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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in integrity (16)


5 Tips for taking Quantum Leaps

It is common to reach a point where you sense deep down that you are not always listening to your true feelings, that is, not living authentically. If discomfort or dissatisfaction arise within, then you are guiding yourself to experience life in a whole new way.  As you commit to total honesty, and take full responsibility, you know you are in the right place right now. 

Connect with us to embark on a program that empowers you to take quantum leaps in consciousness.  Explore universal principles, how they reveal self-limiting beliefs, recall what resonance with true nature is, and expand beyond belief.

As a brief exercise, reflect on these five terms.  Observe how they feel and speak through you.  This is part of the process of recognizing and removing blockages from the lower energy bodies so what living authentically means can reveal itself more clearly.

1) Integrity

2) Harmony

3) Grace

4) Perfection

5) Love


9 Tips to Be Yourself

In the event you temporarily forget, here are nine tips to be yourself, right here, right now:

1) Recognize innate perfection.  Anything you see in yourself that is less than perfect is illusion you imagine.

2) Relish the journey you create for yourself. In order to live dreams, you must take intention to action and run with it.

3)  Be honest with yourself.  Be truthful and authentic in all you do.  Then you have nothing to hide or lie about.

4) Accept what you are.   This requires seeing through what others think you are and not conforming. It takes courage.

5) Acknowledge the source of your power.  This does not stem from ego but from aligning with the heart or Spirit.  True power is grace and cannot be forced or controlled.

6) See your intrinsic value.  Choose to see everything is of equal value.  True balance is felt when inner and outer worlds feel same, and both point to the gift you give yourself.

7) Express your uniqueness.  Do not hide your visions, what you feel and know you exist to be.  Create a new baseline or accepted norm by fearlessly blazing a trail.

8) Love everything. Random acts of kindness are like 'paying it forward.'  Such behaviour uplifts the energetic dynamic of this planet. Being truly real/ yourself is loving everything equally without exception.

9) Create a new reality. Everything you think, feel and experience begins and ends in you.  To change your life, simply change your perception.


Choose a path

Every moment, you are invited to choose a path. Alongside everything that unfolds, the mind detects the struggle between your sense of good and evil or, what is good or bad for you. Which choices are acceptable or unacceptable? What seems to lighten your load or weighs heavy on your conscience? What feels right in the heart or confronts you with a chilling test of integrity?All choices have consequences, foreseen and unforeseen.

This is an opportunity to master the fear that prevents you from living the life you dream about.  You choose exactly the right people to encounter with perfect timing, even if you do not accept it. If ever you feel bothered by someone, reflect on who your real enemy is. You may vent frustrations on everthing around you to no avail. Can a desire for revenge ever be satisfied? And if not, what is the purpose of the experience?

Notice anger is not directed to what you think but ultimately, at life itself. This offers a timeless message: man needs what's worst in him so to awaken and access what is best in him. Ponder the blessings in anger and fear. Why are emotions such wise teachers?

"The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist." -Maria Montessori


Notice hidden treasure

Life is a dream.  Notice whether you leave footprints.  Notice what you feed the mind and heart.  Do you nourish and sustain yourself with beliefs and judgments? Listen closely to the words you choose, the emotional reactions that erupt and come to see them as they are.  Thought energy serves you and also flows without you.  Watch.

Notice the nature of dream walking and the pace slows. Be silent and shift focus from being to non-being, from perceived existence to non-existence. Notice the spirit has no hunger. It is illuminated as light. The phoenix emerges from the ashes and transforms into a bird of paradise through the power of intention and integrity. Feel the hidden treasure that never loses direction and never seeks one. The secret is no secret.

"The psyche of man is dreaming all the time, consciously as well as unconsciously.  The dreams we have at night are only a small part of this totality." - Swami Satananda Saraswati


Hold that thought!

Human beings have a tendency to hang onto what they no longer need. Its a process to figure out what is worth keeping, what is holding you down, back or just obscuring what you really are. How do you know whether to hold that thought?

1) What are you holding back? From yourself? Others?

2) When do you cling to ideas, promises or visions?

3) How does releasing the mind, body and spirit help you?

4) Which experiences or dreams inspire possibilities?

5) What happens as you feel waves rush through you?

6) Where is consciousness is all of this? How is it shifting?

7) Why are you gaining insight into resistance and surrender?