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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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See through lens of sacred geometry

otice much misinformation and confusion arises in use of language and adopted meanings. Sacred geometry has been my core reality since childhood. I tune into everything as geometry first, decode energies into a human realm of perception.
In practice, the terms dimensions and realms are not the same. Sacred geometry serves as a tool to reveal dimensions are different points of view of the same reality. Math is the universal language. One view is nine dimensions frame our existence (1-9). To exist, a single dimension (point) must express itself into another. This creates polarity, or the second dimension. As these two points move, they create a third dimension, or an axis. These three points of view are energy in motion around each other which creates the fourth (time). This fourth dimension begins to generate energy and light, known as the fifth. Then, this 5 D shape can change it position which creates the sixth dimension. This said, the sixth dimension can move through and manifest itself as the seventh dimensional reality. The infinite motion of these changes is captured in the toroid or eighth dimension. Everything comes full circle to divine wholeness. This takes shape as the nineth where all universal laws and the conditions in each universe are clear. The cube precipitates the formation of the platonic solids that generate everything that exists in our dimensional reality. The merkabah is the light body vehicle and it is key to understanding how to move from between dimensions.
So, to tune into things from point of view of geometry helps us to realize that we are not actually moving from 3D to 5D. Rather, we embody all dimensions simultaneously already. It may be said awakening is about growing aware of our conditioned emotional processing of information, realizing we have options. As we tune into the vibrational nature of things, we can recognize disharmony, shift focus and connections to amplify a different or more all-encompassing view. We exist to recall what it is to be our true self, and experience a spectrum of energy.
As Mrs. Whatsit explains in the film trailer of Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time: "The fifth dimension’s a tesseract. You add that to the other four dimensions and you can travel through space without having to go the long way around. In other words, to put into Euclid, or old-fashioned plane geometry, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points.” A tesseract is an interstellar shortcut, more or less." Seeing as energy and geometry alters time.



See from a New Point of View

(Image: Human Merkabah by artist Samuel Farrand)
Notice much misinformation and confusion arises in use of language and adopted meanings. Sacred geometry has been my core reality since childhood. I tune into everything as geometry first, decode energies into a human realm of perception.
When it comes to language, dimensions and realms are not the same. sacred geometry serves as a tool to reveal dimensions are different points of view of the same reality. Math is the universal language. Nine dimensions of our existence come from unity (0 leads to 1 to 9). To exist, a unified dimension must express itself into another. It creates polarity which is the second dimension. As these two points move, they create a third dimension, which is an axis between these two. These three points of view are in motion around each other which creates the fourth (time). This fourth dimension begins to create energy and light, which is the fifth dimension. Then, this shape can change it position which creates the sixth dimension. This said, the sixth dimension can transcend and manifest itself as the seventh dimensional reality. The infinite possibilities of these changes are represented by the toroid or eighth dimension. Everything comes back to the divine unity or reason why everything exists. This is echoed by the nineth dimension, as seen by the cube, which, precipitates the formation of the platonic solids that generate everything that exists in our dimensional reality.
So, to tune into things from point of view of geometry helps us to realize that we are not actually moving from 3D to 5D. Rather, we embody all dimensions simultaneously already. It may be said awakening is about growing aware of our conditioned emotional processing of information, realizing we can change our response. As we tune into the vibrational nature of thoughts and feelings, we can consciously recognize disharmony, shift focus and connections to amplify a different or more all-encompassing view. We exist to recall what it is to be our true self, and to experience a spectrum of energy and delight in coming full circle.

Align on every level

Notice the "New Human" is not what is often thought. We are taught we "evolve" into this mode of existence, rise up into a higher, more stable vibration.
Imagine no longer needing a body, no longer requiring intake of food, sustenance, as we come to know it. When people speak of light body and energetic body, this refers to the etheric body. Yet, energetic being is always here. Shifting focus along the light spectrum is not about becoming something we are not already.  It is expanding into and accepting more of what is real and possible.
The Lightbody is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links our multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects us to encoded data through high electrical currents that enable us to receive , decode, translate, manifest our hidden talents and soul purpose on this plane in the here and now. No low vibrational doubt or excuses.
Vibrating higher, more consistently, allows us to access a wider energy spectrum and results in dropping the physical body. Some associate leaving the body with imagined physical "death". Another view is accelerated evolution is pointing to the possibility of letting go of the lower, denser 4th aspect (body), because that vibration depletes Earth resources. We do not need physicality to exist more fully in the etheric state.
Truth is, we cannot continue to do the same thing, cannot live in the same way. We already draw energy from Earth's life force, her etheric body. We are invited to shift so Earth no longer has to do that. Another view of shifting into greater harmony with ourselves is sustaining purely on the energy of the etheric body. The "newness" of things, change of perspective, is possible now. Expansion of consciousness allows seeing the bigger picture. As awareness dawns, it hits we are insignificant, part of everything that is. Nobody can change us but ourselves. We must walk the path of realizing the deepest truths and realign on every level.



Return to Love

Notice that to love another anything is to see the face of God. As we consciously love another, recognize the mirror reflection, we love and accept ourselves fully, we see the perfection through imperfection. Anything we do not love is a teacher about love, guiding us to let go of illusions of separation between real and unreal.
In this world, we are taught to seek someone else's idea of a better life, external approval, something other than what we are, to aspire to be somewhere else with someone else, to be only selectively aware and to selectively feel, to avoid what evokes discomfort. Thoughts keep us focused on the external, create chronic dissatisfaction, prevent us from remembering what it feels like to be happy now.
Trust is about refocusing inward, releasing fear and judgement of others, ourselves as well as the unknown. As we trust, something always invites us to stretch and grow into the full spectrum of our emotions and unleash untapped potential. At a given moment, whatsoever is needed arises beyond scope of ego mind. Surrender arises from deep down, from a knowing all is well.
Happiness then, arises in the present, where truth is, where we let go of the fear something can be or go wrong. When we allow mind to wander between past and future, we get lost in depression that negative history may repeat or anticipation life canot meet our expectations and will disappoint. Only as we stay present, do the best we can with the body we have, does trust arise as a focal point of awareness and shift vibration. The same energy can be felt as fear or peace in this moment. We control a gauge of how we feel.
In essence, we get all we truly need. As needs arise, they are satisfied. That´s the beauty of trust. By and by, we learn existence goes on providing, caring, supporting our journey. We are not indifferent to existence. It does not ignore us. Trust fully and no obstacle exists that cannot be overcome. As we truly get the knack of trust, all worry disappears. This is the way to blossom into fearlessness.



The key to everything is trust feelings

Notice one intelligent consciousness permeates and connects the whole Universe. Quantum physics bridges seen and unseen worlds. Energy is a common thread that connects branches of true reality; streams of consciousness, God as Source energy (Generator, Orchestrator Destoyer), life and spiritual existence. It is our own vibrational energy that shifts along a spectrum of available cosmic frequencies. This universal Truth has been shared by ancient sages, mystics, shamans and those who tune into Christ Consciousness and wish to share the experience. Yet, many humans are taught to doubt the unseen and often require proof of heaven, paradise or bliss as a prerequisite to be open to the experience. Humans as a collective group have only recently begun to shift and expand vibrationally to where they begin to tune into a wider range of frequencies. Tuning into the universal frequency on a wider scale is what shifts collective perception of reality. This only happens on a wider scale as people grow willing to listen to and trust themselves, to accept their feelings, visceral signs and signals. As we validate our own version and experience of "the unseen", from inner hunches or messages to spiritual encounters, we are raising the vibration of the planet for she is a reliable mirror of our own energy state.