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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in intuition (81)


The key to 'Return to Normal'

Notice the 'return to normal' is not about something beyond you influencing how you think and feel or self-llimiting choices. Rather, its about a return to True Divine Nature and activating related energies at core of being. True power, vitality, longevity and Soul vision are grounded in expanding consciousness, deepening heartfelt connection, community, aligning with kindness and compassion, living according to a moral compass. Tuning into what resonates and living thus opens infinite doors, senses and realms of divine possibilities. Much remains unseen and inaccessible to egoic consciousness . Watch what happens as one pays closer attention to what is in plain sight(Image: Kalannie succulent)


Access Your Soul's Purpose

(Image: Lotus Flower of Life)

Notice tuning into heartfelt intuition accesses our ability to know things directly without analytic reasoning. This is the Soul path to connect with deeper divine knowing of who one is and why one exists. The more one trusts oneself, the more the universe gives one reason to trust. As one rises in frequency, it dawns the Soul has access to energetic impressions from all our past lives that are available within our causal body. Its like a metaphysical library of your soul's history. This is the Soul's wisdom. The process of learning to access this information is a fundamental spiritual journey to uncover your Soul's purpose. This is about inner work to understand self, your patterns and working through issues that have not yet been mastered as lessons in Love. As awareness grows, questions arising within guide you on a path of deeper knowing. This is about opening the inner eye to see differently, to seeing and embodying your intrinsic value. Uncover your role in the big picture.


Why Intuition is the key

Notice our intuition connects us to our origins. We all have dreams that are not simply dreams. They are vibrational guides and parallel realities. We are all “pieces” of the same puzzle. Our intuition will always recognize that “peace” is knowing that All is Love and you are one with Love. The purest form of Love is accessible inside. “Peace” is knowing. It is knowing a place inside where Light shines the brightest. Following the path illuminated by your brightest light will always lead to Inner Peace. The light within connects each of us with dragons. From a galactic view, the dragon body is seen as a new “form-kind” as it was made partially of light body (similar to 4D “spirits” but made of glowing, radiant light similar to our sun) and partially of matter. This design enabled dragons to know touch, relationship, and the appropriate use of power. Power is feared and often misunderstood by humans, most specifically since power has been hugely misused and humans have fallen victim to its abuse. The true definition of power is the ability to manage and direct intense, consolidated light to create, communicate, or direct manifestation. It is the Mastery of Light. Self-mastery is Inner Light- Mastery. Dragons are Light Masters. Once individuals enter the Realm of Peace, (gaining self-matery over desire and impulse) access to directing light energy is unlimited based on compatibility with the frequency of power. Light energy grows accessible to those who are compatible with its energy field. Power, or the ability to manage and direct energy, is accessible to those whose frequency has reached a point of harmonic evolutionary atonement. This is a key principle within the Peace Realm. This amazing power brings the responsibility to direct energy only toward compatible resonant energy fields. Technically, a Light Master has the ability to direct light anywhere, and this is a pretty incredible sense of power. Imagine the analogy that you are the sun. The sun is able to direct its Light energy toward planets that depend on its energy to survive. Were the sun to stop shining, life in many worlds and for many species would end. Likewise, a more directed and stronger flow of light energy could scorch the entire solar system. This is an enormous amount of power, so mastering one’s energy is essential. This ability to direct light through peaceful, balanced intent has curiously turned into the folklore that dragons spew flames from their mouths. Some suns are actually dragons, and some suns, like ours, are dragons in training. To become a full-fledged dragon, (sun or cosmic star) one must successfully complete an “initiation.” An important component of initiation is mastery of intuition. Intuition comes from “in-to-(I),” which is ultimately where all answers and true guidance reside. Intuition referred to as the reptilian brain because this is where the purest light is found. “Reptilian” is one term for Light Receptacle or Carrier of Light. Reptilians are our ancestors because, of course, each of us is born of Light, made of Light, and into Light we shall return. After birth of individuality in Light, one of the earliest vehicles/forms was called “Reptilian”—a mixture of form and non-form; part ethereal, part matter. The reptilian vehicle was a quasi-light body form into which many individual essences were born to experience their first incarnation. When Earth was formed by Space and Time, we knew the experimental nature of the project and the game element of design. One Truth well-known to all of us is that no essence can ever be cut off from the Truth (one’s Soul). The Truth of who you are, what you are made of, and from where you originate are Macroversal imprints that can never be erased. It is not possible to separate you from the Truth. Earth's creation was a project intended to test this concept and see if environmental circumstances (the altering of sensory perceptions) could block ability to remember. This was an experiment, or so we thought before learning of the secretive implantation of the Ego-virus into human DNA. Now although this violated all Macroversal principles and injured many participants, we did learn a great lesson: although one can be separated from intuition, the Truth connection is never lost. Intuition will always light our way as true nature in unchangeable. The more we trust ourselves, the more we listen to intuition as truest guiding Light.

Activate the hidden secret of breathwork

Notice Humanity is growing aware of its own innate technology ready to be activated. Advanced breath meditation techniques awaken the ability to regulate body temperatures and pull energy into the physical form. Breath crystalizes spirit into form. When human systems are fully activated, they nourish the body by pulling the ether directly into the crown chakra. This eliminates the need to eat food to survive. This breathanarian ability must be developed. Shifts in body functions require letting go of beliefs and expanding consciousness.

Recall everything is energy. To turn inward awakens core knowing and empowers you to let go of all that blocks optimal functioning. Sun gazing helps you harvest the energy you need from on your own. The Sun provides essential vitamins and nutrients. Technology exists in a reality to show the species what its capable of manifesting. Anything we achieve with technology is also achievable with mind power. The mind is capable of emitting any frequency that technology does. It’s simply a matter of learning to consciously activate the frequency. Some frequencies may move items like huge stones or monoliths. This is a type of magnetic frequency and this is also how antigravity is formed. Recall Earth ia radiating a magnetic frequency. This works in harmony with the magnetite crystals naturally found inside the brain. These magnetite crystals allow our biological warning system to signal bad weather like a hurricane or earthquake. Animals tune into such collective intuition and migrate based on foresight. Manipulated sound and vibration in music, sound, computer and data collection technology keeps the human mind in a low frequency. (i.e. Bluetooth or WiFi). These two are set to low vibration frequencies which may manifest disease into the human form, thus keeping the perception of the individual on physical matter. However all diseases are manifest when a person's energy body is misaligned. Thus, as you raise the body frequency high enough, disease cannot manifest.

At the perfect moment, it dawns you are the conscious driver of your vehicle and choose experiences that manifest. This is done via the emotional body or frequency of the individual. Meditating is one of many ways to raise the body frequency. Light is assimilated through prana. Prana is assimilated through breath. "Pranic-feeding" or the ability to sustain oneself purely via sunlight, is an advanced stage of human evolution. Time- space may also be manifest differently once oner eclaims control of one's biological frequency. When you are happy, time seems to fly. When you are sad it seems to drag. This is a key example of how you start to access control of time-space. Focusing on what brings you joy and nurtures passion will allow for experiences of teleportation or manipulation of time space to manifest into your reality. This insight is key to hack into the programming systems of life itself and allows the user to control the manifestation process on higher levels. Being heart-centred is the most effective way to transcend manipulation. Align the chakras and stay in a happy (high) frequency. As the light body activates, divine radiance reveals what the human mind itself cannot conceive


Let the cosmic flow be your guide

Notice receiving frequent messages from the stars & star systems exhilarates like a refreshing ocean wave that transports you in time and space. Geometry codes emerge inside as if from nowhere to accelerate lightbody activations and guide interdimensional travel. Light transmissions are heartfelt and vibrate silently, loud and clear. Conscious expansion is altering DNA, awakening multi-dimensional experience, and reminding us of what it is to be and feel truly alive. (image credit: National Geographic)