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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in intuition (81)


Turn Life Around

(Ladybug macrophotography and water droplets by Don Komarechka)

Notice sometimes only seeing things upside down allows us to truly see things right side up. More than once, we may contemplate living differently, imagine what it would be like to somehow change or even leave our old life behind, and yet hesitate to take off. As we reach the end of our rope, or (tip)ping point, the excitement of the unknown is more powerful than the fear that held us back. Fearless Soul takes the helm over Ego. Only then do we see the obvious. This is the process of getting in touch with and being ourselves.


Honour Yourself

Notice listening to intuition is aligning with Higher Self in action. This creates positive energetic shifts, quantum leaps in consciousness. For us, recalibrating inspires in a BIG move and creating deeper connection with life. Truely honest and open connections with Earth and others arise as we nourish conscious connection with ourselves. Operating from expanded awareness with greater ease takes shape in absorbing more light, sleeping less, taking responsibility for our behavior Now, all we are contributing to and creating through our highest states of consciousness. Whenever we lie to ourselves, we cannot help but lie to others. We only honour others as we honour, respect and love self. The more we trust our feelings, speak our truth, set boundaries, the more empowered we become, the more we reclaim true power and fearlessly live as the original HUman DNA blueprint intended. Tune into inner vibes. Sense the truth. The Soul is whispering to get our attention. Since we all sense from different frequencies and spaces as we go, it's important to see holistically, feel that which resonates and let go/move beyond what does not.


The key to everything is trust feelings

Notice one intelligent consciousness permeates and connects the whole Universe. Quantum physics bridges seen and unseen worlds. Energy is a common thread that connects branches of true reality; streams of consciousness, God as Source energy (Generator, Orchestrator Destoyer), life and spiritual existence. It is our own vibrational energy that shifts along a spectrum of available cosmic frequencies. This universal Truth has been shared by ancient sages, mystics, shamans and those who tune into Christ Consciousness and wish to share the experience. Yet, many humans are taught to doubt the unseen and often require proof of heaven, paradise or bliss as a prerequisite to be open to the experience. Humans as a collective group have only recently begun to shift and expand vibrationally to where they begin to tune into a wider range of frequencies. Tuning into the universal frequency on a wider scale is what shifts collective perception of reality. This only happens on a wider scale as people grow willing to listen to and trust themselves, to accept their feelings, visceral signs and signals. As we validate our own version and experience of "the unseen", from inner hunches or messages to spiritual encounters, we are raising the vibration of the planet for she is a reliable mirror of our own energy state.


7 Tips to Decode Fear & Boost Confidence

As part of Stream 1 Quantum Coaching, we invite you to clarify your ideal situation on many levels. To notice you are not yet realizing all aspects of this dream or not yet living "the ideal life," points to possible unconscious fear that may explain self-sabotage, resistance, control, or conditioned judgment.  If you are very honest and feel held back from living fully, as if something unseen prevents you, then now is the time to address a few things.  Reflect on 7 Tips to decode fear and boost confidence to create the best version of you:

 1: Explore possible fears

This prospect of exploring deeper reasons for fears may evoke discomfort, but its necessary for self-mastery. You can’t master a fear that is hidden in your subconscious. You must face it. As you face a person, you see features more clearly, identify traits and behaviours. Similarly, as you explore your fears, you notice things you missed before. This awareness helps you reclaim power that you may have unconsciously given away.

To face your fears and anxiety, keeping a day or dream journal can assist. Record observations, palpable or visceral sensations and behaviour patterns. Do your hands go clammy and muscles clench as perform regular tasks? Do you feel more anxious at different times of day, in certain places or during specific weather? What do you tend to do when fears arise? Write whatever feels significant. Transferring your fear patterns and symptoms into writing or pictures deflates their power and helps demystify them. They are no longer as intimidating.

2: Address smaller fears first

You may discover more than one kind of fear-based pattern in yourself.  To get a handle on this, it helps to break the situation down into fragments. Focusing on each apparent fear individually reveals how to respond in empowering ways.  For example, if it appears that you fear taking more responsibility in your life and some life areas seem scarier or more daunting than others, making systematic changes in small steps can be more manageable than undertaking a lot of changes or bigger ones altogether.  If procrastination and tidiness seems an issue, then appraoch this one room of your house at a time. As confidence builds, you'll find you naturally work faster, make more changes that feel right intuitively without thinking.  The thinking itself points to fear that invites addressing. 

3: Consciously engage the Imagination 

Imagination gives you power, creativity, and ability to see a wider view. If fuelled by fear, an active imagination can focus attention on the negative, magnify illusion. However, you can purposely use it to see through fear.

How do engage more consciously? Pinpoint a calm moment when you are relaxed. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a situation that repeatedly evokes fear. For instance, if you are afraid of being lost in a crowd, picture yourself in a crowded place. Now, imagine yourself handling the situation peacefully. You don’t freeze and begin to cry. Instead, you search for signs that will help you regain your sense of control over your life and direction. Imagine how it feels to find your car easily in a huge parking lot, to unlock your car door, and drive safely home.  The peace felt in your imagined scenario can help you manage the actual ordeal more peacefully.

4: Activate different areas of the Brain 

Your fear and anxiety arise out of a certain part of your brain, and they allow emotion to overcome rational thought. When you feel your fearful symptoms coming forth, engage a different part of your brain. Reflect on numbers, for instance. Before and after breathwork workshops, we ask participants to rate their pain and emotions on a scale of 1-10. Use this scale for your fear. How anxious are you when 1 is perfectly calm and 10 is your very worst symptom? Stop and analyze. Whatever your answer, you can work on lowering that. 

5: Focus on Your Breathing

Breathing is a powerful healing tool. Every emotion can be linked to a particular frequency, breathing pattern and rhythm. Anxiety is often noticable due to short breaths. The short breaths precipitate negative reactions in your body which can escalate. The key to overcoming those is to consciously control your breathing.

Many useful breathing techniques exist. For instance, deep breathing is simple. As you recognize fear arising, stop and focus on your breath. Take a breath in, and then slowly let it out. Ensure your exhale is longer than your inhale. This isn’t just some psychological trick; deep breathing forces your body to physically calm itself.

6: Practice Mindfulness

You may hear about mindfulness, but what is it? A passive thinking activity. It allows you to grow more aware of your fear. The earlier you grow aware of fearful signs and symptoms, the easier it is to overcome your fear.

Practice these mindfulness tips during some of your less severe times of fear and anxiety. As you recognize your fear symptoms arising, sit down and reflect oon what is happening to you. This is like making a mental journal entry. Simply observe symptoms as they arise. Sit and keep track of yourself as the moment continues. Being passive or calmly abiding, raises your self-awareness, and it prevents you from doing the typical things you do when you experience fear. It helps get you break patterns.

7: Immmerse in Nature 

Many approaches exist to work through your fears and anxiety. Talk therapy can be useful.  Creating regular spiritual practices reveals that to truly heal you must feel. Breathwork, yoga, somatic therapy all help you make the unconscious conscious.  Benefits are reinforced in Nature. Walking outside shifts your energy into balance. Natural beauty found in parks, backyards, or wherever something green is growing does help reduce symptoms of fear and anxiety. Nature calms people, reducing stress levels and changing moods from anxious to relaxed. Plus, the physical activity of moving outdoors requires us to use our brains differently, which can cause a switch from irrational fearful thoughts to clearer more engaged heart-mind & brain activity that helps dissolve fear.


Shift into best version of You

Notice every decision we make triggers shifts in energy, conditions and consciousness. As we live consciously, every decision echoes taking increasing responsibility in our lives. As it dawns every thought, word and action is shaping every moment of our existence, we shift focus to breathe and grow into greater alignment with True Being. All we think, say and do, how we live, all has energetic consequences. It is said the 5 people we spend the most time with are the 5 people we are becoming. Life invites us to move into what energizes and inspires us, evokes joy, creativity and spontaneity. Let go of resistance to recalibrate into greater harmony with Self. Allow the incoming cosmic codes to faciliate shifts in vibration, timelines and expand consciousness. Every decision echoes a frequency that teleports us through a cosmic stargate to experience new ways of being. Soul guides us to listen to our inner voice, and act on intuition. Being the flow is seeing only synchronicity and taking quantum leaps into the best version of ourselves. (Image: "Time Travel" by Samuel Farrand)
(Image Time Travel by Samuel Farrand)