. It's not about revealing something, but building a vision of you.

2) Align with the soul

As you do some soul searching and better understand yourself, you may, like many people, realize, your current career is not congruent with who you are (your values, passions and core). Only you know if you earn money via a livelihood, vocation, or an unconscious habit to get by.

3) Share intimate revelations 

Life is a mirror.  The more intimate you get with yourself and share about yourself, the more comfortable you are with intimacy and transparency.  As you join the dots of childhood events that shape your character and share these, you show integrity, own the process and integrate the soul lessons that enable you to move into an expanded version of you. Love is not about a relationship.  Love is relating.  It is an ongoing phenomenon, a verb not a noun.  To relate is insecure and relationship is a security.  The flow of revelations is like pure water.

4) Be

When you are fully authentic, you never have to go through the process of revealing who you are. True authenticity doesn't require you to tell anyone else what your values are, because everyone will be able to see your values in the way you live your life. When you are fully authentic you don't reveal your chosen values, you become them – you live them.


50 Signs of Spiritual Awakening

This post shared with appreciation/ acknowledgement to Metonia World:

1. Spiritual awakening raises your vibration; this involves a release of blockages which allows abundance to flow to you. Being in alignment with a higher vibration results in quicker and more beneficial manifestations to be received by you.

2. Seeking new friends and groups who are interested in the Integrated life of the spirit (meaning balance in mind-body-spirit)

3. You begin to look younger experiencing more vitality

4. A feeling that something has changed within you

5. An increased interest in exercising in ways that honour your body – mind – spirit connection

6. Becoming more aware of how your body moves through space

7. Heightened senses of hearing, smell and taste

8. An increasing ability to access inner peace in the lower chakras

9. Activating grace and fluidity of movement through posture and breath

10. A sense of your own power to create with thought, words, and actions

11. Paying attention to the places of pain/restriction in your body in order to move into them!

12. Knowing that these places within your body are showing you about areas of great opportunity for growth on all levels.

13. A feeling of being grounded to the core of the earth.

14. Seeking holistic health care practitioners as partners in your healing journey…no longer seeking a doctor to “fix you” with prescription drugs

15. Disconnection from the white noise and negative information (TV and radio)

16. More frequent flashes of ‘inner-tuition’, or intuition

17. Increasing Gnosis (knowledge of spiritual mysteries)

18. Making a conscious effort to connect to people through the eyes and the heart

19. Ability to learn new concepts, or languages rapidly increases …this stems from opening to all your soul record and remembering who you are

20. Greater understanding of symbols, numbers and sacred geometry

21. Increasing sense of empathy and connection with all people & animals

22. An increasing willingness to show your emotions to all people, rather than cover up and hide your true self

23. An increased humor; the ability to laugh at the self

24. Feelings of bliss when experiencing simple things, such as a sunset, or a seeing a beautiful cloud formation

25. A returning ability to allow your tears to flow in situations of emotional intensity

26. Letting go of the need to control outcomes

27. Giving yourself permission to follow your heart’s desires

28. “I can and I am” becoming your key words, rather than “I can’t and I am not”

29. Offering from the heart to help others in times of need, knowing that you are helping yourself

30. Increasingly seeing the Divine in the mundane

31. Meeting new people in serendipitous ways and knowing that this is divine direction in your life

32. Loving yourself as you are without the need to qualify

33. Asking for and receiving confirmation from your inner guide on a regular basis

34. Experiencing true surrender to Divine Will without feeling victimized by your own choices

35. Remembering your dreams and knowing what your spirit is telling you via symbolism of your dreams

36. Seeing the beauty in each and every person in your life

37. Letting go of expectations of how you think things “should be” and accepting them as they are

38. Being led by spiritual intuition rather than limited by emotional fear

39. Being able to transcend limited perceptions of incarnate dimensions

40. Seeing your life experience in the holographic reality of your soul

41. Feeling God within your body – an awareness of heat coming from your hands and feet.

42. Knowing that your are home now and in every Now you create

43. An increase in recognizable synchronicity, favourable people and beneficial circumstance start to appear with exactly what you need. Answers to questions are revealed to you through signs and messages. Synchronicity is a sign you are on the right track and that you are aware of these miracles happening around you. The more you notice and take heed, the more they appear so show appreciation for the guidance you are receiving.

44. You simply feel different, you may not look any different but you know something has changed internally.

45. Paying more attention to the details of daily life – your old ways are falling by the wayside and the real you is starting to emerge.

46. A desire to enroll in a classroom of “higher” learning. Going to new places and moving outside of your comfort zone

47. For many of you, this is allowing yourself to ask questions in groups, to talk to “strangers” and to let go of your fears of looking uninformed in front of others.

48. A feeling that you are somehow different, with new skills and gifts emerging, especially healing ones.

49. Increased integrity, you realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth.

50. A knowing sense of connectedness / Oneness. You have an abiding knowing from within of the intrinsic inter-relatedness of everything, both living and non-living. You have a sense that now your life is a living manifestation of this Truth, and that you are It — as are all people.